A bad thread about PvP/Reds

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Skydancer, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. Waylan

    Waylan Member

    May 28, 2015
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    Occlo isn't a protection in my opinion. It's training wheels. There is a big difference. You can't go from Occlo to the rest of UO playing the same. Impossible. Try leading a pack horse out in the middle of the day, You won't bring it home. Don't try to compare the two I feel.

    "More risk vs More reward"; Alright, If this balanced out, but I feel there is so much of a gap still for novice players past Occlo who are still running fort/def with a force/ maby a vanq. They've spent their entire life blood on the things. And for some random person to just be like "hehe, sucks to be you today" Is already broken. Now let's assume I was that person. Now I'm going to camp the nearest healers. I will kill you because I'm bored. I'm going to do this all day. Am I malicious yet?
  2. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    And right there is where I stopped reading.... Opinions are a dime a dozen... What you DO matters more...

    I am sorry this world is not what you want it to be, I care... but not so much.

    What are you going to do through your own actions or behavior to make it more to your liking?

    Option A: Bitch and Moan - Grab the torches and pitchforks and demand change
    Option B: Find some balanced well thought out suggestions that takes both sides into account and post them
    Option C: Change your own behavior in game, go out of your way to help others who see your same struggles
    Option D: You tell me...
  3. Killian

    Killian Member
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    Dec 15, 2017
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    Would we have more players if we had less hardo douchebags?

    I haven't been reskilled. I haven't walked into strange gates, been trapped, or any of the other shenanigans. From my perspective its all hearsay, but part of that is codified in the code of conduct. If we're gonna ignore the rules, can I afk mining now?

    Accepting HC or Plat?
    Anarchy and One like this.
  4. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  5. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
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    Jan 20, 2018
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    Both at 1k per, my guy Planet was the real deal so I'm cool chillin like a villain with this in my bank box till someones ready to step up.

    On the reals though, my guy crying he can't walk a pack horse through a non guard zone without some punk getting froggy......

    I just bought a pack horse, called it "ImCarryingPlat" and gated him to Humility Shrine and walked this slow ass, back pack wearing nerd horse to fire temple, did a loop and healed him a few times, Had to stone wall some monsters trying to pull sucka moves on him but managed to do a full loop of the temple before he got taken out at the entrance buy cyril the motherfuckin snake and his homeboy the weasly green worm, my boy Plat almost had the drake though.


    Home boy, discouraging gameplay is against the rules.....your shit is discouraging as a mother fucker because none of the shit your talking about is legit.

    Make a bounce macro to take your sweet ass out of dodge when shit gets rowdy. Thats it, Thats how you survive these red heroes always have journal up and the second you see a Red name - BOUNCE.

    RIP MY BOY "ImCarryingPlat" Telamon can I get a plat statue for my pack horse? He always kept it 100.
    Killian, Hollywood and Jill Stihl like this.
  6. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    Point and Case.

    You want to know why you can't keep players.
    You need only read the replies to my post.
    Take special note of how many are on topic.
    This thread was hijacked and made about the PK's instead of the mechanics.
  7. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Do you want a mechanic that gives you an option not to participate in PvP... that if you don't willingly and knowingly agree to fight, that there is no way they can harm or interrupt you?

    what I read is "I get killed faster than I can react" "My only option is to quit or join them"

    I actually did go back and re-read your original post and the next about "mechanics"

    You bitch about triple boxing and the use of macros, but you NEVER say what changes you want
    One likes this.
  8. Waylan

    Waylan Member

    May 28, 2015
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    I'm not going to put much more in this thread. I had opinions and tried to voice them with possible solutions. Apparently this got de-railed (By I assume me). I'll leave it at that.

    @Lan- I did try to give solution to the problems I thought. If it wasn't clear, that's my fault. I will try to re-clarify in pm's if you would want.

    I'm take some other feller's advice, try to shift my play style. And rely on some very generous friends to keep my motivations facing the right direction.

    Play safe and good times~
    LanDarr likes this.
  9. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    A red player plays the game with barely any sense of repercussions.
    Short term counts decay very quickly and hinder the issue in no way.
    Long term counts pose no real gameplay mechanic. (No red's in town is entirely usurped by Bue's Den.)
    --I would suggest handling short terms in roleplay, if you're out killing players, you run the risk of being brought to justice and serving jail time. Long terms is where I would lay the ban hammer at -- Although, I do not know how long terms work, so I cannot make an educated suggestion at where the ban hammer should lay, but at a destructive number.
    Bounties are very low (Lower than what is lost to the victim's.) Have you seen Lord British's castle, he could definitely afford 10=50k per report to incentivize hunting reds. Perhaps, one day of jail time per kill when brought to justice.

    Or... change the fact that the red player hunts with every advantage on his side.
    He has nothing to lose. He has everything to gain. The blue player loses period.
    I would suggest a delay on being able to make hostile actions after stepping out of a moongate.
    Maybe a staggered delay on multiple targets moving through a moongate at the same time. -- Ex... I want to go through a player made gate with two dragons. When I get to the other side, it takes 2 seconds longer for the first dragon to show, and then another two seconds for the second dragon to show.
    Another possibility would be the destruction/dispellation of a moongate. Dispelling a gate on one side could close the gate on the other side as well, further disrupting travel.

    And yes, the way it currently is. A tamer with 4 mares can gate in and take you out before you can hit a recall macro. This is because there is immediately 5 combatants who are capable of moving into combat range, and all he must do is hit a hotkey to target and initiate 5 attacks.

    So again, it's not the PK's or the aspect of PK's, or dying that I have an issue with. It's that there is no defense. There is no counter for some of what is happening. There is not even a feasible defense, other than being red yourself, as that would thwart the macros. So yes, you read correctly. If you can't beat them. Join them, because it is the easiest way to begin countering them.
  10. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Cool, now we got some idea of what you "want"

    Unfortunately these types of threads get derailed fast as others bring their baggage into the conversation, as well as past history that the OP may not be aware of.. ie a lot has been discussed already.

    @Waylan Sorry if I appeared short an cranky. I will re-read what you have written, but you are right...

    A lot of this has been discussed... hashed.. re-hashed and brought up again, so follow up posters are already moving to the conclusions they came to in previous threads... nothing's gonna get done anyways.... the persons just whining... there are ways around the symptoms you describe...

    We are all just players here expressing our opinion, we have no more power to make ingame mechanic changes than the next guy. Remember that when someone gets on your nerves, all equal footing. Telamon does not listen to any one of us more than another. He does listen to well constructed and thoughtful posts about issues along with some potential solutions. Always bring solutions/suggestions, otherwise its easy for others to just dismiss you as a complainer.

    Every day each of decide whether or not to log in based on many factors... for 5 years the answer has been yes, its worth it... cept for the couple times I took 3-6 months off when it wasn't...
  11. Cromwell

    Cromwell Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    Um.....ok......you see a gate open, you stand there and wait for mares to kill you?
    You see a gate open, run or recall.
    I do not understand why you can't get away and 99% of everyone else can.
  12. Cromwell

    Cromwell Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    I also walk my pack mule all over Brit.
  13. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    This is exactly what I'm fighting against.
    Why, do I have a 0% chance of handling a PK invading my spawn?

    It's not about getting away. It's about being able to engage in what is happening on the server with a fighting chance.
  14. Mayor McCheese

    Mayor McCheese Active Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    This is why the conversation is not working. You say it's mechanics and not just dying. We say you can use mechanics to your advantage or at least get you away in a multi on one fight, be they seperate people or one person multi boxing, but nope, thats not good enough. Now you want to be able to stand up and not lose your money getting hotspot, you, alone, vs one or multiple people who are getting the drop on you... what you are asking for is insane. You aren't asking for mechanics to be balanced,you are asking for them to make it so the solo blue has a bigger advantage then multiple reds...

    Now the conversation that was happening about murder counts, and bounty incentive was constructive and makes some logical sense due to our rules.

    *add, consider a real situation with a murder. Anyone can walk right up to you and attack you. You don't get a chance to react, at least in uo we can see they are red and murder. That is more warning then we should get.
  15. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    Why is a two-second delay before taking offensive actions after exiting a gate so insane? A thief can't hide for a full 10 seconds after stealing from you. And almost all actions in the game have a 2-10 second timer on them. I'm simply saying that coming out of a gate should ATLEAST have a two second timer before you start issueing commands and nuking. Perhaps staggering the gate is a bit far, but, I don't honestly understand why people seem so against looking at the mechanics here.

    1. Red's shouldn't even be able to use gates. I can't even freaking recall when I accidentally snoop my packhorse on the wrong character. I'm assuming recall and gate travel use the same damn technology. Why should a red be able to enter a gate after killing me. Hell, make it easy - maybe moongates should be controlled out of Moonglow. Stick a guard check on them.

    2. Red's shouldn't have access to houses. Not that they shouldn't be able to own one, but they shouldn't be able to kill you and your horse, and then go directly to a location where you can't even open the door, and where they can then immediately ban you from their safe location. This is actually kind of ridiculous. Why would you kill someone and then go directly home after being reported to the guards. Isn't that the first place the guards should look, shouldn't this be the most likely place you will be brought to justice?

    Hell, maybe a player should be able to click the house sign and alert the guards to a red camping his house. If a murderer Guards show up, kill the red, loot his house, house goes immediately up for auction, along with everything in it You're the moron who went home. Thanks for making it easy for us.

    3. Short term kill counts should last at least 24 hours, but with the fact that it is entirely expected of you to be online - afk or otherwise - the short term counts should probably last 48 hours each.

    4. The long term counts should reflect how long you will spend in jail when you are finally brought to justice. Killed 15 people? I will quite enjoy not having to deal with your murderous arse for a half month when you are finally brought to justice.

    5. Bounties should encourage the playerbase to actually be bounty hunting. If reds are camping every notable spawn in the game, then, why isn't it just as lucrative for blue parties, or even bounty hunting reds to be camping these spots for the prize as well?

    Changes like this would encourage players who want the PvP to seek it from players who also want PvP. It would also make the novelty of playing a mass murderer an actual roleplay decision, and direct those who simply want to PvP into the faction system.
  16. Brick

    Brick Member

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Sooo you die a lot in PK hotspots, and want to basically change how entire gameplay mechanics work to make it easier for you?

    I think the quickest way to see what's going on in this thread is just to look at the title. The thread is about you, and only you. This isn't a problem everyone has. It's a you problem.

    Deal with it, it's UO. It's Felucca. You wanna farm high end shit? Learn how to avoid PKs, it's as much a part of UO as PKing itself.

    You can kick, you can scream; but all it does is make you even bigger bait for those that enjoy PKing. You're an ideal candidate, loot and rage all in one.

    Psst, a tip for gates opening on you all the time: Block the gate spots. How many runes do they have there? 2? 3? 12? Probably just 1 or 2. Try some basic solutions instead of standing there and dying, and making posts like this.
  17. Cromwell

    Cromwell Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    Ok is skydancer that person that used to post all the frog pictures?
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  18. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Thank you for clarifying what you want changed. After having read this list, I can say in all honesty, I do not believe UOR is the server for you. I think you would be better suited for a UO server that has the Trammel ruleset. Good luck and I am sorry it did not work out for you here...
    Balian likes this.
  19. Skydancer

    Skydancer Active Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    Meh, I'm not quite that easy to get rid of. If broken aspects of the game and etc are defended here, I'm just as capable of using them as the next guy. People here seem not to like me because I'm pointing out their favourite one and voicing ways to take away their advantage in a fair manner.

    If the general answer is to get as cheesy as the competition and abuse said rules, then I here cheese is best aged and with wine, and I've been sailing the Sea's of Cheese long enough to know the zingers.

    Back to RP, Valhalla rejected... back to dancing.
  20. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Ohh I get it now... you are just a troll... Good Luck Snowflake...

    I am done with thee... Thou art vexed....

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2018
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