A declaration to the people of Yew: a call to arms.

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Aragorn - OCT, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Rex

    Rex Active Member

    Sep 18, 2014
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    Antos, the items were ALL returned the same day I took them, Thursday. I would recommend doing a thorough audit before making baseless claims about me not sticking to my word. If you think I fell into the life of a brigand to make it rich, you are very very wrong.
    As for the Yew accords, you can shove them up your pompous Yew arse. I am a brigand, not a tea sipping bureaucrat. If someone house loots a brigand, we get even, we don't cry to the magistrate.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
    Jaana likes this.
  2. Dresden Wolfe

    Dresden Wolfe Member

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Edited/removed for sensitivity as I didn't see your reason for being away at the end of your post. Sorry to hear about your situation.

    As the others have stated, this has been in the spirit of rp and your items were returned pretty quickly. You may want to secure your items because it's not fair to blame people when they go missing, given you don't have any security.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
  3. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    Antos, it is sad to hear about your family member who is so sick.
    of course real life comes first and under those circumstances nobody can fault you for being away.
    that is a rough scenario and I wish everyone the best.

    as for the charity stuff...
    it was reported to me by more than just Rex, that whatever was taken was promptly returned.
    I never even had a chance to encounter these items in our stock room.
    so I am very surprised to hear you were unable to find them in their rightful place.
    as we too have sympathies for the poor and downtrodden that live within Yew's borders.

    but, as brigands, we take full liberties with being robbers and scoundrels.
    the only time this changes is when I have a chance to set ground rules with the other guilds leader and we make it a formal thing.
    the one banner that I do try and navigate us under is to not make people regret their decision to inhabit these lands.
    we are heavily invested in participating with this community here.
    but we also like the freedom to cause trouble outside of that scene.
    sometimes this means we are cruising the dungeons for blood of the innocent...
    sometimes this means we are in peoples homes without signed consent...
    but it's usually in the desire to be a seen presence/wind people up/participate&interact than to take advantage or bring someone down.
    we have had opportunities to really ruin somebody's day/week but have passed them up because it simply isn't what we are about.
    there are groups that are all to happy to full liberate possessions from an un-established persons home and torture them...
    but that is NOT us.
    Antos, Aragorn - OCT, eherruh and 3 others like this.
  4. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Sorry to hear about the terminal illness in your family Antos, do what you gotta do to take care of yourself and family above all. Hope all turns out well

    I've got a char or two in the brigand guild and it's a lot of fun, but we are very mindful to keep it RP and lighthearted. We could have looted at least 2 houses clean, one of which was randomly unlocked that I literally stumbled into on the way to somewhere else, and someone who we got in one of our dungeons that had left a key and house rune on their body. We left a funny in character letter in their house to warn them of being more careful next time. We might take a fancy weapon that we'll use, or some supplies, but we never dry loot and we always leave them a way home even if we have to give them a recall scroll. Bayara is very vigilant about keeping the brigand guild a legit RP guild and we're not tolerant of people who might just want to join just to kill people or attempt to grief. A few days ago we invaded the Urk encampment outside of Compassion and fought 3 of them, and it was a lot of fun. We then fought them in our own fort all the while rezzing each other when we died to keep the battle going haha.

    So it's all in good fun, and we were hoping perhaps the guild wars and back and forth banter would help lure some more RP minded people to your guild and the shard in general. :)
  5. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I am sorry the charity event didn't get off the ground, but honestly there is nothing here that happened that cannot be turned into a great story: "Brigands steal items meant for the poor and destitute of the land! Yew rallies soldiers and volunteers to serve the call of Justice!" How do you think the whole battles for the 8 shrines thing kicked off? Baerron Jael killed Jupiter and friends a bunch of a times and raided their areas (even stealing some items from the usually locked back room at Paws tower). Jupiter in turn spread candles all through Deceit in an act of defiance/retribution. Baerron, in response, desecrated the Shrines. The GMs got involved at this point and turned the whole thing into a much larger quest line spanning several months.

    We are part of the RP community - we really should avoid ooc in-fighting for such things, for this is all about creating stories and even these sorts of actions that might appear heinous can provide great plot points. The pixels are meaningless. The stories are everything.

    That all said, Antos, if you and Jaana feel like rescheduling a charity drive at some point, I have literally thousands of pieces of armor and weapons kicking around that I can donate.
    Jaana, Antos, jihad joe and 8 others like this.
  6. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    ::grins and nods in the direction of Alex::

    I make a motion to return focus to the plot at hand!
    anything else can be left to the pigeons...
    Jaana, Antos, Cero and 1 other person like this.
  7. Aragorn - OCT

    Aragorn - OCT Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2016
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    Yet another reason to heed the call to arms! The patrols must increase! Our homes are not safe, and neither is your purse.

    Retribution will be swift.

    [It all sounds like a good old fashion misunderstanding. It could be that another passerby happened upon the returned loot? Regardless, I've got bags of force weapons and hardening armour to donate as well. Nothing great, but it might help a person just getting started here. I'm encouraged by the determination towards RP despite these setbacks.

    Take care of RL Antos, we'll patrol the woods of Yew until you make it back.]
    Jaana, Antos, Cero and 3 others like this.
  8. jihad joe

    jihad joe Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 26, 2016
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    Things out of this world deserve the utmost attention. We have had a fair battle in the past and I look forward to more. There are things you will find that are unsettling about the life of us brigands. That is why you have your path and we have ours. We will remain diligent in our duty to make the citizens of Yew lock their doors at night and hold their purse close as they walk down the path that connects our home to yours. Until your guild has the gumption to heed the call to arms, we will give the citizens of Yew and any passersby, a devout exigency for the protection that your guild stands to offer. I make a formal challenge to any citizen of Britannia that is willing to assist and join the citizens of Yew in Antos' stead, and at his side when time allows, to pick up your arms and give us victory or death.

    Till Valhalla,
  9. Antos

    Antos Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2016
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    In the defense and pursuit of the virtue of Justice, we will continue to resist the actions of the Brigand Encampment, but we cannot condone summary judgement in each case. This would subvert the due process of of law and violate some of our longest standing traditions. As we read in the tale of Jaana and the Goblin, all prisoners are due a fair hearing and, in the event that a Brigand is taken into custody, a fair trial will be held at the Court of Justice. However, as no Brigand has ever been taken prisoner, this has yet to occur.

    Citizens of Yew are entitled to defend themselves as we also read in the tale of Jaana and the Goblin. But if a foe surrenders, no further violence is to be committed against them.

    Remember, the Virtue of Justice is represented by a set of scales for a very good reason. Justice taken to an undue extreme might eventually make prisoners of us all. The scales remind us that the true exercise of our virtue is ever to be rooted in balance, and to this end, I propose the following amendments to the earlier protocols:

    - As stated previously, citizens are encouraged to act in self-defense and are to use words before actions when confronted by a brigand, orc or other worthy (RP) foe.

    - If victorious in combat, take only their gold and jewels as a fine for their crimes and then revive them if possible. You may also reclaim items stolen from you, but no others.

    - Citizens may still take heads as trophies or for claiming a minor bounty. Capturing a brigand alive will meet with greater reward.

    - In the event of defeat at the hands of a worthy foe, we will no longer report them to the Britannian authorities as murderers.
    To do so would greatly reduce the possibility of their chance at a fair hearing in the event of their capture at a later date and reduce the likelihood of their eventual reform, however remote it might seem. To rob them of the opportunity to amend their ways would be a gross miscarriage of Justice and a betrayal of our most cherished ideals.

    I encourage all citizens of Yew to deal with worthy foes in this same manner, be they human or orc. However, murderers who strike without warning and rob indiscriminately (PKs) are still to be reported as murderers for they are unworthy of our Compassion. They are beyond all hope of redemption or reform and our protocols do not apply to these evildoers. Summary judgement of death against such killers is Just and acceptable - as is taking any of their possessions.

    A detailed delineation of our protocols will be posted on the announcement board in Yew [Yew] next week.
    Jupiter, Jaana, Alex Caember and 7 others like this.

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