I think that his statement was that if you have a sliding scale from carebear to open and completely unrestricted pvp, statloss is a tick or two in the direction of being carebear away from open and completely unrestricted pvp. I can see the argument that enduring statloss every time you die is hardcore, but so is slamming your dick in the toilet seat when you die. Anyway, statloss is a thing here as people have noted. You can sort of get around it by being wealthy enough to retrain quickly or by rotating characters well (there is a three account limit here) but you'll definitely have to deal with it eventually.
For the life of me I cannot find the websites I used to find the release date of Trammel/Siege or whatever. I went a lot from memory as well...obviously my old Orcish brain has trouble remembering things...
Hardcore is where you get screwed when you die, like in Diablo, so he wants the opposite of that, a carebear pk set up. It is easy to become a red, so I don't see what is so damn bad ass about it. Do you want pvp, as in fighter vs fighter or fighter vs miner/bard? Most fights you won't ever get counts in true pvp, but if you want to kill miners freely without any risk, who is the real bad ass? The miner is!! He is out there risking his shit, you aren't red, yer yellah!