All-time Greatest Ultima Online Scams!

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Evil Dead, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. Nikolaj

    Nikolaj New Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Many good and fantastic stories so I am unsure if I am able to compete. Me and my friend went ever so often to Deceit. At a point of time I made it to GM thief hiding/stealth/etc. I stole good magic stuff quickly from people, and rigth away I put it into one of the many bags in deceit where my partner also was, as I instructed him like 4th bag at this/that tile.

    I believe it was something like 1 minute general grey and 5 minutes grey to victim. So if I wasn't dead I went into hiding for just more than a minute and went back down. The guy from whom I had stolen often attacked me, and he was shouting GREY GREY. What he often didn't realize was it was only to him. I had trained some skill that disarmed attackers, so while he was attacking me, I made a specific macro on his weapon (often silver and often quite good), then waited for me to disarm him, and my only focus was his bag, when I saw the weapon in the bag, BANG, run maco and deliver weapon to my partner in crime. My partner was also standing healing me with bandages, and it often took a while for the victim to realize that too.....

    I found 1 person I sepcificly enjoyed stealing from - I don't remember him. But I think he remembers me. Every time I came down in Deceit he was like: "THIEF THIEF" :)

    All just fun memories.............!
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  2. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    The Fetch command in conjunction with flying pets.
  3. Ermey

    Ermey Active Member

    May 23, 2016
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    Who were you on Baja and when did you play?

    I played from 97-01ish. Ran with LoD
  4. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    During that time and several years after it. I watched LoD and CoJ duke it out in the bottom floor of deceit regularly. I was in Talon D'Bane/Luigi's O/C guild during that time, I believe he flipped our side regularly so that we weren't fighting LoD's O/C guild. Napo and I lost to an LoD team in the semi finals of the Tournament of Champions (Dirty and Lewis.) Napo was M&D's main sigil thief for most of factions and we fought LoD's faction team in the 01 range quite a bit. They were Minax as I recall. And a later guildmate of ours, Mini Maj was an LoD member from that era after LoD was banned and unbanned. I fought against their pk guild (PKC Player Killer's Council) pretty regularly, and I remember pulling a verite Double Axe off Gord's axer after luring him out of a dungeon and surprising him with a stun and a exp I had dropped while he wasn't looking. So I saw plenty of LoD while they were around. They disappeared completely at AoS's launch though.

    oh and who was I - I don't remember my character names preUOR other than a character named Zalbag I had. Later I was known as Mesdoram Elmdor and my most well known character was a red named Usagi post AoS. Anyone that was a part of Spawners Inc in those years would probably recognize it. I called the shots for big battles in our pk guild (Team Cartel) in those years.
    Ermey likes this.
  5. Ermey

    Ermey Active Member

    May 23, 2016
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    That's awesome my man.
    Oh yeah I remember all of them. Dirty Love is still around somewhat. They all still game. Atleast "LoD" does. It's alot of new people.
    I know Obs and Roby are still around. I believe Balinor is gone.
    Yeah, we were Minax and alittle TB. M&D were SL.
    I wonder whatever happened to their GM.. Marlboro Man (I think) or something like that.

    I mainly ran with Hank and Roger.
    Mes likes this.
  6. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    M&D's GM was named Archangel (actually Doc Holiday pre factions). Someone claiming to be him played here on UOR during 2014. Idk if it was really him though honestly.

    Nice to hear from someone from those days. Hope you enjoy your time here.
  7. Ermey

    Ermey Active Member

    May 23, 2016
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    You're exactly right! We hated his ass.

    So you were around for the LoTD days with Hades also??
  8. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    Oh man, little brother used to play Europa with me and once hit me up because someone was selling a log cabin on ice and asked for half a million for it.

    I handed it to him in game and 5 minutes later I heard him screaming NOOOOOOOOOO from his room I went in and the dude had asked him to put the cheque in a bag and then stole the cheque out of the bag.

    Cheques were only blessed if they were in your main bag.

    He then banned my brother from the log cabin, logged out, logged back in on his red and ate him for breakfast.

    My brother was super upset, he must of been 13 at the time. I spent a week lurking the dude killing, res killing, horse and pack horse killing, blocked recall and gate spots with crates and trapped crates. Any one that went in or out the house got beheaded. I didn't feel vindication was obtained till I changed their black dye tub to pink.

    So - making players put blessed items in bags - then robbing the bags - good scam.

    Just not when it's ran on my little brother hah!
    Hadrian, FUPA and PaddyOBrien like this.
  9. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Hahaha that's awesome you got your revenge on him! How did you change their black dye tub to pink? Was it those early bugged tubs where they were able to change them to black?
  10. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    It must of been dude, when I first started there was a real griefer phase of people changing black dye tubs that were locked down in public houses.

    Someone did it to the guildhouse I was in at the time too, I remember getting an ICQ message about a mandatory meeting to find the culprit and then getting kicked out the guild for not turning up.

    If a 15 year old is offered the opportunity of taking a girl to the cinema knowing that there's a 80% possibility of touching a boob - or attending a mandatory guild meeting in the online role playing guild they're part of to find out who ruined a black dye tub - GUESS which one they're going to pick?

    You're damn right it was the boob.
    StarHunter and FUPA like this.
  11. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    bahahah I hope you told them that too :D
    StarHunter likes this.
  12. Felucca

    Felucca Active Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    Flagging crim in Fel but then getting through a moongate to Tram while poisoned and screaming, "CURE, OH GOD PLZ CURE!"

    And then calling guards when they cure you and drylooting them :D

    I forget what the exploit was to get through the gate while grey, but ya

    That was pretty bannable I think and really horrible but how sweet was it to murder Trammies when they thought they were safe :D
  13. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    I did that a bit by tossing explosion pot at an innocent then going into the gate before it went off.
  14. Remington

    Remington Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2017
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    One that burned a lot of people back in the day was someone putting something desirable on a vendor, advertising it for a great price, then hiding next to the vendor, someone comes in says vendor buy, and the guy promptly changes the price to some ridiculous number. This was pre "Are you sure you wish to purchase this for x amount" menu. And what caused that menu to be created in the first place.

    The only time I ever personally pulled one over on someone on OSI was the following: I was a seller of rare and expensive things. My name was well known for this, and I made my gold by spending my days at britain bank watching for people selling things for what I knew to be a low market price, I would then buy them up, and sell them for the right market price. I made millions doing this. One day I saw someone selling that illegal purple faction stuff, he had no clue what it was. So I saw opportunity, I pulled him aside, away from the bank, told him how the items were illegal and that i'd give him a small amount of gold and take them off his hands. He turned out to be a shrewd negotiator and I paid more then I wanted, but I still got them very cheap. Then I went back to the bank, and advertised them for sale as very rare and valuable and advertised that I was giving them away basically they were worth so much more! It didnt take very long at all for someone to be like wow those are amazing (I believe it was 2 pieces of armor and a purple spear). I sold them to the gentleman at a very high price, telling him he could resell, that they were worth much more. Then, he started walking around the bank, trying to sell them at the higher price. I quickly recalled out, and switched to another character and came back to watch him attempt to move the wares. It only took a few minutes of watching until someone pulled him aside and told him those items were illegal and bannable. He then flew into a rage, and ran back to the bank and started looking for me, asking around if anyone know who I was, all the while I was laughing my ass off. I dont know if the gentleman kept them, but if he did, in the end the joke was on me. Those items were eventually made legal and worth a fortune if he had managed to hold onto them for that long. Now, the time that we were exploiting the ballot box deed ingot making bug using brand new players from haven as slave labor and accidentally made a single ingot that was titled "1,237,000 ingot" and weighed as much as 1,237,000 ingots, is another story!
  15. Infantry

    Infantry Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2012
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    Back on Great Lakes I would hide by the forge at the Britain Mountain Pass and smelt peoples ore. They would over mine and carry the ore up a few blocks at a time. I also would "repair" peoples armor and weapons. They would hand me their gear and I would Kal Ort Por. Back then having a GM Smith was a lot more difficult because you could not smelt the weapons and armor back into ingots and you would gain like .1 per week, lol.
  16. Cheapsuit

    Cheapsuit Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 12, 2013
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    I REALLY wish I could share the one I invented when I first started playing UO, but it is still doable here and I don't want it to become a thing. And to top it off, It is perfectly within game mechanics. Just something that the human eye rarely catches.
  17. Khar'Mash

    Khar'Mash Member

    Aug 22, 2017
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    The first time I paid 5k for a full spellbook it turned out to be empty. I sold it to someone else for 5k claiming it was full. Then they started adding the number of spells in the book to the description when clicking it.

    The one scam I used most was the trade window scam. I would advertise 1.000 ingots for standard price, put them in a trade window, guess when they clicked it to see there was 1.000 and then pull 998 out of the window before he clicked accept. Savvy players learned to simply never click accept before the other, but ultimately the reason you can't remove things from a trade window is because of this scam.

    I was more into bug exploits though.

    *killing people with magic arrow because its damage calculation was fucked
    *equipping a weapon with an accuracy bonus that took you above 100 skill would make the first skill gain take you instantly to GM archery or warrior
    *casting reactive armor on blade spirits so dragons would instantly kill themselves when breathing fire on them in melee range
    *gating on the steps of a house with blocked tiles around you would crash you and when you logged back in you'd be inside their house (before securing and locking down was a thing)
    *casting incognito on Great Lords toting order/chaos shields would cause their shield to explode, killing them instantly
    *wearing clothes would for some reason block magic damage
    *dumping your stuff on the ground and then crashing yourself until server reset and reloaded your char from a previous save (before you dumped your shit) was a good way to buy 2 castles on siege perilous after 2 weeks and causing the entire server to be reverted (also a good way to make money on ebay, I might add)
    *using rare bones with mass (I.E they'd lift you/you could stand on them) to go higher and higher from tile a to tile b until you were high enough to place it on a counter in someones house, walk over it and have at the containers that were otherwise blocked off

    Every time there was a new patch, it was the accompanying bugs and exploits that were really worth looking forward to. This game would probably have sucked without them.
    Majinko and Hadrian like this.
  18. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    This was not so much a scam. Found out with the ant quest when they had bracelets of summoning you could endlessly connect them and summon a bunch of people to you who wore them. Myself and some guildmates farmed up a ton of them. I was in a large guild. We connected around 50 people to them and hid the summoner at spawn alters and attacked enemy guilds summoning a lot of people at once to take over. Did it a few times and some of us were jailed and explained how we made people magically appear and the function was turned off.
    The Crooked Warden and Zaphian like this.
  19. Hadrian

    Hadrian Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 24, 2017
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    This one was a real stinker. Working as intended!
    *east brit bank the culprit mostly.

    Real trades were dropped on the ground 10 paces away for that trick was known.
    (which is also where you'd have your friend hidden in spot before the 'drop' trade) *stealth didn't exist

    aka: the double-down; hehehe!
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2017
  20. Hadrian

    Hadrian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2017
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