Blessed Rune

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Wodan, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I'm telling you right now: this crap isn't getting implemented. Yes, there are runebook bless deeds available, for 250 platinum, which holds a value of 1.25 mil. We don't want garbage like this that caters to your every little need. It's ridiculous man. You also want item insurance for all your belongings because you can't manage to stay alive fighting harpies? I mean, dear lord son, if you can't manage your way around the game without a blessed rune I honestly could care less if you played here. This is by far the most ridiculous thread I've seen to date. The fact that you're so adamently arguing this issue is an insult to everyone of us who have built up everything we have from scratch. I've been here since beta back when there was NOTHING. No player vendors, no runebooks, no scrolls, nothing but a handful of people. And yet, we managed to build up perfectly fine without complaint. Now you show up with a much larger player base that is well established and many available resources that we didn't have, and you want blessed f**king runes because its an inconvenience for you? Gtfo
  2. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    You have to be joking. Really, you must be. Are you really trying to argue that leaving your characters logged in the game 24/7 without having to touch the keyboard is somehow considered "taking the game serious and suffering long enough?" That honestly pisses me off to my core. It requires absolutely NOTHING to leave your 3 accounts logged in to receive 30 plat a month and you think that's what it takes to receive compensation for all your 'hard work?' Do me a favor. Slam your face into the desk several times and see if you gained any common sense whatsoever. You absolutely must be one of those jokers that does nothing for a living, receives 80k a month in govt assistance, and yet has the audacity to demand more from the hard working tax payer. This is a joke.
  3. Bankshot

    Bankshot Member

    Jun 27, 2013
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    Calm down there tiger. You, I, and most everyone else knows that this idea is not going to be implemented.

    It's just an idea post from a newer player. No need to be a gigantic prick over it.
  4. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I'm sorry, but new player or not, anyone who tries to come here and legitimately make the argument that somehow by simply being required to leave your 3 accounts online 24/7 while not actually having to do anything is compensated by being rewarded with a blessed item that is already easy enough to come by, is going to be on the receiving end of me being a prick. What makes it worse, is the fact that he relates having to leave accounts online to "hard work" and some form of personal suffrage that is deserving of a reward. It's downright stupid and I'm going to blast away at crap like that all day long.
  5. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    suffrage != suffering

    NOTE: this post may be the most useful thing gained from this thread. You're welcome.
  6. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Auto correct ftl. Was referring to his statement that it caused "suffering" to stay logged in for welfare platinum.
  7. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    I don't understand what the big deal is either way. It's just a rune... and then... it's just a rune. Whether you lose it or it stays in your pack who is it really effecting? If someone wants to waste platinum to bless one rune, so be it IMO. You can already bless one rune book which let's you carry 18 blessed runes. The bless deed has no veteran player requirement and you can swap the book out between alts as well as swap runes within the book whenever you want. At 250 Plat that would take about 8 months of "welfare" rewards. It takes much less time just playing the game and attending events.

    So if someone blesses 16 runes in 8 months of losing runes or blesses 1 rune after 1 month of losing runes, who cares?

    IMO if you already have runebook bless deeds, allow rune bless at the cost of 1/16th of the runebook cost. I would see it as a waste at 50 plat or 16 plat.

    I can see a CY rune being blessed as kinda the big deal here, other than that I don't see it.
  8. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    I recently purchased a runebook bless. It's pretty tram-tastic. I have no fear. Any character can pass it back and forth and I will never (hopefully) compromise my courtyard. The amount of anxiety it relieves is certainly trammelish.

    I feel the need to pass it to my theives/pks just to absolve myself from its trammy uses.

    My only arguement against a blessed rune is that it thusly becomes a cheap out for courtyard runes. If you want to bless your CY, it should cost you 1.25+ mil or not be possible at all. It CHANGES the way you play the game. DRASTICALLY.

    If we opened up blessed runes, I would SNAP want a refund for my book and bless 16 courtyard runes so that I could have one on all relevant characters.

    The only way I could approve of anything mentioned above is if every noobie character started with a rune to WBB and it couldn't be remarked.
    One likes this.
  9. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    This is it. That's the solution. Perfect IMO. Platinum option to purchase a blessed & unmarkable rune that places you at a random bank in Britannia. Kinda like the help stuck except no delay and of course you'll need regs/scrolls/etc.

    This would keep the value of the runebook bless and allow those that want to (still IMO) waste plat, do so.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    How does that make any sense? The events that people desired blessed runes/books for are for after death. You won't have any reagents, you won't have any scrolls and mostly likely, you're screwed and in the middle of no where.
    We already have the easily and often abused Help/Stuck automation, why make it any easier to get yourself recovered?

    I don't know about you guys but I spent a lot of time on foot when I used to play UO many moons ago. I don't remember whining about needing to go find a wandering healer, or replacing runes. Hell, I barely even recalled in my heyday. I mean seriously, can we just make the Help/Stuck option place you in your home and recover any and all loot you might have lost if you just died? Hey, maybe some options on Help/Stuck like the ability to select which resources you want replaced by the system to accommodate the fact that you just failed.

    Get the hell over it already. If you can't fail or failure never has an impact, you are no longer playing Ultima, in my opinion.

    I'm with Mandevu on this one.
  11. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    I have a blessed runebook with a grand total of 1 rune in it, and I agree 1,000% with what is quoted above.

    As someone said earlier, this discussion should not even be had.
  12. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    I don't understand the purpose of having a blessed courtyard rune. I have a courtyard rune on each of my characters that cannot be looted or stolen. It's in their bank box. Costs me an extra, I dunno, 11gp, to Recall to my bank and then my courtyard, versus just my courtyard, but sure seems cheaper than waiting 8 months or a couple hundred platinum.
  13. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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  15. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2012
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    Large towers are the best anyway
  16. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Nah.. I like the layout of the interior but I will never own one because I can't get passed the butt-ugly exterior. Large Keeps are beautiful in and out!
  17. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    It's mostly the convinience of not having an item limited bank box. It is a small difference, but it makes life so much easier.

    I personally use it for my miner, and it is invaluable!
  18. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    WTB a blessed recall scroll...
  19. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    I don't think I'll ever actually bless a runebook, in my mind they are the most trammel aspect of this shard. Even with the immense price tag it's something I'm vehemently against, it essentially nullifies two huge aspects of UO: Getting robbed, and the walk of shame after dying. I know a lot of people would prefer to completely avoid these two aspects of UO, however it is that mindset that gave birth to trammel in the first place.

    Ideally I'd love to see all runebooks unblessed and platinum refunds given, however as this is not likely I can only voice my opinion against the idea of blessed runes
  20. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Deacon, I definitely understand what you are saying. As an owner of a blessed runebook... it's pretty amazing. I don't want to go in to my uses here, lest you creeps be outside my house looking in :D

    That said, if it went away.. I don't think I would be that sad. I managed fine with out it. Locking a cy rune away in the bank box on each character just ads 12g to a trip home. Not the biggest of deals. I mean.. check out this Razor Logic:

    Macro: Bard Escape bound to escape key
    Cast: Recall
    Absolute Target: Moonglow Roof
    Wait 2s
    Say: Bank
    Cast: Recall
    Absolute Target: CY Rune

    Razor breaks this game in half as is. You could even make the argument that a blessed runebook actually causes me to play the game more, because I would almost rather have the logic above on every dungeoneering character., anyway. (PS I play bards, eff gating dragons around)

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