Blessing Runic Weapons for non-Faction Characters

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Blaise, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    @Dalavar, I'm almost positive that your war hammer two shot me in CTF the other night.

    However, it's rare and I could have healed through it, I just was gambling against it happening.

    I kinda know what I'm doing on my dexxer and most mages I fight aren't a pushover. So let's not go overboard with the "Dexxers have all sorts of methods to jack up casters/stun mages"
  2. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
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    May 9, 2014
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    Aren't some of these weapon fast enough to also prevent casters from casting alltogether? Apparently any other input i'll enter will be flamed since i'm not a number-yielding expert. I'm a useless noob compared to most here.
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Those weapons don't exist on this shard. You can pretty much gheal through a katana swing cycle here.
  4. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Cynic, I don't recall that. Was the only time I ever used a war hammer in CTF, and I left that match pretty discouraged about ever using 2H weapons again. But with the war hammer and consecutive hits for Crushing Blows, it seems possible. Still, it requires two hits (25% chance) and both being consecutive crushing blows (6% chance), and both hits being in about the top quartile of damage (another 6% chance or so).

    I have definitely one-shot people from 44% or 48%, so I suspect 2-shotting is possible even if it hasn't happened already. But the way it gets talked about, you'd think it was an everyday occurrence. The only way it can actually happen is if I win two coin flips in a row to actually hit someone, plus have two extremely lucky damage rolls, AND if someone was just standing still casting an Ebolt or Explosion instead of a Heal, and not using a yellow potion.

    Valrick, you can disrupt 4th circle spells with a handful of weapons (I'd guess anything with speed 48 and higher), but to do this you still need to win a coin flip every swing to actually hit them. And the damage is less than impressive when using these weapons against barbed leather armor, or even worse against magical armor of fortification or invulnerability.

    No matter what weapon you use, you cannot disrupt a level 1 Heal. If I'm in trouble on a mage, I'll sometimes just stand still and chain Heal spells, never getting disrupted, and chugging a Yellow potion when I can. If your enemy misses a swing during this, you'll outheal what they're dishing out.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Precisely....but hey, runics are OP.

    *snores himself to death*
  6. CaptainMorgan

    CaptainMorgan Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2014
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    This would make me SO happy
    Cero, Jack of Shadows and Kane like this.
  7. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    I'm not mes or lib.
    I do think it smacks a bit of item insurance, I tend to be in favor of more risk rather than less risk.

    To be honest, if someone did join SL just to get blessed weapons and PK newbies with them, we'd probably shut them down. Either by letting another faction have the sigs or by joining another faction.
    I know we have a reputation as the meanest PKs on the server for some reason, but we generally take issue with people bullying new players.

    Remember that thing where you take something I said and make it ridiculous? You're doing that again.
    I implied earlier in the thread that I'd be fine with the removal of faction blessed weapons, and I saw other SL members explicitly stating that. It doesn't bother me one way or the other.
    I actually don't run with blessed runics that often, sometimes I even run with GM weapons when I think things are high risk. I'm really not much of an elitist when it comes to loadouts, I can perform fine with whatever.

    Though, as an aside, I wouldn't be opposed to the removal of factions either. I think too many players see the titles and the red horses and want to join even though they're not really looking for good fights. Factions doesn't really work on this server because we don't have enough true blue pvpers. I think most of the people who consider themselves pvpers here are just posers. It might be better for factions to be gone so that pvp can occur naturally.

    I actually take issue with the concept of gold sinks in general.
    People act like gold sinks are a great thing for the economy, and that might be true, but in doing this they ignore the nature of what a gold sink is. A gold sink is basically a privilege that's available to only the ultra-rich. Gold sinks are often nice things that cost exorbitant amounts of money.
    We saw another player already say "sign me up for a year" - people obviously have the money for this. Giving rich players blessed runics while the peons have to roll in the muck is something I'm fundamentally opposed to.

    The only "gold sinks" you will ever see me in favor of are those that are purely cosmetic.

    Does that offset the fact that people are going to be killing new players in two hits with their blessed verite and valorite axes? I don't really think so.
    A better way to help new players out is a weapon crunch that buffs low level weapons, like I've suggested about a dozen times now.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yes, I understand I lumped you in with your cohorts in my implications that they were being exactly the same as you were saying I was. Sorry I didn't single out your astute response that was well worded but still heavy on the "zomg you're bart's friend and therefore terrible" overtones.

    For what it's worth, you couldn't shut anyone down for anything. You could try but everyone can Recall just as fast as you can and you can't do anything about who follows you to whatever faction is dominating presently. It's really a moot point that you think you can control any of that in any way. One could easily have a character in 3/4 of the factions and not have to worry about waiting a whole week to bring the others on board. I'm sure you guys would love swapping factions regularly to thwart that one person or couple of persons crafting zomg runics.
    Other SL members would also be happy without blessed runics because they're not crafting them, they're only buying or selling them. lol

    I understand wanting gold sinks to be cosmetic only and that's fine. I don't need anyone to agree with me and I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I'm just sharing thoughts on why I feel it would be healthy for the community. No one is signing up for a year of anything considering no one on the shard could even remotely afford a 1m swing on a val hammer, + 250k every three weeks, for a year. The entire suggestion included all levels so even some newbs could bless up a shadow weapon for cheap and go slay mobs without losing it for a few weeks or even be a newbie PK themselves with it. No bigs, it's just a weapon and three weeks out it drops when they do.

    No one in the history of the shard is two shotting anyone faster than a mage PK is dumping them with a single combo. I'm not sure where you're playing. You claim to play dexxers and yet, have the audacity to act like anyone's getting two high damage hits in a row on anyone wearing the de facto standard barbed leather suit or greater.

    Please wake up and smell the coffee. It's burning and the rest of the kitchen caught fire while you were on your soapbox full of reagents and leather suits.

    Tell me again about not needing more gold sinks?
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
  9. ebola

    ebola Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    blaise u noodle
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    *pretends he's still in SL*
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  11. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Once again you're taking something I said and making it ridiculous.
    You and Bart are friends and really quite similar when I think about it, and as ridiculously rich players who are heavily into bods and runics you both stand to profit the most from this implementation of blessed runics. There's nothing wrong with the implication that a person has bias.

    That sounds like an interesting challenge, feel free to try it. I believe that we would be able to shut down such an endeavor.

    So last post you accused me of wanting to shoot down this idea because I wanted to keep the advantage that comes with blessed runic weapons, and now you're saying that SL doesn't care about blessed ruincs because we aren't bod barons?
    These two stances seem contradictory.

    The rules that govern economics generally suggest that as you guys turn over bods as fast as you can, the prices on valorite weapons will come down.
    Agapite and gold weapons are actually pretty affordable now, at least as far as a rich player is concerned.

    More importantly, 1m + 250k every three weeks isn't actually that bad. There are approximately 52 weeks in a year, which means you could keep a runic blessed weapon at your side for a full year for the low low price of 21 mil, which I believe some players do have. And that's assuming that runic prices stay the same, they most certainly will not.

    I play tank mages.
    I also challenge and mage on the server to come try and two shot me. Suggesting that something like that can happen is just ridiculous.
    I actually play tank mages because magery alone is not enough to kill people quickly. Stun/scribe mages are much too defensive for me, I like having the option of pulling out a weapon for the extra damage.
    Jack of Shadows likes this.
  12. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Fast weapons like katanas and krysses can do this in theory but if you miss they will heal. Also minor heal can't be interrupted so there's that.
    There is a little trick that any template can pull off that heavily disrupts a mage's ability to heal, but I'll leave you to find it for yourself.
  13. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    So you're a newb now? That's who you were implying would get two shotted, so thanks for clearing that up.

    Bart is likely way more active on BoDs than I am. I've banged out a handful of sets since I got the valorite hammer but all have been for decorative items that I gave to Les for the most part (braziers, etc). I don't even really flip any more and haven't in a long time. I think I busted out thirty or so random bods to flip a few months ago. Regardless, I'd be happy to give away my collection of DC and Shadow hammers to new players hoping to bless a handful of weapons for their crew. It's pretty ridiculous that you even think I care about gold at this point.

    Bart and I are similar in that we have similar interests. We like UO, we like CTFs, we like high fives and drunken karaoke, but technically speaking he does WAY more BoDs than I do and PvPs probably 100x more than I do. I only started BoDs for the val hammer and some deco shit along the way. I got what I was after and will probably chip away at the other bods for the rest of time. Bart is much more wealthy from item drops in events than he will ever be from his BoD work. He didn't even sneak silver weapons into the event to get them.

    The people who will profit the most from this would be Dalavar, CaptainMorgan, likely Bartimus and actually MANY other players who just don't see any decent return for their investment into runic hammer BoDs until they get into factions or faction activity drives up prices of runics. I certainly could but I just don't give a damn to. The intention of the idea was to put the reward in every smith's hands, not just those tied to a floundering faction system.

    I'm not sure what you think you're capable of in regards to shutting down anyone's ability to faction-hop and get the blessings they want. Hell, we pulled towns on TB. It doesn't take PvP it just takes timing and the luck of the draw with SL's apathy about it, presently. You thinking it's going to be a challenge to circumvent your intention to cockblock the system is laughable. I suppose I could try to prove you wrong but I've already gotten the blessing I wanted when I felt like it. It just doesn't really matter to me.

    I don't recall accusing you of shooting it down because you want to keep the advantage. You have none other than your numbers. You have no crafter presently pulling high end runics, yet. If they are, you're not using them so kudos or whatever. The sad fact is that the one time any SL got a blessed top tier runic, they watched the blessing wear off with no one to fight them. At least with the proposed idea, you'd potentially see a fight come of it. So of course you're not going to waste your time or energy trying to get them just to let them collect dust. That, coupled with the fact that you and TT are some of the fat cats you claim everyone else to be makes your responses pretty silly. How many ethereals do you have in your fortress next to your platinum pile?


    Less importantly, no one is going to spend 21m gold a year on runic weapons because not only would they not have the gold, they wouldn't have a vendor capable of providing that many charges for many years to come.

    Many many dozens of moderate players would drop a few thousand gold to bless a decent force or power weapon for a few weeks. Which might actually encourage them to field more if they only had a leather suit and reagents to %90 of the PvPers presently fielding.
  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    It's called running RA and forcing them to wrestle you instead of finishing the one method that comes to mind. But hey, keep it secret to ensure field PvP stays down for you ok?

    Also, I had a passing thought while I was afk doing some work.

    I'll be happy to see all runics purged from the shard, as soon as you can't meditate through armor.
    Dalavar likes this.
  15. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    If you want to help new players, perhaps "leaving it to them"to find out all the little secrets you've gathered over your time playing here is not the best approach.
  16. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Another criticism I have of this is that it doesn't even function as a gold sink.
    The number I was given for the valorite weapon to show that it's prohibitively expensive (1.25 mil) isn't actually the amount of gold that would exit the economy. That number is 250k, while the mil would go to the owner of the runic hammer. It's not really a gold sink when it redistributes four times the amount of gold that it removes from the economy. 250k is a paltry sum that a tamer could make in a day.
    The low end weapons he has listed are all between 1000-5000 to bless, which are sums so low that I can't even be bothered to pick gold stacks like that up when I come across them laying around. The vast majority of the cost for any of these blessed runics would be the money paid to the owner of the runic hammer, not the amount of money paid to the server for the actual blessing.

    The bod barons would make a fortune from this while still looking like good guys by handing out a few shadow hammers to newbies and calling it a win for everyone.

    Or, you know, GM weapons could be buffed so that new players (or any players for that matter) aren't dependent on runics to actually do decent damage. I see the fact that you need a force+ weapon to be able to do a respectable amount of damage as a problem in itself. Maybe we could just fix that instead of implementing systems that make the rich players even richer.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
    Jack of Shadows likes this.
  17. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    I would agree the prices proposed are nowhere near expensive enough. Realistically people would probably not go for the valorite, instead opting for the ridiculously cheap yet nearly as effective agapite. Agapite runic + 250k blessing = chump change.
  18. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    I dunno if it's his presentation or what, but I usually catch myself agreeing with napo's logic on posts (not just this one)
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    lol and who's the fat cat now? Can't be bothered to pick up 5k?

    I mean honestly, I'd be more than happy to see the scale of costs I placed on the blessings multiplied to something more painful but my examples for the idea were just food for thought. The money for the charges on the runic hammers are going to be paid regardless of who can bless them and who has them. Punt sold two charges for a mil a pop and he has never even touched the hammer. It's just my honesty and commitment that allowed that to happen for him. Charging more than a few thousand gold to bless a force equivalent weapon would result in 0 gold removed from the economy. You can basically pick up force weapons for free by asking around or just go to a player vendor and buy one for 500g. Many folks would likely dump a few thousand gold out of the economy to not have to trifle with buying another throw away weapon.

    If half a mil is the gold-sink (removed from econ) price to bless a val weapon for three weeks, I doubt you'll find many takers. Not only that, finding people to even offer up charges for sale is borderline nil. Punt has two charges remaining and other than that, I don't know any that would even sell a charge presently. That's not going to change for a LONG time and I'd be willing to wager it, if I didn't know that Dalavar would sell some to snapdragon just to win the wager.

    Personally, I've already spread out FREE runic charges to new players on Occlo, multiple times. Several times with DC hammers, other times with Shadow. So call it what you will, the supposed bod baron fat cats will not be generating massive piles of wealth compared to what they were before. However, they may make it slightly faster than they will right now waiting for it to make any sense to bother being in Factions and blessing runics. As it stands, they'll just take their mils for CTF weapons and you can sit back and enjoy all the PvP you're not getting in the field.

    Anyway, it was just an idea to promote player smithing for real outside of BoDs and potentially see more people willing to step foot in the fields knowing they're only risking leather and regs like the rest of the pvpers out there. See how much sleep I lose over it not changing. lol
  20. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    If we want to promote crafting outside of BoDs I really wouldn't mind seeing slayers craftable maybe make it take GM arms lore too and make it at a rate of about one slayer per 1000 ingots/boards for the bows. Pushes raw material that costs gold out of the market (lets be honest most people buy their ingots at a smith vendor with a char in the smith guild) and gets some more mid range slayers into the economy (desperately needed for anything not silver). On the idea of blessed runics I kind of hate them in factions as well I hate seeing things not cosmetic be blessable but I don't PvP so I don't really give a damn either way.

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