Blessing Runic Weapons for non-Faction Characters

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Blaise, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. fooka03

    fooka03 Well-Known Member
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    Feb 10, 2013
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    On OSI, in era, used to be able to take on AWs with dragon slaying weaps and cross healing (plus a mage to back us up) That's about the level I would want to shoot for reliably (we could solo drags easily enough). But we were risking those slayers, pre-insurance. I lost a repond slayer to a pk, that sucked but I kept playing for years after. Just part of the game then, and should remain part of the game here.

    I believe this is the crux of what LS and I have been consistently saying through the thread. This is a far better option than having MORE blessed things.


    You were on the right track then you posted this trub. Telamon changes things, this is history perfected not history concreted, the patch notes and even the bonding slots you CONSTANTLY bring up are evidence enough of this. There seems to be a fair amount of ask for more severe bonded pet death penalties so I wouldn't be surprised if that is addressed in a reasonable amount of time. While you're right in that we won't likely see the demise of blessed runebooks or ethys that doesn't mean we can't find ways to adjust the balance in other ways. And the answer is rarely found in more of what we already despise.

    Never was purely about the loot, more about the risk vs reward. That's what UO was about and that's what we're trying to experience here.

    As a parting shot, if you STILL want your blessed weapons that badly and are completely convinced there is no other way the only way I would be remotely ok with it is if they make the weapon weigh one stone and are still steal-able, and drop if carried by a red and stealing is somewhat improved before this is implemented. That is my compromise, and that's as far as I would ever dream of taking it. But I'm still completely against blessed weapons and want to pursue other avenues of balance first.
  2. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    is that what he yells at highway rest stops?
    Blaise likes this.
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Please, go ahead and show me the copious patch notes where Telamon has reverted major sweeping decisions and removed the resulting rewards from the players.

    I'll wait, at least long enough for my Faction-blessing to wear off of this post.

    Fooka, thieves can't steal your ethereals, blessed runebooks or tames. Why is it then fair to take the one thing from a warrior's inventory that equals such things and not provide similar benefits. Even make it a challenge to get it blessed but for fuck's sake folks, let's not keep pretending like riding a weapon with two massive tank weapons in tow is even remotely non-Trammel while others are out getting ganked for quarter mil weapons they can't even res.

    I am still wholly in favor of bonding removal, limiting tamers to 5 control slots like proper OSI and deleting ethereals and unblessing runebooks. Just never going to happen so let's stop wasting breath about it and figure out how to get everyone on a level playing field.
  4. fooka03

    fooka03 Well-Known Member
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    Feb 10, 2013
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    Blaise, you have to look at the WHOLE population, not just the PvM crowd you are trying to champion. This change overall will have very little impact on your average PvM dexxer but a huge amount of impact on PvP.

    You're trying to equate a weapon to an animal. The reality is that the dragon was never going to be able to be looted by a PK, or stolen by a thief, not in OSI, not here. The weapon on the other hand has the potential to change hands, many times and benefit more than just its original owner.

    You took my point about changing things and tried to twist it to your own viewpoint, trying to insult me or belittle my arguments to make yours look better I guess. Let me distill that point down for you: Things change on this shard all the time. No I don't expect Telamon to completely roll back the bond slots, but I do expect him to tweak the implementation should it prove to be too unbalanced. He's a smart guy, he has a deft touch, and he does change things he's previously implemented when the situation warrants it.

    You seem to get some of the arguments that are made against your OP and hell even agree with them, but you're completely bull-headed in thinking your way is the only possible solution to a problem. That's complete (another bull- word). I'm sure you have plenty of ideas around how to address problems not limited to your first, try adding to the discussion rather than trying to take everything off the table that's not "yours"
  5. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    Faction Blessings..........................................DELETE.
    Bonded Pet Death..........................................RE-TRAIN.
    Pet Summoning Balls.....................................DELETE.
    Dexxer Damage vs. Monsters..........................TWEAK.
    Weapon Damage Scale..................................NORMALIZE.
    Freakzilla likes this.
  6. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    you forgot fix stealing and make the majority of everything under 10 stones
    Freakzilla likes this.
  7. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    I never play a thief character, so I shouldn't really comment on them.
  8. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    On the surface he is advocating for the PvM dexer crowd but beneath that he's actually looking for a change that will make the bod game even more profitable. He is one of the server's biggest bod barons and he'd make a killing if people had more reason to buy hammer charges. Of course he's going to show up going "oh I'm not that into bods that's just silly" but my response to this would be that the only valorite runic hammer on the server belongs to Blaise. You don't get one of those without being way into bods.

    If he actually wanted to help the little guy, he would be pushing for buffs to GM weapons or peace dexers.
  9. Moxo

    Moxo Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    I actually agree with Blaise in some ways, but I don't think what he's proposing as a solution is the way to go.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Once again, the Sleuth Lords step on their own dicks with supreme ignorance.
    Hey, dumbass, I don't care about gold or profits. The entire suggestion did not even once indicate any change in value going to crafters. The gold outlet for runics WILL NOT CHANGE, but gold will leave the economy if anyone can throw away gold for a short period of not losing their weapons.

    Do I need to bring you into my house and show you my ethereals, runebooks, masks, sandals, vanqs, runics, gold/platinum/cHoin piles to help you understand that I have no need or desire for more gold? I could very easily pull a Markos and sap 10s of mils out of players hands by liquidating my pixels but why? What the fuck on this entire shard would I need more gold for? I probably have half a mil liquid and whenever there's something that takes gold to buy, I just go get some gold. Sell stuff, farm some, whatever. Gold is so fucking moot, you're an idiot for even assuming that.

    PS: Dalavar has a valorite runic hammer, genius, and bartimus isn't very far off. These are NOT the hardest thing on the shard to get. Just the most desirable from a PvP standpoint.

    The same goes for your assumptions about why I left SL, etc etc. The list goes on about how much of an ass you make yourself out to be with your assumptions.

    Faction Blessings..........................................DELETE. Not likely, unless all of Factions is removed.
    Bonded Pet Death..........................................RE-TRAIN. Never going to happen or at the very worst, be reverted to any worse than the original %10
    Pet Summoning Balls.....................................DELETE. Never going to happen, this shard is anti-grief. Wake up and smell the coffee.
    Dexxer Damage vs. Monsters..........................TWEAK. Already done by way of NERFING the damage that Tames do
    Weapon Damage Scale..................................NORMALIZE. lol

    I don't want to see any buffs for GM weapons. I would like to see either AR reduced for barbed leather, drastically. Or the ability to meditate through it, removed. That would make GM weapons %100 viable, as they currently stand.
  11. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    The demand for runic hammer charges (particularly the charges from the best hammers) would increase significantly if a change like this were pushed through. This seems so obvious that no reasonable person would dispute it.

    Nerfing armor without nerfing the highest level runics would throw things too far out of balance. If you did that, verite and valorite using lumberjacks would easily be two shotting people.
    Improving GM weapons instead would give a boost to poorer players without messing with the balance at the top of the scale.
  12. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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  13. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    This doesn't even make sense. Just because you state it like its a fact, does not make it so, heh. If factions is so good, it can stand on its own without bribing people with Blessed Weapons. If removing Blessed weapons causes it to crumble, then it was simply garbage to begin with...or the players participating were coddled trammies. In time it'll all settle out. Personally, i'd like to see factions scrapped and O/C worked on, but meh...

    Again, just because you say something like its an undeniable fact, does not make it so. This, of all things, seems like a very plausible change.

    This is a good way to stop making tamers so all-powerful. Couple this with more of a skill/stat penalty on tames upon death and you'll start to even out a Tamer's supposedly unfair advantage over a dexxer by making things more Feluccan and less Trammel.

    You've already stated that Dexxers cannot kill monsters that Tamers can and how it is supposedly unfair...(I think its perfectly fine the way it is, but meh) tweak the way player dexxers damage monsters as I talked about earlier. Use the "intelligence" (of some humanoids) as a way for them to do more focused blows that do more damage than they currently do.

    Take the range of damage of the weapons and bring them more in line with each other. ie. shrink the range of possible damage by bringing up the damage of the regular craftable end of the spectrum while lowering the magic and runic end of the spectrum. This will just level the playing field in regards to dexxers and make regular player-crafted items more viable.

    Perhaps some tweaking of passive/active Meditation rates through the current armor could be looked at. I'd have to think on that one.

    In the end, I agree with what ShadowJack so eloquently hinted at. You're starting down the slippery slope of Trammel and that needs halted immediately. Think of less Trammel solutions to the issues that you perceive.
    fooka03 and Jack of Shadows like this.
  14. Godric Greycliff

    Godric Greycliff Well-Known Member
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    Oct 22, 2012
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    What do pet summoning balls have to do with game balance? I've been taming here for a long time and have never once even considered buying one. Is there some super awesome function of which I'm ignorant?
  15. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    If you want a crystal ball for decorating they work for that... Yeah that's about it honestly unless you somehow lost your pets.
  16. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    I don't think pet summoning balls are widely used here, though I don't really know why they aren't. My understanding was that they were for those times where your pet is led off and killed and you can't find the ghost.
  17. illbottleya

    illbottleya Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    The vibe in this thread is starting to trend (IMHO) towards shard/tela bashing, personal insults, etc. Let's really take it down a notch guys.

    Nope, just that if a tamer dies, and his/her pets get killed in the field, the pet can be summoned back to town for a trivial amount of cash. Without one, the tamer has to seek the pet out in the field like a warrior does with loot. Not a huge deal really. I'd also prefer if there was no pet summoning ball and you had to retrieve pets. I'm assuming this function was a reaction to people out there who would have lured your bonded dragon into their house and lock it up.

    I've seen a lot of ideas out there by a the community as a whole (yourself included) that introduce less "learning curve" custom content, apply to a wider range of players, maintain more risk/reward, and more directly address core issues with gameplay. That's why I'm opposed to this idea. Admittedly, people were probably a bit harsh to you on the first page about it though. But it's the internet, so go figure.
  18. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    While I do agree there should be some better reward for time invested into gathering ore, gathering BODs, and filling BODs; I think Blaise is off his rocker as far as blessing weapons.
    I agree that, when you die, you should lose it all.
    Blessed weapons for all dexxers means that a dexxer dies, finds healer and rezzes, and then jumps on an ethy mount, pulls out blessed weapon, and it ready to go again.
    Meanwhile, the mage has to run to bank or house to get more regs and start over.
    You don't level the playing field between dexxers and mages, you give dexxers an unfair advantage over them.
    Item blessed deeds were the beginning of the end of UO being a main stream MMO that lead the industry.
    In fact, when OSI made item blessed deeds common, DAOC came out and stole 60% of the population.

    Now, of course Blaise will now retaliate with something about me spending money or playing another server or whatever instead of actually talking about the points I made here. But if this becomes a think... damn.

    What you might want to make instead are Epic BODs or whatever. Have BODs that require 10 items made with a runic hammer of whatever color and those BODs give out awesome prizes... like blessed rune book deeds or ethy mounts for valorite weapons and maybe clothing blessed deeds for shadow and gold, and rare leather colors or cloth colors for other ore types.
    There is a way to reward the BOD doers without ruining a shard.
    Animal Control likes this.
  19. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    In fact, having BODs for those marble/stone/sandstone items would be nifty as well
  20. Freakzilla

    Freakzilla Active Member
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    Aug 28, 2012
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    I lost my llama about 4 months ago. Do you think the spirit of my furry companion is still roaming the lands in search of his master? I miss my little Snagglepuss...:oops:

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