Blessing Runic Weapons for non-Faction Characters

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Blaise, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    log on the char you lost it on and see if you have any pet slots being used besides the one you're currently on. If there is an extra one being used, then it's still out there somewhere.....
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Guys....we've been on the slope since Beta. I've been riding my snowboard, stopping occasionally for a bowl and enjoying the ride.

    Targeted Trammel could be the colloquial understanding and take it as shard bashing if you will but it's just Feluccan players addressing their concerns with too much padding in a once brutal landscape. I say "not likely" and "likely" in a lot of posts because that is a best guess based on what I have been experiencing and helping test and provide feedback on, both public and private, since Beta as well.

    What I've proposed is just an idea of expanding on what's being done already, in the smaller scale of Factions. I understand that making it available to more people would make some smiths money faster than before, but only on a time factor, not profit per item, most likely. If that same gold or more was going towards the same end (temporary blessings), it would be leveling that Mt Everest of gold increasing on the shard.

    I'm not trying to slight Telamon or his work when I say I highly doubt any reduction of control slots, pet summoning or bonding will happen here, ever. Runebook blessings will not be going anywhere, or the ethereal mounts either. Instanced events and challenges are the Targeted Trammel of our future and past if you've been following the progression. Telamon is trying to make a fun shard that isn't plagued with grief and loss. Everyone seems really happy with all the other Trammelized content they have. It seems to me only logical that something could be done to the physical combat side of the fence to give that even green hue to all the lawns, specifically temporary at a high cose for the suggestion in the OP.

    If runic weapons are more prolific in the field (they are already and will only be moreso) the damage "problems" we're seeing today will be a thing of the past. Runics are the leveling of the playing field for the AR levels and magic weapons are for newer players to loot and lose before they buy into something a bit nicer, if damage vs players in barbed leather is their game.
  3. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    It being just like factions is an argument I've seen you make several times now, and I really think that's not the case.
    If you were to join factions for the blessed weapons, it would come with one huge drawback - being orange to somebody who is going to want to kill you.
    If you don't join SL and you bring your shiny new blessed runic to a spawn or an event chances are one of us will see you and you'll find yourself being attacked by one or more shadowlords. If you do join SL, it will be one of the other three factions coming to kill you.
    Being orange has a serious impact on one's ability to quietly enjoy their runic weapon.

    You can come up with hypothetical plots that involve joining SL while kissing the asses of the other three factions to get a blessed runic but until someone actually does it it's entirely hypothetical. I don't think it would work either, someone like Sandro or Ebola would be up on your jock trying to get your faction points no matter how much ass you kissed.

    Or, as I've said about 30 times now, we could actually just level the playing field a bit by buffing GM weapons.
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    No, you wouldn't, unless you made them greater than, or equal to, vanquishing. So keep on saying it because it doesn't make sense. In fact, it's contrary to your opposition to smiths making more gold. If I can bang out vanqs without even using runic charges, hell yeah man, bring on the gold. lol
    They are already nearly Force equivalent and no one's going to really field with sub-vanq, if not high end power at worst. So what you're suggesting is basically negate magic weapon drops entirely.

    Tell me again why Faction points matter that would make any difference to me or in this regard?
    If I wanted to fight, and didn't care whom, I could join any Faction that controls towns, bless a runic and go out for three weeks not giving a shit what I dropped because it would just be leathers and regs/pots like everyone else in Factions. If it's outnumbered, I can either call in folks I know on the team that aren't snobs or holding grudges over nonsense, or Kal Ort Por like everyone else. Whooooptie do. Why would anyone want to "quietly" enjoy a runic weapon?'s for PvP not polishing or PvMing. lol No one needs to kiss anyone's asses either. I'm not sure why you think anyone has any fucking control over it at all. hahaha

    How about gold blessings for Order/Chaos then, if being orange is such a huge draw for you? Like I said, the point is to encourage combat, drain gold, and share the love with folks who don't Faction
  5. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Blaise, you are obviously not understanding my post.

    You are saying that weapon blessing is not a big deal because it already happens in factions. I am distinguishing what happens in factions from the general ability to bless weapons. Faction blessed weapons come with the promise of a lot of combat and having to deal with the fact that you can be killed anywhere without repercussions.
    These two things are not the same. You're saying that it shouldn't make any difference to you because you don't mind being orange, but your personal feelings are actually irrelevant and what matters is whether the argument is sound or not. And it's not.

    Also, I dislike the argument that since we're on a slippery slope we should just ride down with big smiles on our faces.

    I also disagree with this -
    On several points.

    First, even if buffed, GM weapons would not be that much more expensive than they are now. Runic weapons are expensive because of the limited availability of runic hammers and if you could pump out decent weapons without them the prices would not be nearly as high. Sure you could try to sell them high but someone who understands basic economic principles would just come along and undercut you. Ingots are cheap.
    Second, you are wrong about the potency of GM weapons. They're more like the low end of might. Which is bad. They get only a small damage boost and no tactics boost. Of course, you know this and are just trying to shift the argument in a way that looks better. When we were talking about how good runics were, you correctly stated that the exceptional bonus is +3 on top of the magic modifiers, but of course now you're acting like they're as good as force weapons because it suits your needs.
    Third, Vanq is too far. I think the proper range for GM weapons should be the equivalent of what a force weapon with around a 15 tactics modifier does. I regularly use weapons like these in PvP and the results are satisfactory. Further discussion among people who know what they're talking about and are free of biases would probably be necessary in the event of such a buff being actually seriously considered, but people who are simply lobbying for dexer buffs shouldn't really have a place in it.
    Mes likes this.
  6. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    lol dude, give it a rest, it's an awful idea

    Everyone has already told you ten times in this thread. If you want to minimize losses from death, instead of blessing items (ie AoS, item insurance, noone wants), make the less costly weapons more useful (ie GM).

    It's just another thread where you beg for changes that you would profit from and make everything about dexers vs mages.

    As the guys that held the sigils 90% of the time for the past year, we don't care if there are faction blesses. Because of the nature of factions and restrictions on healing/ressing, they are only used in combat and are a small perk of putting your neck out there and being someone that risks a lot daily. There probably isn't a single blessed weapon in all of SL right now. Napo actually runs around with GM spears because not everyone thinks you have to be armed to the teeth to play the game. We would much rather have no blessings than everyone gets blessed weapons.

    Risk and loss are part of this game. If you don't want to lose a vanq weapon, use a might weapon. If you don't want to lose your 7x GM dragon, use a shitty one. I would rather there be no bonding, I would rather control slots be capped at 5. But the way I would go about seeking these changes is not beg for ridiculous out of era buffs because you think those nerfs will never happen. They will probably never happen. But let us not make it worse in the name of making it better.

    By the way, order chaos sucks for a lot of reasons most of which you already know. There's plenty of people on the boards saying do away with factions, O/C only. To me that begs the question why is noone fighting O/C historically on this server, if it is so superior? Obviously, it's not. But forums are always filled with a few loud, whining voices that petition without any consideration. Just like this thread. When decisions are made based on the squeakiest wheels, we make the same mistakes that the boards did when they came up with trammel.
  7. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    You mean UOR (Faction blessed, runebook blessed, pets blessed, mount blessed).
    I'm not 'begging' for anything (not that it's even worth mentioning, I already have it). I'm proposing ideas for discussion. Nothing more. If you want to take "ideas" and translate that to "begging" then you are a complete moron and there's nothing to be done for it.

    napo, Ruin/Might/Force/Power/Vanq = 1/3/5/7/9 and GM is +4. Thus, a GM weapon is 'nearly' Force. To imply they could be improved upon to make them more viable would mean shifting them to what? Nearly Power? Force Equivalent? Guess what, they already exist and are affordable as Shadow Runic weapons (ie: VERY affordable Force Equiv). Gold runics are just +15 vanqs and are readily avilable for <10k. They are not even that great and the next two tiers after that which will only continue to be in the game will get more prevalent.

    They are not being removed and if anyone thinks they are, they need to read more patch notes and understand the direction of the server a bit more. No one is two-shotting anyone with val hits, even as can be easily seen in CTFs ongoing where no one with armor on is getting two-shotted. Having some fear that valorite weapons are going to be perpetually available to be blessed and two-shotting the world is absolute crockery. There's nothing to fear here but a weapon not being on the corpse of the fallen. How on earth does that negatively impact anyone or make the combat less desirable? Combat is what you want...isn't it?

    Alas, I don't really care if you guys keep wasting your breath trying to convince me the idea isn't as good as I think. I'm glad you have your own opinion on the matter and for whatever reason want to keep humping this thread. Forums are here for precisely this discussion and poor sports such as yourselves complaining about volume or who's whining, are what make the discussions so fluffed with wasted space. You guys don't bless weapons because you don't have any need to. No one's formed a party large enough to put a dent in your hoard to make it worthwhile so of course you wouldn't bother.

    If O/C had Faction-like restrictions it would be superior most likely as there's no objective involved, which makes it easier to handle for the masses.
  8. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Aside from pet bonding (which may have happened in late UO:R, or early AoS, I'm unsure) what we have is accurate to the era. Runebooks were already blessed by default in this era. The fact still remains that blessing more things is not going to make that better, as everyone has already said, including the post I wrote that you just replied to.

    There is no reason to think that blessed weapons or regs or anything would increase pvp activity in any way. Most players on this server can afford to lose force/power weapons when they pvp, they choose not to for other reasons. As is their right, which I support. I am completely happy with the amount of pvp I experience when I log in.

    You do care, actually. Napo laid it down on you all week and you came out of another thread looking like an idiot. Do you really think our posts are fluff when you have more posts than all of the people in this thread combined?

    And finally, SL ranks about 3rd according to daily online counts. I know you want to believe we're a zerg but there are easily more TB on every day (this is a provable fact). It's not our fault you're afraid to leave the event lobby.
  9. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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  10. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    GM weapons being equivalent to shadow runics would be an acceptable outcome in my book.
    I know that you are wealthy and into the bod game and that shadow runics are not a big investment to you, but they are to some. Particularly when you get into the logistics of regular pvp and regular deaths and looting at the hands of other players, there are many who lack the means to reliably outfit themselves with shadow runics or their +tac force equivalents.
    GM weapons being that good would be a boon to these players, and also offer a good reason to GM smithing other than for tossing bods.

    I've been more or less two shot by a verite runic in CTF. It was hit + purple pot + hit. While technically three shots, this unfolded in the time that it would take for two.
    It's not like purple potions are hard to use.

    I love both killing and looting. The looting is half the fun, and pvp kits are my favorite kind of loot.
    The last public harrower I went to I spent about 75% of the time just looting dead people. Looting is awesome, and a viable profession open to all residents of fel. Taking runics out of looting is like taking power scrolls out of champ spawns, they're the cherry on top of the looting sundae.

    I know calling us a zerg is what all the cool kids are doing, but we aren't any more numerous than anyone else. Additionally, we've had the entire pvp community unite to fight us several times in the past, and it's currently doing that now.
    If we had to play the numbers game to win, we would be dead and gone by now. The implication that all we can do is zerg is actually rather rude. It's also somewhat ironic, since the most common tactic those trying to drive us out employ is forming a super faction that we can't take down due to their numbers.

    The amount of trammel swag available in factions is one of the reasons why it's so crappy. Colored horses, blesses weapons, cool titles are all things that dilute the pure essence of pvp, people come to factions seeking these things rather than the combat and these people end up crying and getting butthurt when they die.
    Adding these things to O/C would just make it worse.

    O/C will continue to be dead for the foreseeable future for one reason - SL isn't in it. People have gotten sick of our shit in the past and gone to O/C to try there, only to realize that there's no one to fight because we don't have our fingers in O/C.
    Aside from the occasional arranged fight with no looting and butt pats for everyone, we're the only game in town when it comes to people to fight. The only way to bring O/C to life would be to add so much trammel to it that we end up feeling like we have to join to take it away.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
  11. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    This idea is...
  12. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    To whom are these a big investment? The hammers sell for 5k and make 25 weapons. That's 200gp each, plus maybe 200gp in ingots if you're making halberds or something.

    Every anniversary, players get server rares for an event that last an hour or two.

    People find orange stuff sitting in bags at the Halloween event and sell it for 200k to 1M. And even if they don't, they get 50k in holiday coins if they can manage to kill a zombie or skeleton.

    You can get 180k a month in platinum for just having accounts logged in. That's 36 shadow iron runic hammers right there.
    Blaise likes this.
  13. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I don't think I follow this logic. Nobody starts out on this server with the knowledge to game the economy around staying logged in for free plat and anniversary rares. That's a pretty disingenuous argument. But I guess you bod barons have to protect your investments. Also, if all the newbies were running around with rares and plat to sell, rares and plat probably wouldn't be worth much. And if shadow hammers made blessed weapons for everyone, shadow hammers would probably be worth more.
  14. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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  15. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    This is why we have pet summoning balls fyi
    Gnarl and Mes like this.
  16. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    The shortage of PvPers on the shard is why Factions are so crappy. It has nothing to do with pretty horses no one can res, or other crap. It's fine, I know you have field cred to protect or whatever. Everyone zergs in UO. It's the name of the game. Runics are common and will be moreso and sharing the temporary blessing with all is a minuscule favor to dexxers compared the PERMANENT blessings of others. I'm glad you think you're the reason why O/C is dead and not the fact that everyone knows Factions is the only consensual PvP that can't be interfered with by blues.

    It's ok. I get it. You don't like the idea. Whoooptie do. Thanks for sharing?
  17. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    pvp is short because of your guys tactics IE just got attacked in bucs by one TT who ran away as soon as his dump failed, then got hit by two of the SL Les Claypools. No one wants to play with you guys when you do that. Yeah you can run people in the ground big fucking woop, it leaves you sitting around circle jerking into each others anuses
  18. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    If you really want a pvp boost, stop with trying to change the game and fight fair and with honor. Otherwise the way it goes now people will get excited about it, try it out for a week or three then go to a different server or do something else. pvp isn't pvpp or pvppppp or pvprunningaway, it's pvp. You foster people not fighting by your very actions, and then like to get up on your pedestals and act high and mighty, but fact is, your bitch tactics ruin pvp, nothing else.

    But I'm down. I'm sure I can find a good group of guys eventually, enough solo people running around probably tired of your shit too, we'll use that pedestal to hang you.
    bart simpson likes this.
  19. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    I'm pretty sure Blaise has established this to be completely laughable at best.... We have no such power.
  20. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
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    Aug 25, 2012
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    Not following, 2 or 3 people mana dumping/hitting 1 person is going to run them in the ground without that person having a chance.

    When diebytheflyguy, slutty christian, ebaying newb, and a dragon attacked me earlier I think I got a mb off

    when the TT guy attacked me earlier and ran I think I got one or two offensive spells casted. I was on foot and he thought I was fresh rezzed I guess. I was in bucs mage shop training magery and scribe.

    so yeah, that kind of stuff makes it super fun, I can see why people are lining up to give you guys fights.

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