Alright I am in, but I don't want one of those limited, no frills 100k slots. Sign me up for the 200k deal !! I will bring dragons worthy of dying . Knight's Strongbox?!?!? Random roll or going to the Event leader? Just want to be clear up front.... Tamer's Name is Beth Anne
yes ruck you'd get the last slot to answer question on knight's strong box I'll bring a cup of dice high roll takes it in the event of multiple 12's or tie high score high scores will re-roll.
T'was dynamite! And hmm! When you think no one is there to see you "All kill" and target self !!! Thanks to everyone ! It went smooth and as far as I know everyone enjoyed the run !
Nice Thanks Random for that final screenshot I kept getting lag between the time I said all kill and the target reticle popping up Lost one dragon, killed myself 2x and died 3x to the spawn.... All in all, not a bad night! Best 200k I have ever spent no Knights Strongbox tho, not sure if its a regular spawn or on a schedule...
There was a Knight's Strongbox in the final chest. I saw someone snag it. I take it we did not end up rolling on it?
on an unrelated note, I want a Pet Suicide command for when I get pissed at them for attacking me... <petname> drop dead
In the dark ally-way of the Serpent's Hold Bank, Jupiter joined the prestigious tamers feigning to help them in their quest. All the while, is real goal was to trap all the tamers of the realm the Paws Tower!!!!! The only way for them to escape was to promise all the gold to Jupiter and the village of Paws! mwuahahahahaha