Bring light to the dark

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Thorulf, Sep 15, 2020.

  1. Thorulf

    Thorulf Member

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Hail fellow citizens

    Dungeons are dark and dangerous and braving them without a lantern or torch is likely to resolve in death. Alas, most people use light filter to deal with the inconvenience of light not being able to penetrate solid rock.

    While this trick is nice, I also think it is shame. Try taking your character into Despise level 1 with a lantern and no light filter and the dungeon will suddenly feel a lot more exciting (IMO at least). Anyways, I understand this is not a play style for everybody which is fair enough and I guess it is mostly naturalist characters that do this. This brings me to my suggestion.

    Currently using a lantern or torch will require one hand slot which makes it cumbersome to adventure in dark mode with two-handed weapons. Magery is no different as the lantern is unequipped when casting. The night sight spell/potion is no alternative as it basically works as a light filter.

    To make this play style a lot more fun and diverse, I suggest making it possible to carry a torch/lantern while wearing two-handed weapons and being able to cast spells as well.

    I understand that this may be seen as a big change, so as an alternative (and additional suggestion), I suggest a new night potion that results in a light radius like a lantern/torch. It could be made craftable where the alchemy skill determining the light radius and vendor sold potion being lowest level.

    I have no idea what is required to implement this, but I am interested in hearing what other people think.
    Desauv, Pedigar, Malachi and 3 others like this.
  2. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    I enjoy a lot making use of dark nights. I mostly turn it on when Im doing dungeon chests, as I walk hidden and pose no threat. I agree that the extra danger that this brings feels good.
    As you state, the downside is that we can´t carry light sources in situations where you engage fights unless you equip a 1 handed weapon, and even then you can´t drink potions with ease.. I end up using light filters when farming but I really dont like them.

    Casting spells with 2 handed weapons will introduce other issues but I like the idea potion idea. I love the light that torches bring compared to lanterns, it´d be cool for potions to invoke this lighting as well. And I think the timer on the pots should be very, very long. I always struggled with these things you bring up and always wished for dark nights to be more accesible in the daily play.

    Potions invoking lantern or torches light with different radius with a long duration could work.
    StarTrakZack likes this.
  3. Thorulf

    Thorulf Member

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Thanks for your input. Just to be clear, I do not suggest being able to cast spells while wearing two-handed weapons. I suggest being able to cast spells with a lantern equipped.

    But ultimately, having a naturalist version of a night sight potions is probably the least intrusive change and will not affect other players at all
  4. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Ohh, with a lantern/torch equipped, that could work to!

    Also, I´d like to see special torches in the same sense special lanterns exists. Special hued, event marked ones, blessed, etc :) While seeing 8th anny prizes I was wondering how coold it´d be to have a red or purple hued blessed torch!
  5. Malachi

    Malachi Member

    Jan 28, 2019
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    I'm a fan of dark nights and agree that layered lanterns/torches would be a nice enhancement for naturalists and people that enjoy the natural lighting of UO. It really adds to the immersion factor, like playing a horror game with the lights off and headphones/surround sound on.

    Colorized lights for special lanterns would be sweet, too.

    An old school alternative that anyone can do is bring a bag full of torches and place them on the dungeon floor to illuminate your path/area.
    Kiryana likes this.
  6. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    I´ve found this thread that addressed this same topic:

    They threw some interesting ideas such as rings that works as lights sources. Its my opinion that anything of this sort shouldn´t be costly at all. We are talking about a feature that´s used merely for RP purpose that´s more of an obstacle than an advatange. Potions, rings, torch/lantern that fit in an accesory slot and not in hands could all serve well to this purpose. Casting with lantern/torch equipped is also a great idea as they look so good..

    Maybe even you can cast In Lor on an item (a piece of armor, a weapon) and make it glow (in the sense that provides you light, not that it will glow in a fancy or shiny way) like a lantern/torch until you log out.. dont know, I think it can have a lot of ways around this dark night / lighting thing
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
  7. Malachi

    Malachi Member

    Jan 28, 2019
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    A glowing ring, perhaps craftable by a tinker with a bit of magery (using metal, jewels, and reagents) with a light radius proportional to the crafter's skill (up to GM), would be super cool. Use colored ingots for different colored light.
  8. Thorulf

    Thorulf Member

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Nice find. Yeah, the idea of a ring (not glowing in-game, but providing the same effect as a torch for the player) is good as well. To me it is not that important what solution is chosen but I think it is important to avoid this being an "end-game" item, as characters that are like to use them are naturalist/RPs that most often try to be self-sufficient.

    Another possibility is to implement it as a lighting feature/filter in CUO or Razor. This way, people can decide themselves on the glow type (and potentially radius).

    Yes, this is a way to do it if you farm a spot, but for proper dungeoneering it is a rather cumbersome process.
  9. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Yeah, exactly, not a plat item, not a rare, not an expensive thing. A widely available items for anyone willing to RP and/or try out dark nights.

    A CUO solution should work, but I´d like to see something working for the guys like me that can´t use CUO as well hehe. I know nothing about coding, but I hope this not be a hard thing to implement and I look forward for staff to consider adding this little wink to RPers :)
  10. silencesg

    silencesg Active Member
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    Dec 20, 2017
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    I like this idea alot.

    I totally appreciate the light filtering, but its just so much more atmospheric to play the game with its day and night cycles and dungeons with the darkness.

    Just annoying as hell to chug nightsights or cast in lor.
  11. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Would be cool if there were an item to "summon wisp light". One control slot summoned pet that cannot attack or be attacked, has the default wisp light and follows like a tame. Would also be cool if it didn't block movement, might take some special code to do that.

    Also, I strongly support the lower light levels thing... Dungeon Lighting Updates
    Vincent Blackshadow likes this.
  12. silencesg

    silencesg Active Member
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    Dec 20, 2017
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    quick question for people who have experience with the light filter. is there a level at which you can still see at night and in dungeons without having the full daytime light experience?
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2020
  13. Thorulf

    Thorulf Member

    Jun 25, 2013
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    If you play with the CUO client you can manually set that in the video settings in the in-game options.
  14. silencesg

    silencesg Active Member
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    Dec 20, 2017
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    u can change the brightness but you cannot get clear distinction between night and day as far as I can tell
  15. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Bring a bag of lanterns and torches.

    During some of the dark nights naturalist adventures, @Jupiter advised everyone to bring them.

    As we traveled the darkness, they were dropped/moved/left as a path.
    When we would encounter a beast in the dungeon darkness, the party members would drop the light source, fight, then carry on.
    Hawkeye and Kiryana like this.
  16. silencesg

    silencesg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Dec 20, 2017
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    Just saw an elegant solution on another shard. Craftable traveller’s lantern. Tinker craftable.
  17. Codus

    Codus Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    why you on other shared @silencesg HRMMMMMMMM
  18. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Once @Jupiter promoted a WW scroll run with dark nights... it was my first WW scroll and all that new ambience, losted, trying to follow the group... was definetly the most imersive experience i had here so far.
    Kiryana likes this.
  19. silencesg

    silencesg Active Member
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    Dec 20, 2017
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    Yeah i miss seeing the day and night cycle. In lor and night sight potions are essentially the same as using light filtering and are not the option. And torches take up a hand slot and are not practical. One option is a wearable light source occupying a jewellery slot. Other would be to allow lanterns to function in pack. Sort of like you attached it to your backpack.
    RainZ and Chafe like this.

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