Yeah, what a few months ago there was upwards of 20 people all fielding at once with 5+ versus 5+ getting attacked by yet a third group. Things were a whole hell of a lot of fun for about a week. hahaha, then it went back to tears about ganks and numbers and collusion. No real mystery why that never lasts when people feel the need to throw stones about every win and/or loss for whatever boring reason. If there is combat, there will be complaints and bickering.
It doesn't last because the average person around here doesn't deal with defeat well. Anyway, factions is pretty dead around here. I wouldn't bother. Maybe in a month or two when the next big anti-SL revival happens.
Not everyone's willing to resort to piss poor tactics and bug abuse when defeat is imminent or they need a cheap victory to brag about. Some folks just go try anyway. Shame there aren't more folks like that around.
I think everyone has tactics they consider cheap, and no one really agrees on what constitutes "cheap tactics". For example, many consider res killing a cheap tactic. In SL, we consider people ressing and hopping back into a fight immediately to be cheap tactics, and res killing is a way to nip this in the bud. Before a discussion on the ethics of res killing, this is not the primary problem, just an example of a topic on which people don't see eye to eye. There's also a great deal of hypocrisy when it comes to dirty tactics, some of the biggest gankers on the server are the loudest voices whining about ganking.
of course Blaise knows nothing about any of this, because he doesn't pvp, I mean he refers to real pvp in his sig and it points at a trammel event. Also, when he says some folks just go try anyway, he means no one... no one does that.
Not everyone's man enough to bake ziti for their children's team dinner either. Sometimes, a man's gotta bake what a man's gotta bake. Just ask Mobolin. FYI Kane: This image in my sig was made by your guildmates, turd. There's clearly lots of "real pvp going on" in their well decorated fortress. hahahaha
i think the point is there was real pvp going on during ctf but honestly, i dont care what you do. I know you guys don't have the courage to hit the field these days.
lol, courage. It's a video game you dork. You do care what we do, which is why you come to CTF lobbies to try and act badass by not playing. Talk smack about those who do play. Carry on and on about how your numbers don't lie as though anyone gives a shit about your stats. It's all good man, I don't come camp your daily field fights on blues going "Why don't you come to CTF?" so how about demonstrate how little you claim to care by not showing how much you really do?
Lib posted that to tease you. I really don't care what you do. I came into that CTF lobby to say hi before I logged out since we heard com wasn't coming back. Look at me "talking smack" and "acting badass." You big pompous baby. 5500 forum posts and it's just a game huh. I think we both know exactly how much it stings when you're running your mouth and someone says 'who cares you don't pvp.' You see: Pax Romain You see: (Defender, True Britannians) You see: Viciousness a horse: (tame) You see: a horse You see: Ethan Blaise: [King of OoO, A^T] You see: Blaise Viciousness: my hot keys The Dank Nugget: hey dooders Viciousness: are The Dank Nugget: whats new Viciousness: your mom Viciousness: OOOOOoo Blaise: sup brohamster The Dank Nugget: great work big blaise Viciousness: Ooooooo The Dank Nugget: what did you and bart have for dinner Viciousness: your mom Pax Romain: gj blaise Viciousness: OOoooooo Viciousness: Ooooo Blaise: your mom's ass Blaise: damn Blaise: hahaha Viciousness: hahaha Blaise: we're super mature Viciousness: Mes Blaise: and shit Blaise: hey, gg out there SL Ethan: Wis Quas [Reveal] Viciousness: lol Xegugg: [Eldur Goth, URK] (Chaos) You see: Xegugg Viciousness: fucking Blaise: how's your punkte ass doin? Viciousness: ugly ass llama Blaise: hahaha Viciousness: you guys got bad taste The Dank Nugget: you got a nasty mouth Viciousness: crooks rides a llama Ethan: you can cast reveal but not invis Ethan: interesting Ethan: bank Blaise: like I said Viciousness: your mom The Dank Nugget: hope you all have a great night Viciousness: .... Blaise: your mom'sass
Yes, I understand you acted civil this time. *golf claps* Also, you missed the last line about where you said I got a nasty mouth and I agreed because as I said, I was eating your mom's ass and that shit's nasty son. This is but one example of the many times you and/or your cronies came to shit up an event/CTF/dual arena, whatever. You claim to not care, but you care so much you ride all over everyone's nuts all day (how's that for superlative abuse) about who's doing what. How about you take your feigned civility and shove it up your punkte ass?
I remember finding and fighting a shadowlord in Brittain back in the day, think it was balla, maybe punt cant remember, anywho it was hot steamie combat fora few minutes, as soon as I redlined him once Mes recalled in and ganked me...
That's called tactics bro, get good. I recall listening to Pax engage Mes in the field a few times 1v1, only to get lured into a pack of waiting SL. This is not new practice. They make sure of their wins by disengaging whenever it is not a certain victory.
another time, I killed Punt on his red waaaaaay out in the forest by the west mountains, somehow within 10 seconds of him dying Mes was there to avenge him, I am sure he called him in long before he died and it just took him a while to find him, but dam I barely had time to loot the poor guy
just last night I was wondering around for my first time in game in over 3 months, and I come across a red killing walruses, he runs off screen and comes back a minute later with a blue trying to help him kill me, meanwhile I am not even on a pvp character and I have no hotkeys atm
moral of the story is no one will actually pvp on this server they just call in ganks for quick kills, and there isnt really anything wrong with that I just dont see how that is fun at all, I blame voice chat like to see someone stop and type in party chat for ganks while im relentlessly pounding there face with corp pors and using my big dong slap fatality move to finish them off
Oh you're absolutely right. Pax and I can't kill each other in a 1on1 on the field. Just hold a gheal and watch the other guy blow mana. Worst case scenario you get stunned at a bad time and use a wand charge. But I most certainly had a plan to kill him if I was fighting. I absolutely gank people. People try to gank me all the time. I outsmart them. I rarely am caught slipping. I would say 75% of our battles are begun by sending one person out as bait. The majority of our enemies won't come out unless it's a 5on1. That's how we started these fights with com last night. That's how we lured pax and bart into occlo a few nights ago. I also don't view it as my job or position to find 1on1's or fights that my opponents deem as fair. I think it's my position to have a plan and lead a winning battle. Whether we're outnumbered or we're outnumbering our opponents. I'm the guy that won a fight in com base 1on11 with faction guards and spent 20 minutes taking the loot home. You've known forever that when you come to the battlefield that anything goes. Just about the only thing I won't do is ally with another faction. I would much prefer a big even fight. That's what we got out of com, we just had to lure them out by making them think there was a solo SL standing around. SL shines in big even fights. ie
*golf claps* Maybe some day I'll lose enough self respect to ghost faction bases and abuse everything I can imagine to secure 'wins', too. I know you're capable fighters and quite honestly the best group of pvpers here. That's what makes it even more disappointing when I see the pathetic shit you pull. Guess I'm just glad to not be a part of it on your side or the other at this point. Keep on keepin' on.