Alright guys! I'm going to ask for confirmations by both PM and IRC for a 10pm start tonight! After I post this. If I get them, we're going to be good to go! So far it seems the following people can make it tonight: 1. Me.* 2. Fraggle. * 3. Blaise. * (or Avery will take his spot) 4. Xevec * 5. TnT/Aria * 6. Sir Billy * 7. Ruck 8. Faber * 9. CrazyDaze. * 10. Dalavar * * = confirmed Friends/guildies coming to help and farm some jungle titans that don't want bond slots: Musician, Kali (if she can stay awake), maybe one or two more.
Full price. Have some guildies that want to help and come farm some plat that don't want any bond slots.
I'll be updating this thread with confirmations two posts up. If we get enough confirmed players by 9pm EST (2 hours from now), we will go, otherwise we'll need to try again next week. Hanging out in IRC in #zoopkeeper will be essential to get details of where to meet, etc, and if you can be ready to get on Vent at least to listen to directions, that would be sooooper.
Alright, we have enough confirmed players to go, though still waiting to hear from Ruck. If anyone wants to be a backup for him, please let me know. We plan on collecting gold and gating to a secure staging area a little before 10 if possible. Please join #zookeeper in IRC to get the DEETS.