Custom houses

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by MartimusPrime, May 13, 2020.

  1. MartimusPrime

    MartimusPrime Member

    May 9, 2020
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    Wait, so after seeing that giant dumpster fire post in the Trash Talk section about there being no empty plots for new players since all the housing locations are already owned, has the gold and effort I've been spending to build a house been a waste of time?...

    Is there really no place for a two story wood and plaster without me having to shop through "player real estate?"
  2. FartBarf

    FartBarf Active Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    Not necessarily. It may take more than a little work, luck, and pixel ninjitsu to place one, though.

    I've only consistently played here for about two months. In that time, I've been able to place or purchase the equivalent of 20 houses. Most have been villas and smalls that I have since moved around, demolished for the deed, or still own. I've only sold two houses to other players. Of those houses, my largest have been a large brick and an L-shape (in a sexy location) that I purchased off of the forums. While I did purchase them for more than the deed price, I don't feel I was fleeced or abused. The fact that there is a real estate market on a server nearly a decade old is just a reality I've dealt with.

    If it helps to know, I most recently placed a villa about a screen and a half outside of town in a quiet area. It took me a bit of time on the test server to figure out where to click to squeeze it between some rocks and a tree, but I got it in there.

    While I consider myself fortunate to have found a plot that fits an 11x11, I did work my ass off for it. Double boxing two characters (one on Test the other on the live server), matching them up geographically, and trying to Tetris a house in the plot has been a pain in the ass. it also didn't account for any of the luck I've had--such as an IDOC right next to my primary house.

    The fact of the matter is that on an 8 year old server with fairly relaxed housing rules and folks who have been in "refresh mode" for years, large area housing is at a premium. You and I came late to the party. If we want a big house, we're going to have to farm more pixels, get lucky, or make a few friends.
    Pedigar likes this.
  3. MartimusPrime

    MartimusPrime Member

    May 9, 2020
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    well, I'll level with people:

    I just want a two story wood and plaster house somewhere so I can level up my crafting and what not.

    I've tried talking to people in game, and NOBODY replies. Not sure if it's because they don't speak English or not, but it's difficult. So how can I make friends? Even in Occlo, literally NOBODY talks or replies. I donated, but not being able to place a house without going through the player real estate market, and nobody being friendly in-game is making me reconsider.

    I don't want to go back to Excelsior, since I think it's a mess of an engine and balance, but I guess that's what it'll have to be :(
    Pedigar likes this.
  4. Jill Stihl

    Jill Stihl Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 10, 2017
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    For better or worse most UOR communications are in here nowadays -

    L-Shape will cost so little over deed that it's likely not worth your running around trying to place time.
    MartimusPrime likes this.
  5. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    Join Discord my friend, lot of activity there from people that are mostly online.

    And about placing houses, these days I've scouted the whole map trying to place an Lshape and didnt have a chance, but I was suprised about how many space is available for small houses, small towers, shops and all of them in NICE locations. After that scouting I placed 2 mining houses from which I can mine from the roof. I didn't try because I didn't have the deed, but im sure there is space for new villas also. And honestly, I was kinda lazy trying to place my Lshape, but im pretty certain that with a little patience you can find a spot, but it will require some work.

    Above that, yeah, dont expect to place a new tower. Real estate market prices only rocket for prime locations, other than that, its just a bit over deed. I personally hate to have neighbours and it's a price im willing to pay for, but I'll have to gather some coins for my isolated tower!
  6. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    I have yet to run around and not find a spot for a villa, L-Shape, or smaller. It has never happened since I started here. USUALLY, I find a brick/patio sized spot. Sometimes I even find a Large Tower spot. I maintain that people that complain about there being no housing are either jealous of specific spots, too lazy to actually truly look around, or just really bad at placing houses.

    Placed a villa in Yew 2-3 screens from the gate a week or two ago that was just sitting there open.

    House spots are definitely out there, @MartimusPrime

    If you need help, let me know. I'll either directly help you or put you in contact with folks that will. Depends on how busy I am when you normally play. :D
  7. Pedigar

    Pedigar Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2015
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    Idling for plat is probably more of a detriment to this server than anything. I'd wager a good 3/4ths of the online player count at any given moment is just afkers idling in the same spot for weeks of not months. It gets depressing so I understand this guys frustrations.
  8. FartBarf

    FartBarf Active Member

    Mar 4, 2020
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    @MartimusPrime: If that's all you want, man, I will help. I have a sexy beachfront stone and plaster L-shape in a quiet area far from town and most people. You can't fish from the roof, but you can place a small and a cabin nearby. I paid well over 300K for it. You give me time to clear out some of my crap, and it's yours for deed. I'll even tear down the small stone house I own right behind it so you can place one of your own.

    Just let me know. This game and this community has been good to me. I have more pixels than I truly need.
  9. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023
  10. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Oh dear god.
    FartBarf, Pedigar and One like this.
  11. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Another shining example of how all the empty houses/refresh mode houses positively impact the server for new players

    Fix. This. Problem.
    Earsnot, Pedigar and Jill Stihl like this.
  12. Pedigar

    Pedigar Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2015
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    UOR Vets who haven't logged in for 7 years while their buddies refresh their houses:

    Jill Stihl and Earsnot like this.
  13. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    1 person = 3 accounts = 15 houses
    10 people = 30 accounts = 150 houses
    20 people = 60 accounts = 300 houses

    20 inactive people creates 300 unused homes.
    How many inactive people can you think of? Because I’m pretty sure it would get into the 50’s just going through forum members that haven’t posted in over a year.
    Pedigar and AOٌ like this.
  14. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    1 house per account is still 150 houses.
    if one of those 150 is a fort, you can add room for 2-3 houses.
  15. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Before I get any shit, Chris has said before that the average amount of homes owned by an individual is 3.

    That’s the AVERAGE. But even going off of that 20 inactive players would still account for 60 unused homes and again, there’s more than 20 inactive players here.

    And while I can appreciate Chris doesn’t want to change the rules on that I think the players and active community could and would agree that being able to own 15 homes isn’t great and would be open to discussing a solution.
    MartimusPrime and FartBarf like this.
  16. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I just re read my post and bored myself. I’ve probably posted similar shit 30-50 times in the last few years. Over it.
    MartimusPrime and Pedigar like this.
  17. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Yea. This is one of many dead horses. I always get tagged because I’m a vocal advocate. I need to stop.
    Pedigar likes this.
  18. Pedigar

    Pedigar Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2015
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    After almost 8 years in, he's not going to do it. All it takes is turning on one setting, and he won't do it.
    MartimusPrime and One like this.
  19. MartimusPrime

    MartimusPrime Member

    May 9, 2020
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    I can't start a conversation with ya

    How can I contact you? Discord? I am MartimusPrime on there as well.
  20. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Just let houses go condemned if the owner account hasn't logged in for 6 months. Then step back and observe. These huge changes are probably wholly unneccessary. Then all the IDOC'ers wanting the lewts can get the lewts....I mean free up housing space. :p

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