@Mr. Green I didn't read anything past the OP, but my advice is: Don't do it. Here is my quitting thread back then and getting rid of your pixels won't solve the original problem imho: http://uorforum.com/threads/blackeyes-quitting-thread.23924/ It's more like, you have to focus on other stuff that makes fun ingame or play less for a while. That rather brings back the spirits.
Just saying , no pixel is as satisfying vanquishing your enemy in combat and then slicing their head from their body as a trophy!
I really appreciate all the feedback. After all, that's what this thread was all about. My plan to liquidate everything has already been set in motion but I do plan on rolling a thief and PK, both of which I've rarely played in the past. I will die, a lot, but the challenge and learning curve may be just what I need.
I agree with this. Recently I was looking to quit or at least take a break. I actually started focusing on something else completely different in the game that I had never paid any attention to and it has taken my focus and interest. Downsized from a keep and tower to a 2 story villa and I love it. Also deleted about 8 of my 7x chars even though I was very hesitant about it. And sometimes that's the problem with this game. Attachment! Weather has been great for me lately where I live too, so I have taken the opportunity to find better balance and not rush online just so I can grab 3 more bods for the day. My advice, dabble into something that you actually have to learn and perhaps out of your comfort zone. Or, go back to your roots. My foundation on UOR is with a peace-dexxer. Over the past several months I have gotten pretty decent at triple boxing tamers (Boooooo, i know) and being able to take down a lot that way. Haven't played my tamer nor even killed anything in weeks. Currently though, I'm creating a Peace/Disco Dexxer to mess around with and the goal to take down a balron.
So far it has been GLORIOUS!! I've smashed many a soft zombie skulls, broken countless skeleton spines, and recently moved onto fighting two-headed beasts and mud monsters! I call this one; Battle Hardened -------------------- All natural baby!
Have you found a platinum piece yet? I found 2 of late on my naturalist and of course was excited. Been PKd? That certainly has a different meaning now. ;-)
Starting skills: Healing 50 Magery 49 Macing 1 (for the newbie club) As I could afford it, I bought up other necessary skills to 30-ish. No macroing, no stat tricks, just playing the game
Make sure you head up the the Undead City (ORC FORT) above Delucia and raise your weapon skills on bone knights and skeletons. Alternatively, head over to Deceit and visit the bone knight room for some super hella gains!