Duel System - Request For Comment

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Chris, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Biff with all due respect for your thoughts, your entire opinion is focused around one person's perspective. That person is: You.

    If you spend anytime in the circles of those who duel, you will know that this one simple facet of guaranteeing that BOTH players are playing by the same set of rules eliminates a world of uncertainty that is easily caused by simple misunderstandings, egos, griefers, etc. The vast majority of people who duel do it for one reason, which I believe is a very valid one: statistics. And this new dueling system is CHUCK FULL of recorded statistics. (check the announcement board listed at the arena)

    I wonder if you've forgotten that UO is a realm where people can be just as sleasey and despicable as they can be honest and trustworthy. Without the option to guarantee some set of rules, what is to stop somebody from saying "Yeah I won't use my XXX in this fight" but then using it once somebody agrees?

    You have a good idea with the request to make 'free for all' an option, and perhaps the default, but you cannot dismiss the fact that the majority of people who want to use this want their stats to be reliable. Again, the premise for the whole dueling system rests upon one crucial factor: Statistics. I admit that if you remove statistics then the need for any of these complicated 'dueling' settings is moot. But have a fun time telling these baseball, NBA, and general DataNerds that this information is irrelevant.

    Here are just a few "hypothetical" situations of the loss of integrity that can occur:

    Situation1: A HUGE misunderstanding (this won't occur with the current system)
    A dueler, lets call him Sam the Champ who's stats are currently 500 Wins and 103 Losses in the 5x mage category, enters a duel with Jupiter (who's a complete newb) and forwhatever reason Jupiter doesn't understand that 5x mage duel means NO WEAPONS. Jupiter then beats the opponent with a GM VANQ HALLY and explosion potions. Jupiter didn't MEAN to do this, it was all just a misunderstanding, but now the Sam the Champ is in 2nd place because he is now 500 Wins and 104 Losses. Sam the Champ now nerd rages in IRC because he lost his ranking and swears a life long vendetta against Jupiter.... aww. sad. This situation won't occur in new dueling system.

    Situation2: Huge Egos and mistrust
    Sam the Champ and Chuck the Underdog engage in a duel. Sam the Champ is currently extremely high on drugs (not an unlikely situation with many of those who still even play UO freeshards). Sam the Champ loses the duel to Chuck, but then immediately goes to IRC and nerd rages against Chuck and GM's because he swears he saw Chuck the Underdog cheated somehow. This would not happen under the current system.

    Situation3: The Classic Grief Sting
    Sam the Champ is found in IRC gloating about his flawless 600 Win 0 Loss record. By doing so he now paints a target on his back by professional Grief hit squads. They find Sam the Champ in game, and ask him to teach them how to duel. They swear they will give him a win if he will just show them how the champ does it. Sam the Champ agrees to enter the duel, but then is quickly assailed by a barrage of explosion potions, shot by illegal flares used as Fighter Jet countermeasures, and other such things that cause him to lose.
  2. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    A lot of great points. This really puts it Uo pvp into a new perspective! I am a bit old school and not so used to these forms of control.

    I retract my argument and I will give the new pvp system (which I'm grateful for) a fair go!
  3. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Another suggestion:

    Would it be possible to have an unranked option, for those who wish to learn/relearn pvp but without having 20,000 losses to their name?
    The beauty about the arena is the instant res and not having to loot body.

    Asking to much?

    Well, perhaps it will encourage more people to give pvp a fair go, by removing some of the danger and fear. Just a kick start ya know? I realise it's not a pvp shard, but it couldn't hurt right?

    I think the custom option is already unranked, however it requires ticking ALOT of boxes each time.
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I can get behind a check box (filled by default) that can be unchecked to not have the kill/death logged or ranked.
  5. Akasha

    Akasha Member

    Oct 19, 2013
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    Then dont f*cking participate you f*cking db*g.

    If other people enjoy it then what the f*ck is it to you?
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Post reported, thanks for playing Akasha. ;)

    If you wish to contribute to the forums, please continue to do so. If you wish to only talk trash, you know where that sub-forum is, clearly.
  7. Akasha

    Akasha Member

    Oct 19, 2013
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    You realize this thread requires approval before a post is visible right? Post reported. Kid, you are so bad, and so mad its ridiculous.
  8. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    No it doesn't, & you were issued a board warning in regards to the language in your previous post.
  9. Akasha

    Akasha Member

    Oct 19, 2013
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  10. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    When I made my suggestion/complaint, the new duelling system had only just been released, so how would I know that other people enjoy it until presenting my argument? I can't believe I'm even addressing this childish comment...

    Furthermore, just because majority of people think that something is right doesn't make it so - you would be falling for the fallacious argument form termed: "appealing to the masses". An example of this (and I used this in IRC the other day), majority of Americans believe in angels and that the world is only 10,000 years old and created in 7 days..
    However, in this case, my argument was opposed by some very good points and I had to retract.

    So what did you have to add? "Look at me I'm a muppet" :-D
  11. Akasha

    Akasha Member

    Oct 19, 2013
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    First off, Im not American.

    Second off, we are talking about entertainment here. So you are wrong. If the majority feels its right, it is right.

    This isnt ethics. This is entertainment.
  12. Biff

    Biff Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Subject: Duel System - Request For Comment

    I don't think you really understand...

    Doesn't matter whether or not you are American, it was an example that applies to everyone that shows that if majority believe in something, it doesn't make it right

    No-one was talking about ethics... it was a suggestion to the mechanics of a pvp system.

    Haha... so you can be right and wrong when it comes to entertainment now? This is interesting, so if everyone enjoys listening to Justin Bieber (entertainment), this can be right or wrong?
    There's a difference between arguing the subjective and objective - go figure. I was clearly wrong for good objective reasons.....

    just shhhhhhh
  13. Loki

    Loki Active Member

    Sep 18, 2013
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    Is parry allowed in the 7x standard duel?

    Could there be an option to allow all spells? Right now the system seems to hurt a mage that has inscription. I remember back in the day magic reflect and RA were not allowed in most duels but protection was in order to prevent other mages from disrupting your casting.

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