Why is there one? I could see if a character had so much detect hidden or remove trap skill that a message would warn you of a trap. Its not much of a trap if a bunch on messages pop up and tells you one is there.
I think that as long as you can place two explode traps in a row that do 80+ dmg each, its fair to have a warning. I wouldn't be apposed to removing warnings for other traps at all.
I agree, traps shouldn't be seen without detect hidden. (faction trap) being displayed on your lower left side of the screen isn't fair, for either side. You need gm tinkering, and 1k silver to place one trap. Detect hidden doesn't take much time to GM, and doesn't cost a damn coin one to GM it. Unlike tinkering, which requires tons of ingots.
Fully agree. I am curious though, since I did not play on production servers, how it was handled on them.
It completely loses it's "trap" feeling when there is a message telling you about it every time you get within "x" amount of tiles. Everyone agreeing to this change acknowledges the likelihood of running over traps more often without the WARNING --- but, that's exactly how it should be!