if This is an attitude that will never fix anything. You are basically saying "I will stop being an asshole if you stop being an asshole" The whole grudge is built upon a series of perceived insults and slights and this attitude will never solve a thing. Let's take a look at the example you brought up, that tournament. You saw mes showing up to a tournament and not fighting being a bad thing, mes saw himself showing up to a pvp tournament to watch and support it while being expected to deal with passive aggressive remarks from you. Both of you think you're right, but you're saying that you'll only strive to stop being an asshole if the other person (who thinks they are just as right as you think you are) stops first. What you need to be saying is "I will try not to be such an asshole in the future". That's what everyone needs to be saying. You need to drop the if.
And the Internet brings out the worst in humanity yet again. Weird...I thought it'd be different this time.