I don't mind stat-loss, it works for it's purpose, but in O/C you aren't guarding sigs for no reason. I'm solo because I am a member of the Council of Mages, I like the lore and the background and want to fight against my enemy and drink margaritas on Magincia beach while off duty. If Factions was locked down until a good system was put in place and in the meantime we used Order/Chaos with no blue healing, that would be exactly up everyone's alley. Any time I bring anything up for factions it is always said it will be "abused" or factions is "all about pvp". Oh well, I tried to bring up ideas or interest... I don't plan on wasting my time building up an army to please you Blaise. I had the town these past few weeks and got a few regs, I could have done that any other way... such bullshit. I won't force anyone to join a busted ass system. I roam the towns on my factioner, I don't sit there waiting for a damn call to come in or a pm to meet up and fight. If I wanted a scheduled pvp fight, I would join CTF or a tournament match. I want factions to be better as a SYSTEM, you just want a huge pvp bash.
Then you better plan on fucking losing, and a lot. Building an army wouldn't just please me, it would please the dozens of players who have dabbled in factions. You have had towns because we let it happen and didn't bother breaking that down for you. We were all hoping perhaps some town control would bring more folks to your side....like the three CoM players who CHOOSE to go run in PK gank squads, much more than they ever choose to FIGHT in factions. You definitely won't 'force' anyone to do anything because you can't. Factions is not a busted system, it's a system that suits its purpose (consensual combat, with some benefits, however slim). With town controls I can place resource vendors at the bank for easy access in business or training when buying up supplies. I can also place guards to help protect me a bit when out numbered or trying to guard sigils. I can also faction bless weapons and clothes, one of which has a great benefit in PvP. I'm sure blessed weapons mean jack shit to an archer but let's be realistic here. There is no where near a shortage of high end archery weapons on this server so losing one or many means about jack shit, all told. I also roam towns AND attend champ spawns SOLO on my factioner(s). I don't sit there waiting for anything, at all. I just go and play the game and HOPEFULLY I'll get a fight out of it because I'm orange. If you wanted a field fight, you would stop running away from me 1v1. So yes, please don't waste your precious time building a team for A TEAM BASED GAME. I hope you solo the Purveyor of Darkness too, because you're just so damn tough. That said, factions is a good system and CAN be a huge pvp bash (like it should be, hence the town controls and base defense settings). Sure, there may be room for improvement but honestly, none of it sounds suited for someone with three accounts who can't handle a 10 minute timeout for dying. You're solo because you choose to be, and it has literally nothing at all to do with which faction you choose to RP. lol As for your ideas for factions, yes, you've had some and yes the points about abuse were absolutely accurate. Factions is about PvP but if you recall, I also agreed on the points of more monster spawns, etc, to add variety to it. I think if we had more reasons to farm mobs on factioners, we'd have more players farming on factioners and fighting for farming grounds. ie: good for pvp
You can go to champ spawns solo because guess who else is there? Your teammates! Sure, some of my ideas could be abused, but guess what.... it is being abused RIGHT NOW!!! WAKE THE HELL UP would ya? Pull your head out of your ass for once and maybe you would realize you aren't fighting ANYONE in factions and you won't for a good while. Even if you all did break up you wouldn't fight each other anyways, just go back to your normal toons since nobody would be out to fight on their factioners... except Pikka, I see him way more than anyone else in SL roaming towns. I do get a kick out of you trying to lure people to join one team with some stupid ass reward because factions doesn't reward FOR SHIT! Good luck with that one, hope it works out for ya! I know you all didn't give a crap about the towns, so I took them... ME... who else could take towns? *crickets* Oh yeah, I LOSE SOOOO MUCH!! What a JOKE! The towns don't mean shit and you know it, keep believing your BS, it is your favorite thing to do.
The three accounts/15 characters thing my contribute to why you don't see factioners standing around at bank or pve'ing. We have enough character slots that we can use our characters for only faction fights. And you're right about Pikka, he is still out there roaming towns and checking factioner's houses regularly. He just hasn't given up on the idea that there might be oranges out there. We used to get on every evening and run the banks the same way pks might run the dungeon hot spots. But there has been no point lately, since CoM and Minax left. I don't think it's SL's fault that factions is the way it was now. Both CoM and Minax got cut off at the head for unrelated reasons. Jleem had already told me he liked playing on foot and intended to go to IPY3. And Minax seemed to die as soon as Sandro disappeared. Even now, SL is smaller and growing smaller. And there has long since been an agreement to give people a break when they are running around with 1 or 2 oranges. There's just noone out there and doesn't seem to be anything to build a foundation on right now. All it takes is one or two active players that are willing to communicate with others and try to get on together. I just think we got spoiled by a month or two of constant fighting earlier this year. Most of the time I've been on the server factions have been like this (i.e. very few factioners on. Except for a few people like tater and HC that would be seen on their factioners but I rarely saw them fighting.) As for you Wulver I'm not exactly sure what you want. My best guess is 1on1's that aren't duels or set up ahead of time. If you want more oranges or more fights, so do we. All I can do is hope guys like you make friends and roll together. There's no shortage of complainers out there that aren't participating currently. I would prefer for factions to not be reduced to 2 factions. I'd be more in favor of O/C not being blue heal-able and people could try to revive that. But ultimately it will require the same thing factions needs: willing participants. New faction leaders, people with some heart that are willing to try and lose and get back up.
Actually no, when I went to the champ spawn solo, in T2A, on my factioner, there were 0 SL there to heal/cure me and there were SEVERAL enemies also there, who would not have batted an eyelash if someone started fighting me. I'm not sure which of your ideas are being abused right now so you'll have to explain that one. I suppose my head is too far up my ass to see wtf you're talking about. If you mean the only place SL can farm silver at a decent rate being broken because of the permanent champ spawn there, yeah, I agree. That is broken. Yes, Pikka is probably our most fielded SL member because get this shit....THAT IS ALL HE DOES. He logs on to fight people. He's not doing BoDs, he's not grinding for a bigger house, he's not out there hosting event and trying to hold the hands of new players to get them comfortable here so they don't run away at the first sight of an unblessed runebook. I love Pikka, he's a good friend for years now and no, we do not have the same play habits. I'm glad you get a kick out of me trying to motivate other people to form a team. Seems like you think you should get hooked up with major rewards for fighting in factions. The fact of the matter is that there are rewards they are just slim and as a result, nearly impossible to abuse. I'm simply putting up a single item, which happens to be a point of pain for our enemies. Blessed runics are not easily had in the higher levels and I'm making an opportunity for anyone who's got the initiative to come along, train up with and against us, and carry on with consensual combat. In all honesty, the gold hammer is really a trifle considering finding +15 vanq is easier than finding someone to fight in factions. The towns are mostly just bragging rights with the minor benefit of vendors and guards. Sure, there could be some better incentives there, but NO ONE SHOULD REQUIRE THEM. If you just want combat, wtf are you complaining about lack of reward for? The greatest reward is fighting, winning or losing, in the field with friends. If you refuse to make them or align with anyone, you have no place in factions and no room to bitch about what it is or isn't.