Hate to see you go. But understand completely...have fun in RL and do pop in when you can. Best always to you and yours. Marjo: Governess of Wispfelt Village irc: Westra
Wait... what? Wow! UOR retirement already? Betting you'll get the bug again after RL settles down. Moderation is key. GL with your new endeavors.
Good riddance, now I won't ever have to see that ugly purple fro again. Jk man - Was awesome playing with you!
JESUS CHRIST @7000 free plat...and I was happy when I finally broke the 200 platinum mark after a year of grinding...LMAO
you better log on for some fights/ctfs/duels/whatever you asshole!! i havent been on much myself but Id love to fight with/against you again
See you later amfeKk! Never knew you, but I lurk these forums a lot. So pretty much, right? You are one of those players I currently see on here and think "How does one become so wealthy?!" and then quickly get back to the grind newly inspired to be as rich as some of you SOBs.
Take care Fek! I wish you well in all your IRL MMO endeavors. Even if you don't find time to play don't forget to come chill with us in IRC here and there!
Sorry, i see this thread yesterday before sleeping. UO is really addictive and sometime, it take too much REAL times. You will miss OUR community. I hope you good luck and also want to tell you "Merci" for gift you give to julien. He was REALLY happy!