Focus (And other skills)

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by ravenclaw, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    How does the guy know it affects stamina and hp regen rates but doesn't know if it affects mana? Seems like he's stating more of an opinion rather than facts.

    If he knows it affects those two, he should know if it affects mana as well.

    Just my opinion
  2. chumbucket

    chumbucket Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    There are a lot of rumors going around. TIme to settle this:

    * Food gives you 5 stamina when you eat it.
    * If you are starving, guards are inclined to say different things about you when they see you, e.g., "Thou hast the look of a hobo."
    * If you are satiated, killing mongbats, ratmen, and kraken results in an extra 3 gold per kill.
    * If you are stuffed, you can gain cooking, begging, and camping skills at a significantly increased rate.
    * If you hold down TAB and double click on someone's helmet while in town, you will get 300 gold placed into your backpack.
    * Once a week, and always at 4:33 AM EST, a red moongate appears just north of the Paupa Tailor. The moongate takes you to a special dungeon known as the Mongbat's Lair. It is full of mongbats, thousands of them. Your screen will fill with them. If you can clear the dungeon, you are given a special prize: a slightly more reddish than normal apple. Trammel-traders will pay millions for it, as it is the rarest of rares.
    * The pitchfork, once every 1000 or so hits, does an instant-kill special move. When the hit goes off, you get the message, "Ol McDonald PWN."
  3. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Conversely... if he wasn't sure it impacted stamina and HP, wouldn't he say he's "not sure" about those as well? It makes no sense that he would not know any of them, but would act like he knew two of them but not the third.

    Mana regen is much more complicated than stamina and HP, because it has added variables based on your Meditation skill, your Intelligence, and what you're wearing. Stamina and HP have either no variables, or one variable (hunger).
  4. Urza

    Urza Active Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I would like to believe that eating food is more of a UO religion. It has many effects that may or may not do anything. Different players believe it increases their skill gain, others believe that it is done to increase regen of health points. I do it to praise the UO gods and give thanks for such a lovely game. It is like finding a heads up penny, or chanting some Buddhist hymn. Stop arguing over it and eat because you can eat.

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