I had Animal Controls toon Lamina Slortnoc in my house as a ghost for a few weeks. I made sure to keep him fed and watered. I even provided him with some stools incase his legs got tired.
Sorry for insinuating such i just remember the drama and thought 30mil was crazy much less 8. I didn't realize how good of a vendor spot it is but makes since since alot of people love Glow. Grats!
Albeit that wasn't from selling small trinkets, I sold a lot of holiday scrolls and other rares/semi-rares that I was liquidating, but it has been plenty profitable so far. It also incentivized me to finally finish my crafter/mule, who only had alchemy and tailoring. Now he's a well-polished merchant!
Boom! Smashed it. My crater has GM poisoning, GM alchemy, GN tailoring and GM hurt feelings over the neglect he suffers. And @One - NOPE, infact quite the opposite, I chased MF Jones away from my CUB patio yesterday as he was my lurking my gate.
In my head they're filled with fort deeds and fireball wands, everyone chucks fireball wands on the floor and say to themselves "I might use that in a pinch" but never actually do.
I'll give you 25. And will be hard pressed to pay more... Both strav and labeler are overpriced as fuck. Anyone who knows what labeler paid. *Sorry to narc bud* but he's basically trying to get almost the entire price he paid for all those houses out of 1. Believe he eventually did too.
@merlin8666 I am glad you made this comment, since you have no clue what in the hell you are talking about. lol. And for everyone else who commented after about the legitimacy of my cabin purchase: The original price for the Sandstone was 50mill, S/B. After sitting for a few days with no bids, I talked Eriz into lowering S/B to 30mill. If anyone had half a brain, they would have seen me liquidating my 30mill+ of items collected from the previous Christmas event to pay for the sandstone. So yes, it was legit. Eriz split the 30mill with the co-owner Ishbu. This Sandstone was worth 40mill plus in my eyes because I knew it could be replaced as 2 houses (either cabin and sandstone, or villa and small tower). I have alwys wanted that location. http://uorforum.com/threads/wts-the-sandstone-of-moonglow-yes-that-one-sold.27261/ I then tore down the sandstone, placed my cabin, then replaced the sandstone a few tiles to the East (on the guard line for safe vendor buying) and dennn I sold the sandstone to witchcraft for 15mill. and dennn, @Pill Sabotaged my auction and bought my cabin for 8mill worth of HC. So you see, I DID take a small loss, around 7mill or so with HC valued at 3.75. But when HC skyrockets during the hot holiday season, I may be able to recoup, if not make some more gold on top of what I have originally invested. This game has never been about accumulating wealth for me. I have been a millionaire more than 5 times here. I have owned forts, keeps, rare stuff, cool clothing, blah blah blah. I just like helping people out, trolling people in good fun, and sticking up for the little guy who doesn't know any better. I gave Pill OVER 40million Gold worth of stuff the last time I quit, and more millions worth was given away to new players in Moonglow and Ocllo more than a few times during my other "quitting extravaganzas. Long story short, do me one favor...don't ever insinuate that my deals are not legit, because they are and will always be. I don't play that crap like some others on here do.
This is true, Air has quit at least 5 times and has given me or others a lot every time. He truly doesn’t give a fuckkkk and is on to bigger things right now. If he did ever decide to come back, my shit is his shit, because I really don’t care either. I’m here for fun.
@Loki you selling this then bud? Or just working us all up into a lather? And do you have anything to do with @Merlin hitting me up asking me how much money I've got for a fort?