Funny thread - What are some of your biggest UO "noob" moments starting out?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by PaddyOBrien, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    I remember this one time I was gonna overpay for an already overpriced blue 1st anni robe that people hyped up crazyyy.

    But ended up using that money to make 5x that. & got the robe cheaper.

    Long live UOR!
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  2. Khar'Mash

    Khar'Mash Member

    Aug 22, 2017
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    Resurrect with penalties. :(
  3. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 4, 2023
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  4. Cheapsuit

    Cheapsuit Well-Known Member
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    Jun 12, 2013
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    Some friends at work got me started playing UO and I remember some stranger taught me how to recall and gave me 5k! So the next day I went to work bragging about my spell book and my 5k. I thought I was a badass cuz I could cast recall and you COULD NOT tell me I wasn't rich lol. I would run around with that spell book in my hand thinking I was the shit. Also I remember being stuck on ice island before I knew how to recall or what it even was. So my buddies from work ran around town asking people if they had a boat to try and find me a way off the island. We were all noobs and thought the only way off the island was a boat. Funny shit. I think I ran through someone's gate to get stuck there. I just remember being scared to death that someone was gonna kill me, so I hid beside a house until I was rescued. i'm pretty sure back then you had to have little seeds that turned into gates to get on the felucca side.

    The guy that rescued me, we are still friends to this day, and I've been trying my best to get him to leave the other place and come here. :) We've played every game together since we met, including final fantasy and wow. This is the first time we aren't playing on the same server.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
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  5. Cheapsuit

    Cheapsuit Well-Known Member
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    Jun 12, 2013
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    Actually he just texted me and said give him a week, he may give it a try! If he bring the guys, we will run this place! :)
  6. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
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    Nov 5, 2016
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    Getting scammed buying my first small tower, but I don't remember the details other than being really worked up about it.

    Getting lured to dagger isle by a player who turned out to be a disguised Orc. He trapped me in a small house behind some stools (set up provo-house style) for about 3 days. I could't recall and didn't know about help stuck, I guess. He held me for ransom but my guild threw me under the bus. I can't remember how I escaped but I'm assuming I finally logged out.
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  7. Nusir

    Nusir Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2017
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    Around the November of 1997 I got to playing Ultima online, my dad was playing and he let me have a character on his account (big mistake, being 13 it took over my life!)

    After around 2 weeks of 'exploring' north Vesper...naked and dodging everything that attacked me I was finally caught by some guy who popped out of his house, paralyzed me and then killed me with this red blade thingy!!
    Then I was probably dead a few hours before I found out how to res. Destroyed the game for me, I lost my really cool magic katana I had found on the floor at the bank!

    Anyway after that, found myself a guild, bought the game for my best buddy from school and had someone to play with and got given a little house by trinsic, next to a little pond, full of val plate and magical amazings and bit by bit I lost it all to ettins and PK's (mainly in the passes to T2A)

    After a little time a guy joined my guild called 'dex monkey'. He killed a load of us in Vesper and looted us, unheard of!!

    Shortly after Trammel was released and the PVP was drying up we took inspiration from this feller dex monkey and proceeded to join guild, slaughter the noobs and loot them all, while documenting it all on a website run by @Sheepdog. This even went so far as creating new characters for the goal of killing them all (dexer afk macrod up within a week)
    Good times.

    There is something about running about wearing a pink kilt, fancy shirt, sandals and a straw hat, slicing people up with a katana and kite shield.

    With every change to the game, it took a little bit of getting used to, like the need to wear armour.
    But what killed the game was the being over run with PK's before Trammel was released, you would see one after the other running through a dungeon with their healers.
    Anyway, lost track, I was a noob over and over.
    Hadrian and Sheepdog like this.
  8. Ronald Tate

    Ronald Tate New Member

    Sep 8, 2017
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    When I first started playing I made a mage. I tried to hide and meditate at the same time. I kept getting upset by med making me come unhidden.

    Also I got taken by the cancel trade window steal last target....lost a pair of sandals that way.
  9. Vizzer

    Vizzer Active Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    When I first started I only ever played on the fifth slot of my buddies account on Catskills.

    I had my char hanging out near the Brit moongate with some other idlers and got a random item stolen from me.

    I run over to the gate and attack the person who stole from me.

    I suddenly turn grey.

    I hadn't paid attention to the little warning box that popped up letting me know I was about commit a criminal act, and proceeded to get chased by three players, attempting to kill the idiot that attacked one of them for no good reason. A minute into the chase I have my friend take over the mouse while I hit the keyboard and try to explain the situation. After a three minute chase I'm dispatched to the chuckles of my pursuers.

    Two obvious noob mistakes: Read the fucking directions, and practitioners of UO aren't exactly playing for a rousing rational conversation.
  10. Vizzer

    Vizzer Active Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    Forgot to mention; I also didn't understand the color system for criminal names, so I attacked the first name I thought looked familiar, so very blue.
  11. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Active Member

    May 31, 2016
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    This thread is gold! I cant really add much that hasnt already been told - Ive made the same noob mistakes as anyone, started playing this game in 1998-99 when I was about 15.

    I do recall spending an inordinate amount of time in Brit sewers, believing that 1) area outside the city was too dangerous and 2) there wasnt anywhere else I could go. I was pretty amazed when I found out the forests near Brit had much better loot and were mostly safe - I too had to learn not to attack random Orcs or Lizardmen cuz they were most likely a polymorphed PK!

    Looking back, its very funny, how angry and frustrated I was losing all of my gear after attacking someone's summoned elemental in town. I mean, it was a red monster! If course were supposed to kill it right? And its in town, which means its weak, not like the strong monsters in dungeons, right!?

    And then, the extreme joy and self satisfaction of reaching my first GM, 100 skill in swords! It took me a full year to get that first GM!
  12. dabrixmgp

    dabrixmgp Member

    Sep 6, 2017
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    not really a n00b moment but pissed me off enough to quit for a few months. Was playing my PKer Trichinosis on Europa and had just dropped off loot in my house. I honestly think I was pretty much unkillable cause this was back in 98 when 99% of the world was still on dial up. I was enjoying my freshman year in college, which also came with a T-3 connection. Anyways I was in my house and went to shower. Came back and I was dead. Friend who PKed with me was also in the house and said someone had Meteor Stormed me from the outside. It was the bugs that made UO so great back in the day, like looting through house walls. In this case one caused my death but at least I learned to hide if you are red and wanna go AFK, even for 10 mins, lol.

    Of course my first character was naturally a Miner. I remember using the drag big ass ore piles to the Forge method cause who could afford a pack horse? I couldnt figure out why I never got any ingots. I figured it was because my Mining was still too low and I failed the smelting. Someone was hidden at the forge and kept smelting my pile as I drug it over. I thought that was pretty funny.
  13. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2017
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    After I'd been playing about 6 months or so I found an idoc house, it was a small house but it had some good loot, I remember getting 2 potted plants and a full set of valourite plate armour. I was so stoked. I went back to my little house and placed them on the door steps, threw on the full val plate armour set and was about to take a screenshot when I thought I could make it even cooler by putting my +25 silver vanq in my hands, really floss you know? I was gonna post it on stratics and soak up the compliments like a pig in shit. I typed cheese, hit enter....

    And then this random dude appeared out of fucking no where walked over and picked up both the plants.

    I attacked him, he killed me because I sucked and he put on the armour.

    Then he took a screenshot and posted it on stratics including the journal entry where it showed my character saying cheese.

    Lesson learnt? Secure your shit before flossin' and characters with stealth are awesome.
    Black Tortoise likes this.
  14. Rickbrent

    Rickbrent Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    LMFAO - Yeah, I didn't know this either until about 5 seconds ago. jesus that would save me some time. :(
    Cheapsuit likes this.
  15. Merek Tybalt

    Merek Tybalt Well-Known Member
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    Jun 13, 2017
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    This was so true for most of us. I used to think GM was only for the mega uber players that played 24/7. I don't think anyone outside that era truly appreciates just what a damn grind it was to GM anything.

    Wasn't until my buddy developed a macro assist program (he was a freelance software developer) in late 98 that things got easy. The idea I could afk macro for hours the repeated clicks and targets was a game changer.
  16. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Active Member

    May 31, 2016
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    Cant believe no one dropped this one yet -

    that time I took some really good gear, lots of regs, more food than I could afford to replace, and money for no reason at all, to the bone wall! you know, so I could train there longer without needing to leave for supplies...

    *queue the storm of reds*
    Hadrian likes this.

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