
Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Dejekt, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Keep in mind there is no direct correlation between a free shards skill gain over time, and OSI's skill gain. OSI implemented the anti macro 8x8 system in 2000, requiring players to move in order to qualify for additional gains. So if you hopped on a boat and worked magery while moving, yes skill gain was super easy. They would also ban you if they caught you doing that unattended, as this was not their intended design.

    So that said, on Renaissance we have applied a baseline difficulty, and are committed to researching the appropriate levels of skill gain for each skill based on the information available for the era. We would rather err on the side of more difficult skill gain, to allow ourselves room to adjust it, rather than upset the playerbase by arbitrarily making a certain skill harder to gain because of what our research turned up.
  2. Pop_NotSoda

    Pop_NotSoda New Member

    Aug 10, 2012
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    I started macroing hiding over night and went from 0-46.6. That's pretty damn good considering I didn't have to do any of the work personally ;)

    Going back to Six's comment, I was also one of those guys on OSI who never gm'ed magery. I think the closest I ever had to a 7x char was a warrior who was 6x and 91 resist or something. And I played him for a very long time. I'm also definitely one of those people who will start hunting earth elementals one I get a bit more healing and 100/100/25 despite only having around 30 fencing and tactics :p
  3. Dejekt

    Dejekt New Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    can 0-100 hiding in 24 hours though on OSI :p And even if macroing unattended wasn't intended design, it still was fast to do attended. I sat at my PC while I macro'd it and just read forums and kept an eye on it, and things like magery went extremely fast during UO:R.
  4. Mad_Bob

    Mad_Bob New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Skillgain here doesn't seem too slow. I started 3 days ago and already have a 90's fencer I can farm gold for my mage on. I have only really had about 4-5 hours of active playtime and the rest was just macroing.

    I think its important to make players invest a little in order to play. Players who are willing to spend some time training and farming are much more likely to make a home here than ones who want everything to come easy...
  5. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2012
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    And those who get things to come easy leave 90% of the time. People need to feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in what they have, or they don't appreciate it and toss it to the side. I know I don't want anything handed to me, unless its like a million dollars :)
  6. Descartes

    Descartes Well-Known Member
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    Jun 9, 2012
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    Skill gain here is just right. I 7xGM'd my tamer and a healer mage within 3 weeks. If it were any easier; it'd be too easy.
  7. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    Long established fact. Doesn't stop people from asking for it though. ;)

    There are TONS of free servers giving stats and skills away like Halloween candy to choose from. I know because I went through one after another after another before I found Renaissance, which is exactly what I was looking for. It makes no sense for the OP to specifically choose one of the very rare servers (I only know of two) that has difficult skill gain and then complain about that fact.
  8. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Skill gain is hard yes but it's not like you have to glue your self to the computer , make a macro. Then go do stuff in real life, besides be thankful you don't have to macro meditation & eval and other passive skills that gain gradually like anatomy does when you train healing or weapon skill. On UOSA I had to train meditation liquor style for a day before I even started doing magery.

    As for skills you can't afk macro like provo & taming well those skills are suppose to be hard because those are money makers.

    Question tho: Wasn't power hour in UO:R era?
  9. yaadood

    yaadood Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Power hour was UO:R

    Log on, macro for an hour get easily 4-5 whole points done even in the 90s.

    Maybe attended macro 8x8.

    You guys with the sense of accomplishment need a reality check. This is a game for fun, let's at least make it as easy as OSI gains.
    Use common sense about the era accuracies... were things implemented to cater to the release of trammel? don't use them here if so.
    20 instruments breaking over the course of macroing for a day is ridiculous. "exceptional" and "slayer" instruments were total trammy bs.

    If you had 5 mill in the bank, you could make a 7x char in 3-4 days macro'ing non stop. didn't matter what skill maybe save poisoning/taming/lockpicking.

    Personally I agree with the make gains easier side. You're not gonna get any players to play here if they gotta sit through a bunch of boring weeks to get a decent char, only to get grief'd later and/or miss the train from all the people with their sense of accomplishment. It's not like giving out f'ing skill balls at all.
  10. Vagingo

    Vagingo Member

    Sep 18, 2012
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    this shard is easier for skill gains on the pvp skills at least. no way you are making a 7x char in a week on osi. i remember most ppl never even got to gm resist in uor.
  11. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    You guys need a reality check. You think this server has slower gains than OSI? It took me exactly 7 days to 6x a tamer with high 90s resist. Good luck coming even remotely close to that on OSI. It takes a little less than a week to finish a mage/dexxer on here depending on your skill choices. Just because it's slower in the beginning stages of skill gain (i.e. 0-70) doesn't mean it's a slower process all around. I assure you it took much longer to complete a char on OSI than it does here.

    It simply amazes me at the things some of you people will find to complain about. If it's not one thing it's the next. If something doesn't go your way, or how you think it should work, or how some other server did it you come kicking and screaming about it. It's also amazing that tons of people have already finished several chars without saying a word and are doing just fine enjoying the game, and then a few kids come here expecting a 7x char in 2 days. You have no concept of gratitude or thankfulness for having a free server to play with admins who know wtf they're doing. And yes, yes it is a good idea to have chars that are actually 'worth' something. It's absolutely retarded to play a server where you can 7x a char in a couple days just so you can make a brand new one if you go deep into statloss, don't like your name choice, hair style, etc.
  12. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    The fact the server does not restart really helps. It took less than a a week for me to get a warrior 5x GM and I did it all manually except magery/resist (slashing/shooting undead at Jhelo'm first then moved to ogre lords once my tamer/bard was decent enough to provoke them.

    If anything gains are too easy! :p
  13. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 19, 2012
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    I whole-heartedly agree with all of this. Also, who says you can't use a non-polished character? Why not go out with 50 tacs/swords and start swinging? Sure, it'll be a challenge. But I did it in the beginning. There are plenty of ways to get started, resource gathering for instance. Sell a few thousand boards or ingots, which doesn't take long, and you can get a decent start on a mage. There are plenty of options other than provo bards...
  14. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  15. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Im not really for natural, I like the big artificial gains~ Early, on my fencer, I went straight up with no macroing. I used this fencer as my main would macro provo and worked taming. I got a small house by the time I was finished with the provo.
  16. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    I have played this game since '98 and I really enjoy this shard as I did the other two free shards I have had the pleasure to play on (Angel Island and UOSA). Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I tend to side with those that feel slow progress in regards to skill gain at this point in time does not necessarily contribute to a heightened sense of accomplishment.

    It's a grind and for part-time gamers simply causes a larger rift between casual gamers and those hardcore players who are logged in 24/7 X 7. I think the quicker a player can get GM'd and out doing the things they enjoy doing rather than macroing is the way to go. Make the monsters more difficult, make the gold dropped a little less, put caps on endless crafting /NPC sale loops, whatever you can think of to promote a more stable and balanced economy short of wiping every month, but let people actually play rather than having to grind out toons.

    I understand the viewpoint of those that have been a part of this shard from the start and the time they've invested in making their characters. To them I say, who cares if someone GM's their skills in a few days as compared to a month if there are certain mechanics in place that safeguard a runaway economy? If there is a system of economic checks and balances put into the game then completing GM characters in a shortened amount of time shouldn't cause any imbalance as far as actual gameplay.

    I realize people will argue that allowing people to GM characters in a short amount of time will lead to an influx of people who will PK, go into stat loss and be back in action without skipping a beat. That problem is almost solved by the fact you can only have two accounts on this shard, there are also many ways to dissuade people from milling PK characters over and over again, just takes a little creativity.
  17. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    It's funny because the number one complaint that I have seen on all servers including other games like WoW is level/Macroing character. Sure it's fun when you begin a game but 16 years of macroing gets old, So The people saying oh it's easy are rather new or they have alot of time on there hands, Some people can only logg on for a few hours a day sometimes a week due to work, family and other obligations so to them yea it's gonna be a pain. I would assume that's what power hour was added for on OSI so people could logg on for that hour a day they could macro without Missing out. I'm 50/50 on this subject because while making skill gain hard it makes characters worth more in the end, a sense of accomplishment. I Also feel for the people who want to get right in there and start pvming or pvping but have a life and can't spend as much time playing video games as much as the next person and kinda get left behind, so there really is no way to even this out without power hour but I think it's already been concluded that power hour won't be added.
  18. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
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    Aug 19, 2012
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    Said it earlier and I'll say it again for those who don't read through previous pages - There are TONS of free servers giving stats and skills away like Halloween candy to choose from. I know because I went through one after another after another before I found Renaissance, which is exactly what I was looking for. It makes no sense for anyone to specifically choose one of the very rare servers (I only know of two) that has difficult skill gain and then complain about that fact.

    I don't know Mandevu and so have nothing against him personally but I hate posts like this. You didn't pull that off with your first character, coming in as a newb. Qualify the blown-up statement - With proven, time-tested macros and full funding for regs and equipment and runes to taming spots you made a 6x tamer with high 90s resist in 7 days. And probably guildies and/or a house. My statement above shows that I'm not for people complaining about the skill gain here but don't misrepresent how long it takes the average player to build characters either.
  19. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  20. yaadood

    yaadood Member

    Sep 3, 2012
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    you hardcore players just don't realize...

    the end goal is for this shard to gain LOTS of players, thus making the game more fun for everyone. UO:R was the best era because there were so many players interacting with each other.

    if you have these slow gains then you're not going to gain players. i have 7x tank mage, 7x bard mage, a couple 7x dexers on UOSA and have done the whole "grinding" there. this shard has just as slow if not slower gains than UOSA, and second age was a more difficult skill gain era on OSI.

    we all want more people to play here, and at least letting adults who don't have as much time gain skill and have fun playing the game is a benefit to all players.

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