
Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Dejekt, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2012
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    This will be my last word about this thread. I wasn't going to reply at all because I'm not interested in forum dueling Double Vision, but then you chimed in so I figured I'd clarify something before my post is twisted into something unrecognizable. There are plenty of people here who've openly stated they wish skill gain was easier: you don't see me ripping up all of them. That's because everyone's entitled to their own opinions. I have no problem with that at all. What I had a problem with was the rude and aggressive way that a particular noob account came on here expressing opinions. I addressed thesorrow121 and ONLY thesorrow121. All my statements were directed at him alone and were not generalizations aimed at any other person or group of people. Now if you still want to jump all over me or choose to take offense at what I wrote, feel free - but you're picking a needless fight.
  2. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    I think it's always gonna be 50/50 on this matter, where as a vet who has been playing uo for years get sick of macroing characters on server after server new players still feel some kinda accomplishment. More then likely they won't make skill gain easier because there goal is to make macroing time consuming and work. That's all fine and stuff but what happens is you have more then half the server macroing and not much action for the people who have completed their characters. Also alot of times people like myself will go and play other games while their charcters are macroing and get hooked on the other game they are playing and quit macroing or playing all together. There's really no easy fix for this to suit both parties who feel accomplished making a character and ones who just wanna get it done with so they can play.

    Only reasonable thing I can see is power hour which more then likely won't be added or the idea to get quicker gains in dungeons. Let's all agree to disagree, and the only reason me and prodigy said something about you saying to go find another server is because the goal is to keep people here not send them away. I do appreciate you acting mature about this though because I really don't like pvp forum fighting either I just get caught up in it.
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    This shard is still young. I feel like I started on the 'second wave' of people coming on board. When I logged in, I got a 5k check handed to me by Rainbow I think. I started training and feeling things out. This wave saw nearly all of my guildmates come on board with me.
    Now we've got really well trained characters (some have finished, I have none finished yet) and we're in turn giving kicker checks to the new folks to get started.
    These waves will need to hit into around the 10th cycle before things are really picked up here. I'd guess DV came along around the 4th or 5th wave. Guerrilla was here around the 3rd, but he's long gone.

    I'm just taking guesses and haven't tracked data, but hopefully you get what I'm saying.
    You say there's no one in the field but honestly like every day I'm dropping starter gold on new PEOPLE to come on board, not just new characters for the same old people. Now understand that most of us have lives and those new people, won't be really 'fielding' much for another few weeks to a month.

    In all honesty, I think that the gains are fine, we just need a dozen waves or so of accomplished folks bumping along the new folks until the lands are bustling with the accomplished finding ways to spend their money and time (fielding).

    Give it time and YOUR best efforts to be active, be seen and most of all BE HELPFUL AND WELCOMING TO THE NEW FOLKS.

    Cheers and happy hunting all!

    Further Note: How you define 'ready for PvP' is all a matter of opinion. I have been in combat with my chars since they hit 70 Resist. Am I at a disadvantage? Hell yes. Do I care? Hell no. I'm still having fun and if I don't know how easily I'll get dirted with 70 Resist, how will it feel awesome when I don't?
  4. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    I actually started in beta, Was here from the transition from beta to test to live and then started hardcore when it went live. No one seen me because I was macroing tailors and noone new my tailor names while my tamer was on a boat training magery then in out and about later taming. Ty
  5. Luminary

    Luminary New Member

    Oct 22, 2012
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    It sounds like the people in this thread who are asking for faster skill-gains are really just wanting easy-mode. I was able to macro up a 6x (nearly 7x, short of vet) tamer in roughly 6-7 days. I was also able to macro up a fully 7x faction-thief in about 5~ days as well. The faction thief I was able to macro up to 7x completely afk, while using my tamer to fund the entire process.

    Making skill-gain faster than it is really defeats the purpose of having skill-gain altogether. If you speed the process up anymore, you might as just hand-out free skills & be done with it. I also agree on the point that was made that once people reach 7x, they usually stop playing that character as much as they were before, and go straight into making another character until that one is completed.

    Skill-gain is easy and for most skills (minus crafting skills, and a few select others) they can be completely afk-macroed up to 100. It really doesn't get much easier than that, and as such I cannot agree that this server "needs" faster skill-gain. My personal opinion is that a lot of players have been spoiled by servers which offer instant 7x or 100 in skills, by either skill-balls or donations. The whole idea behind not allowing this is that this server makes players work (barely, at that) for their skills & possessions, and to me it seems that some people can't even do that.
  6. Duffrey

    Duffrey Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    +1 @ Luminary.
  7. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Your peoples logic and proof on the server is two different things. Proof is everyone is afk macroing and not doing anything else in game, its been that way since its went live and seems to be declining in activity... Look at all the farming spots that where a hot spots in the begining.. Noone is there farming anymore .. Less pks, less faction fights.. Proof is alot of people have been leaving because the server is not active because hard core players who can spend all hours of the day and night and know quick methods to macro faster are done with there characters where new players and people who are illiterate to razor etc are still macroing. 109 people online today and 80 of them of macroing, 79 people on tonight and like 65 are macroing... Thats proof right there. More then half the server is macroing characters at peak points and not being able to play. By the time they get done with there characters if they even done some will be so burnt out by making them they will quit. I'm going on logic and past experience of other servers. Althought I don't believe in easy mode , I'd prefer a server thats active over a server thats mainly people afk.

    The server should not just be for hardcore players and people who been playing for years and know the tricks to macro a character up fast it should also be for the new players who havn't played since osi and dont know how to use razor or are new to the server and want to get there skills up to see what the server has to offer.. you guys are all stuck on ooo this should be hard this should only be for the leet... No it shouldn't. IPY thought that way and look how fast it died and then u got Hybrid which u can basically buy ur skills or train a 7xgm character in a day and they at one point had the biggest population and is still strong even if your allowed 4 accounts doesn't mean everyone had 4 accounts running if you was gonna use that as an arguement. So somewhere there is logic that skill gain has alot to do with population and activity, but there should be a balance.

    To me the dungeon idea was a good one.
  8. Luminary

    Luminary New Member

    Oct 22, 2012
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    This currently is and always has been the case on servers which require effort to gain skills. I was not here during the alpha/beta phase but the server is still basically brand new. Macroing skills is part of the game, when skill-balls and donations are not available to the player-base. I have played on other servers when they were first released, which had the same (roughly) skill-gain difficulty, and the same thing happened there as well.

    This is the same thing that took place on IPY 2 when it was released. So what they had 1500-2000 online, over 1000-1250 of them were afk macroing majority of the day. Players in dungeons? No, they just went to dungeons to macro as well because skill-gain was easier there as well. This is the nature of the game when you are required to work for your possessions, and I don't see anyway in which this would change.

    Even in the off chance that the admin randomly decided to bump skill-gain, or even offer donation skill-balls, etc, this would not change anything. People would simply be able to get shit for free, and in turn this would kill the motivation to play (for most) and people wouldn't even use their developed characters, because they mean nothing and would be a dime-a-dozen. I think the best course of action here would be to play the game and have fun, wait and allow some time to pass and let the server grow and develop, and see what happens.
  9. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    Only time will tell if your right or not, I think to be honest the main reason its not active and people quit is cause the server went live and took so long to fix the most important thing, weapon spell damage. I stayed cause I knew eventually it would get fixed but i can count 8 people who i invited over here, tryed it out said wow damage is whack and everyone is afk im going back to my server. So now that its fixed the only problem is activity, hopefully with the events it will draw people in but i have not seen a noticable increase in the player base since it went live a few months ago.
  10. Luminary

    Luminary New Member

    Oct 22, 2012
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    This is completely irrelevant. You are attempting to compare servers which have been around for years and are already established and developed to a server which is barely a couple months old and fresh out of the Beta. I don't claim to be a programming master, or even competent in the trade, but I promise you coding and correcting issues related to RunUO and the game itself are no easy task.

    In 6 months to a year from, you could make the same claim about Renaissance in comparison to a brand new server, in which players from here decided to check out a new server. They will login, see things are not correct in all aspects, yell and scream and flail their arms, then log-off.

    Anyways, without going into a rant, the point I am attempting to make here is that the staff here are extremely intelligent and skilled, and have been correcting issues that have surfaced since day 1. From what I have seen, the only staff members on the server at all are Ezekiel and Chris. I don't know of any other servers which have this little staff on their team, who are able to accomplish as much as has been done here.

    Free-servers are a dime-a-dozen, its extremely easy to find one discrepancy about server "A" and rage-quit and go back to server "B". I enjoy the Renaissance mechanics, which is why I play here. I also enjoy the fact that player "C" cannot join tomorrow and drop $200 on the donation page and have 15 mil and endless resources while I have been working for mine for 3 weeks now. Point being, I think down the road 6~ months going forward, we will be looking pretty good.
  11. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Sep 5, 2012
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    None of which explains why there has been less activity and less players since the day it went live.

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