Ghost Division

Discussion in 'Bloodrock Orcs [URK]' started by Xuth, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. Xuth

    Xuth New Member

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Currently seeking TANKS for high impact assault missions and raids! Let's recruit heavy and train as often as possible, and see if we can get an assault group put together. These will need to be x6 GM at minimum, and a variety of melee skills (another lumberjack or two would be sweet). These orcs will be hardened and forged like a fine blade, quick to krimp and crossheal and never backing down. There's nothing like a well organized and skilled group of orcs to provide ummies with a challenge!

    Ogtuuk Klerg Bludchok-hai!! Wei miti, wei strong, und wei SLAUGHTUR ET OLL oar tayk TRYBUTE!!

    Xegugg, Krothu and PaddyOBrien like this.

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