Looking over your resume here there is a significant gap in your work history. Do you have any references we can call?
Dear Airframer, Thanks very much for the resume you sent us. We appreciate the time you invested in responding to our job ad. This job is not a good fit, but we'd like to stay in touch. If you're interested in staying connected with Factions Inc. we invite you to apply for an entry level position as a Butthurt Garbagio. We wish you every success in your career and all of your adventures. Best, Mes Commanding Lord, Shadowlords
Mr. Mes, Thank you for the speedy response. Unfortunately, I do not understand the words that are coming out of your mouth and then transferred into this forum thread. If you would be so kind as to practice being quiet, the rest of UOR land would greatly appreciate it. On a side note, are you going to the BBQ this weekend? Respectfully, Airframerlicious_SL_Slayer