I like the idea of having a bank accessible from the initial room you zone into once entering the gate. It's a safe zone / staging area that you no longer have access to once you go into City of the Dead proper. Perhaps there is a valid reason why this isn't a good idea, but none are coming to mind at the moment.
Only thing I can think of would be if the bank was placed too close to the instance and accessible inside instance, i see this being good for all, but being new i am thinking this would help the newer players who may not have mages or know the land well ect Don't know how many times I had HC or a plat on me when entering the dark gate then going into instance to get killed and or thieved and have it looted lol. To a new new player that's a heart breaker would be cool to secure the little goodies before going into the big bad dungeon for more
Get a bag and cover it with 2 or 3 death robes....they are blessed and un-stealable and just keep it open on your screen...nothing works 100% but stealing is part of the game...and that is a good strategy to help prevent it
Oh for sure definitely ways to prevent theft Hehe, but you have to admit thieves have plenty to steal in dungeon without hitting people's small amounts of HC or whatever the second they arrive hehe. Not saying they do cuz I haven't seen it that way. My suggestion is about being overburdened as soon as the fun starts in the dungeon, leaving with 20 minutes left sucks and I'm not dropping my gold lmao, extra bags and stuff for thief protection is also more weight, so pick a poison I guess lol. Don't see thieves having anything to complain about with the leave instance button helping them out just as much as blues and reds haha, plenty of valuables inside to thieve ect. This bank suggestion does little to deter thieves riches.
Not a killed and looted issue, you're speaking of it more than i Hehe, it's a overweight and having to leave early issue bard dexxers in a dexxer style event get overweight fast imo so would be cool to provide a weight loss program (bank) at entrance
I think the original point of this topic was the fact that he's picking up all the gold he can while farming in the GY, and then the gate spawns while he's got a ton of gold on him (which is heavy AF on this server). That's more manageable when you have magery, as you can quickly recall to a bank, drop the gold, and get back before the gate closes. As someone who also plays a pure provo dexxer with no magery, and also doesn't have a ton of gold - i can sympathize.
i get it...i have the same provo dexter....eventually you have to make the choice if you want HC or gold...
With a bank in the staging area, it takes the risk out of the graveyard portion of the process, and that's really where all the risk is. Could run extremely light in the GY and just restock in the staging area without boundaries. That would really take away all profit opportunity for the pk types in this event. I think it's fair how it is.
I'm not seeing how it takes risk out of GY areas really, more like players will stack until over burdened even more hoping for that gate and thus more loot for the murderer types
The graveyards and Undead Town instance were created to encourage more pvp. With the amount of rares that have been put into the economy lately, it really should be high risk, high reward. Remember names so if you go into another instance with them, you'll know if they're are friend or foe. If they've given ya trouble before, give it right back to em or learn for when you go back to regular dungeon farming or future events. Carry strength potions or scrolls for extra loot, health, and damage. If you're paranoid about thieves like me sometimes, get your hands on a gm lockbox. Make sure it has enough stones in it so a thief cannot steal (halberd has been suggested to me in the past) and keep the key in your bank. That way if you happen to get a sweet ass drop, put that bad boy right into your box and it'll be protected unless it's looted off your corpse. Worrying about banking a couple extra k in gold isn't the way to get rich. You can make that off 3 blood elementals. Focus on obtaining rares. When it comes down to the last few seconds of taking down a boss, that's when people you don't know are gonna show you their true colors. Plan for retaliation or escape. I get being new and having your hcoin and whatever else stripped from your pack or corpse is hard to swallow, but it's also the deciding factor if they're gonna make it on a felucia based server or not. Some people just need to be reminded that they're just pixels and not to get upset about it. If you see Scuba out and about and looking up to no good, just ask him out to brunch. He loves brunch!
No worries hollywood im not new and I PvP ect. My suggestion is for the need of restock and not being overburdened early into the instance. Nothing about PKs haha. Some times the gates spawn in 1 kill and sometimes not for an hours worth. So it's hard to judge when to run to the bank ect. Doesn't actually affect thievery or murderers as far as I see it since others here brought them into it lol The fact there is a Leave Instance Button should be enough to say I have no need of keeping my loot from filth lol just would be nice to enter the dungeon ready instead of heavy is all
Hey @Chris can you please provide a list of hues for these random lanterns? I don't see the numbers on the rewards gump image here.
Quick question because this has messed me up before. The NOH event labeled for this Saturday. Is that really tonight at midnight est or is that tomorrow night so technically 11/11/18 @ 12:00AM?