Housing 102 - Protecting Your Valuables

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Chris, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Class: Housing 102
    Class Name: Protecting Your Valuables
    Welcome to the Renaissance College of Ultima Online, in this post we will cover the basics of house security in public and private houses .

    On Renaissance we have a pretty strong deviation from what most players will associate with the Renaissance era house mechanics. Rather than utilize the known era mechanics we choose to implement to pre trammel house mechanics. Since the changes to housing we tied clearly with trammel and OSI's need to deal with overloaded servers in 2000 we felt without these problems houses would have never been changed.

    This will affect our players in a variety of methods
    • There is no item decay in houses on Renaissance.
    • Secure containers require 1 lock down
    • Secure containers can hold 125 items totaling 400 stones.
    • Security can be applied to secure containers, allowing for specific access to that container.
    • Locked down containers require 1 lock down.
    • Locked down containers can hold 125 items and unlimited weight.
    • Houses have limited secures and lockdowns in line with pre trammel mechanics.
    • Items can be locked down on the steps of all houses in line with Renaissance Mechanics.
    • Monsters and Players can freely enter your house.
    • You may ban or eject players and monsters from your house.
    • Houses can be traded securely between players.

    So with these changes it is important you understand how to keep your house secure. As shown in this picture a common method is to create a table wall including a trash barrel to limit access to your house.


    An example of a table wall in a patio


    This will allow you to enter the house, lock the door and detect hidden before passing your table wall.

    To see examples of table walls in all of the house types available in Renaissance you can check out our housing section in the compendium. Renaissance Compendium - House Information

    Another method that you can use is to combine a table wall with an exit ramp to allow for easy access to the secure zone in your house. This can be accomplished by replacing a table in the table wall with a footstool placed on 2 fish steaks. Place another footstool next to this one as shown and you now have a 1 way ramp over your table wall.


    To utilize this method there is a UO macro you should create.
    • "I wish to place a trash barrel"

    Should you wish to use a more sophisticated method you can automate the trash barrel chopping, replacement and detect hidden using a macro like this.

    // - - House Entry Macro by Chris - -
    // Double click an axe (to use to break the trash barrel)
    // Target the trash barrel, this can be converted to by type if you wish
    // Give yourself 2 seconds to walk into the spot where the trash barrel was
    // Replace the trash barrel
    Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|38|3|ENU|4|32|40|19|224|I wish to place a trash barrel
    // Detect hidden for good measure
    // Target the floor in your house
    Trash Barrel Entry Macro

    Using this method you should be able to enter and exit your house safely

    Some additional things to keep in mind.
    • Regardless of if your house is private or public you should always lock down breakable items.
    • A non friended player who logs out in a house, will find themselves outside the house when they log in.
    • Never gate travel from behind your security wall. This is just an invitation for a player to sneak into your house.

    Additional Housing Guides
    Housing 101 - Entrance Security - Tips and Tricks
    Housing 102 - Protecting Your Valuables
    Housing 103 - Intro to House Ownership & Commands
    Housing 104 - The Renaissance Land Rush System
  2. Robbbb

    Robbbb Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    House Security is VERY important!!


  3. Mutombo

    Mutombo Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    *golf clap* you got some wands.... big deal... guy spends hours camping my house and visiting my house all the time to get some wands.... get good robbb! they were on that side of the security wall for a reason... bc they arnt that improtant....
  4. Robbbb

    Robbbb Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Didnt spend hours it was about 5 minutes. If you didnt run into me I would have gotten behind your trash barrel too!

    Get good? Is that why you hide in your house when I am there with Jexxa and wont come out?
  5. Mutombo

    Mutombo Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Well played. Learned the lesson of detected hidden.
  6. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Always detect hidden after getting inside your home AND closing the door. Setting up a macro for this takes a few minutes and may save you hours of rage over lost pixels.
  7. Player X

    Player X Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
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    Thank you for the great advice! I am curious though.. if I don't want to lug around an axe on each one of my characters for destroying the trash barrel to gain entrance, is it safe to lock down an axe on the table right next to the trash barrel? In other words.. can anyone other than owners and co-owners destroy the trash barrel?
  8. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Dude just walk into the house slowly stand one tile inside and close the door. Cast detect hidden and if the area is clear you are good to go (make sure you lock the door before entering through and closing it).

    Stealthers get revealed if they bump into another player. If you stand one tile inside the house and the door closes that means no one was in the doorway. This is already an indication of safety but its easy to program a detect hidden macro just to be extra safe.
  9. Upgrayedd

    Upgrayedd Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Oct 8, 2012
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    Only owner/co-owner can destroy a trash barrel
  10. Philthie

    Philthie Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    I used to spam Bow emote and say Kal Ort Por and then hide. The amount of people who fell for that was hilarious!

    Also, in the picture above, isn't the guys front door key sitting on the doorstep? I personally can't seem to use locked down items though, so can't see how this strategy of locking keys down outside works. I'll try it anyway sure.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014

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