Still looking... I've got 20 mil in gold. GOLD PEOPLE GOLDDD +more cheddar available in other forms. Cash in on that empty ass fort you're holding.
Dear Sam Elliot: Yesterday you logged in and refreshed your fort at 2:53 AM, at 2:55 it was due to drop to the ground and all 24 of the empty chests, your 12 large marble pedastools, 2 candelabras and 2 special hued fishing nets (the entire contents of your fort) would of been lost to the elements homie. I spoke to the GM of your guild and he told me you haven't plaid in 2 years my guy! If you have no intentions of coming back would you please allow me to purchase your fort. I will even transfer all of the items inside to your large keep that was also due to drop 3 minutes after you logged in, it wouldn't take me long, I could get the whole contents transferred in one gate. I figure you'd prefer to one day log back in to a fully loaded bank account than a CY that's no longer yours. I can't find you on the forums, so if anyone else knows who Sam Elliot is - holla at ya boy.
Sell the fort to Earsnot, he's given so much joy to the children of UOR with his awesome sales pitches!
Dont think you looked hard enough. If I had to guess, id say their main or main alt is in that list somewhere.
I saw that earlier too, I've potentially deduced who it might belong too. Unfortunately they haven't logged onto the forums in over a year I've PM'd them anyway. We'll see what occurs! I'm not bothered by the search, if we all got what we wanted the second we wanted it the world (and UOR) would be a very boring place. I appreciate the hustle.