Idea Proposal: Unique Character Names

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by TheChiefwoah, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Could be a reward that requires account time + tons of plat

    2 year minimum to reserve a unique name

    Maybe a super rare xmas present ;-)
  2. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Why have a time limit? That just gives other players more time to try to pre-empt the name.

    I think it's definitely a gold sink idea though. Reputation means a lot, especially to those who have a lot.
  3. TheChiefwoah

    TheChiefwoah New Member

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Alrighty, I definitely understand where you are all coming from. I did previously mention, and agree that I would invest the time to hear out what everyone else thought about the idea. I wish I had more time to reply.......I'll work harder come after xmas i swears!

    The Main culprit, against unique names (from what I gather), has been that it will directly detract new players from joining UO:R. If "x" player's name has already been chosen, then "x" player will not join. Ultimately putting a stop gap on fluidity before it can even become a realization, and therefore; detracting players who wish to play on UO:R specifically because they can't create a toon that has there "unique name" cause it's already taken.

    *Pretty much: If I can't have my name, I'll pass on UO:R.

    *Players will create names of "x" out of 15 potentials to prevent other "prominent" players from joining UO:R based entirely on the fact that they will not join because there name has already been taken:

    "I'm going to name some of my toons "x" just so "he/she" won't want to play on UO:R".


    If I missed any major points please let me know!


    The potential idea of rewarding unique names, through platinum, has been brought to the table.

    Anyone, brand new, or not, can use anyone else's name without due consequence.

    The idea that no unique names cause less confusion for people who name all there toons the same name.

    The idea that no unique names will reduce player churn.




    And, yes! A faucet/facet! I cannot forget that. Thanks for the correction. So long as you knew I wasn't talking about sinks eh? :p

    The most compelling points always come first in any argument.

    Shit happens.
  4. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    this just obliterated any arguments in favor of the change.
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Unique names are something that sounds good on paper but as a game grows the desired result is rarely seen. And no one wants a server with characters names like x-liberation-x running around.

    Furthermore, the players who would mirror your ingame, irc or forum name will simply make a small variation in the name that the unique system would allow. Such as Liberation- or Llberation or Liberati0n. Etc.

    As well unless we created some sort of system to enforce this singular naming system on the forums and irc as well, the same problems will always pop up. Where a player ingame who uses a character of one name, but operates on IRC and the fourms using a different name. The exact same issues would result should someone use that handle.

    So like Wodan said in the end the benefit would be negligible, and the consequences to new players notable.
  6. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    It was a good idea to propose because it got us all thinking about the subject and thats the overall goal of the Renaissance discussions forums, to get ideas going and eventually something pops up that a vast majority including staff will say: "yeah thats something we can do or work with". The discussion of everyone's ideas benefits the shard and its future potential so keep 'em coming.

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