If Trammel is the destination, just how far along the path are we?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Plankton, Sep 14, 2015.

Within UO:R, how far along are we to the full-blown, neon blinding Candyland that is Trammel?

Poll closed Oct 10, 2015.
  1. 10%

    32 vote(s)
  2. 20%

    8 vote(s)
  3. 30%

    10 vote(s)
  4. 40%

    7 vote(s)
  5. 50%

    9 vote(s)
  6. 60%

    6 vote(s)
  7. 70%

    4 vote(s)
  8. 80%

    4 vote(s)
  9. 90%

    3 vote(s)
  10. 100%

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Plankton

    Plankton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 8, 2015
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    I would have put 0% but the system wouldn't allow me to add one more option! That said, I think it's asinine to say that we are in no way on the road to Trammel...
  2. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    You're the best <3
  3. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    There are two extensive staff guides on the ancient MIB's along with a variety of player written guides. The guide for the new treasure map content specifically states that nothing respawns.

    In order for the server to appeal to a diverse playerbase we have to offer experiences that give players a chance to do something as a family or with a guild privately. As always the rewards for such activity are balanced against the risk. Everyone ignores that the player has to fish for roughly 24 hours per AMIB, which is in the felucca world. They only focus on the item itself.

    The same goes for treasure maps. Lets complain about the fact that level 7 maps exist. Lets not focus on the fact that players are actually out and about doing maps now that the system was implemented. If you want to criticize a system then look at the whole picture. Not just the part you do not like.

    CY's were allowed to be checked for a week to made a point about how it is not the staff's job to prove to you that forgetting to lock your courtyard door was the reason your house was looted.

    Moats have been in for months. You can disable your courtyard anytime using your house sign. This can be done once every 24 hours.

    Nothing instanced was recently added to the server. If players would take the time to read the guides that we take the time to prepare with the patches they would see this is not the case. Judging the server only by the fearmongering of posters on the forums is not the way to go. The treasure map expansion exists completely in the felucca world and has the associated risks.

    Pet skill loss didn't make it into the last patch due to the anniversary patch but will return soon.

    And as I've said several times the crystals were a test drop that was supposed to be an extremely rare drop but some players got very lucky during the initial opening of the dungeons.

    That all said this post is an example of something that is about to change on the forums. The direction that posts on the forums are taking is starting to drastically trend away from the ingame experience with players posting furiously trying to turn away new players with fear and hopelessness as fast as possible. The staff are having to spend more and more time explaining to players how the server is "not broken" because of what they have read on the forums. Rather than experiencing and enjoying the server for themselves.

    At the time of my post this was the title of this thread. "Within UO:R, how far along are we to the full-blown, neon blinding Candyland that is Trammel?"

    Regardless of the poll, or posts within this thread what does this title speak to potential players looking to try out this server? Do we have trammel? No. Do we have neon items of any sort? No. But before a player can dig into the server enough to discover this a post like this could discourage them from even looking.

    If you have a valid issue with the server then speak to me directly. If you seek to discourage new or existing players by claiming the sky is falling because you do not like something that was added to the server then you can lose your access to use this resource.

    Renaissance is the most open server on almost every level. We work tirelessly to get player opinions on every system we design and implement. We have the most restrictive hue palette on any free shard that has or ever will exist. Is everything we do here perfect? Nope, but we work hard and do our best with the time we have available.

    If you want to help make Renaissance the best server out there then speak to the staff about how to accomplish that. If you want to lose access to the forums then continue to scare new players with misinformation and fearmongering.
    Avery, Kahun, Arawn and 14 others like this.
  4. Kermit

    Kermit Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2014
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    For my part I think we are far far away from trammel.
    These event are really nice, like Halloween, duels, CTF, Amibs, tamer quest, ...
    But for sure these crystal are weird and i would be up to stop the drop and remove the one existing.

    About the rest of complaining, when i see how some people are playing, i understand why Chris is instancing these event.
    Some people are really sick, even more like "psyko" while playing this game.
    I can't understand how people can enjoy fucking other people gameplay. Something must go wrong in ur education and i'm happy there is "guards/cops" IRL in civilized countries.
    U could argue its only a game, but tell me whats the fun to kill some new players in dongeon, dry loot them or even rez kill them? Or whats the point top trap someone? Lure his drags on a boat?, ...

    Next is, you are all complaining about these change, but the devs is trying to improve the game, and when u try new thing, sometimes u can do mistake. But in all case, while u move, do thing, not everyone will be happy with the new thing, thats how human kind work. Most of us dont like the change. And most of the complain i see here is about people who like to break other people gameplay.

    And if i remember correctly, all these instance like Amibs, tamer quest, lvl 7 Tmaps, are all earn on the open world!
    If u want to farm gold to buy these, u need to be in the open world!
    And about some of our famous PK, i like ur way to do it, run in dump or should i say dumb, explo pots, explo pots, run away ... Try one more time and run away. gate, come back with 3 others friends and try again or just move to another place.

    In conclusion, u guys are spitting in the soep given to you for free.
    Avery, Kahun, Mes and 3 others like this.
  5. boothby

    boothby Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 16, 2013
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    You may be interested to know that people who partake in this type of behavior online (trolling/griefing/etc/etc) tend to be sociopaths (or have tendencies) in real life (according to some basic studies anyway).
  6. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Seriously man? Talk about glass half empty.

    1. You're upset over CRYSTALS, of only which a few exist on the server.
    2. Statloss on tames - TEMPORARY to take care of DDOS. Let's also not forget how well DDOS was taken care of, but instead nitpick.
    3. CY Rune detection. Chris was testing and happened to let people use it. Everybody who has a secure or unsecure fort KNOWS if it is or not. Also, how many people have forts?
    4. Moats, does that affect 99% of the population here? How many people have forts?

    If you're talking about trammel, let's remove the upcoming bod updates that I know you and your friends are going to get into. Let's remove all instances so you will never use any of those slayers you collect. Let's remove the halloween event, the taming event, christmas events and lvl 7 tmaps. Get rid of all the fancy dyes that I know you have on your chars. If you're so upset at trammel, make a stand and don't attend any of those and trash any trammel items you have.

    Like I said, glass half empty.
    newme and Paxenon like this.
  7. Bestial

    Bestial Active Member

    Jan 2, 2015
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    I am aware the CY check was temporary. It is my opinion that it was unnecessary coddling. How is how long moats have been 'in' relevant to the argument that their existence at all is anathema to the pre-Trammel eras that so many of us loved (with the respectful acknowledgment that those who feel otherwise are not "wrong" in any way)? Of course, I don't agree with disabling CYs either. L7 maps are not truly instanced, but you can collapse them and effectively make them so. Pet skill loss is the tip of a mighty iceberg that I won't touch re: tamers/bonding. Those crystals are garish reminders of the Nintendoization of UO, as are the occasional, rare florescent weapon drop. These are just a few examples. Taken individually, they are completely inconsequential (except maybe those crazy crystal drops), but I think what has the pre-Trammel enthusiasts' panties in a bunch is the whole gamut, which we feel, whether true or not, plots a clear trajectory. After all, more of these kinds of things are added over time and certainly not removed.

    I can't speak for anyone else, because some of these gents seem to be having year long temper tantrums, but I'm not trying to cause you any grief. It is precisely because I value UOR immensely that I don't want to see it turned into a 90's Nintendo game. I enjoyed this game the most when it was/is a lawless place with very few, if any safe havens. The farther it gets away from that, the sadder it makes me. You look at the game differently now. You are concerned about new players and player retention and I realize that has fueled many of your decisions. I am not saying they are wrong. But I have yet to read an argument from you that satisfies the pre-Trammel enthusiast in me. Your heavy handed approach (the Trammel Hand of God) is because you care about us players, if you ask me. But can't I still disagree with it?

    Edit: also I'm done talking about Trammel. I wanted to cast my stone, and it's cast. I'm sick of all the drama and bickering that has been happening and don't want to add to it.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2015
    newme likes this.
  8. Bestial

    Bestial Active Member

    Jan 2, 2015
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    I agree with Telamon and many others that this server needs less bickering and drama so I won't add anymore by debating you. I also truly believe there is no right or wrong as goes these things, only opinions.
    newme, BlackEye and MikeK like this.
  9. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2014
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    We actually agree on many things. I think this thread has said enough, yes hopefully this thread will die now and not be simply moved to another thread.
  10. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Some see Felucca where I see exploitation of a flaw in the game mechanics. For instance: court-yards are in your friggin' house; it's just logical you control that space.
    newme and Mes like this.
  11. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    No, it's not your house. It's outside. See below for reasons...

    1. Players can mark runes in courtyards. Players cannot mark runes inside player owned houses.

    2. Creatures can spawn in courtyards. Creatures cannot spawn in player owned houses.

    3. Trespassers of courtyards are not grey to home owners when in courtyards. Trespassers are grey to home owners while in player owned houses.

    4. Items cannot be locked down or secured in courtyards by default. Items can be locked down and secured in player owned houses.

    I'm sure this list could be expanded on but you get the idea.
    AnRobot- likes this.
  12. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    No Vlar, you control that space when you turn off the CY recall function and treat it like a normal (well, without lockdowns) tile IN your house. A safe haven recall/gate CY should be able to be compromised, else it's too powerful. And it should be compromised without the exact knowledge about the rune marking situation in the CY. This CY checking function is for CY-owning vets only, who definitely should know better.
    Pork Fried Rice likes this.
  13. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    I interprete Trammel as risk vs gain in gameplay and not in the sense of bling bling items, which aren't a big issue here in my opinion (so far). This is the reason I choose 50%.
  14. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    You sound like a lawyer. I'm talking about common sense. What the average person would assume if they'd never played the game. When the people who designed this game decided to put courtyards in people's houses do you really think they meant for this to happen? I don't.
    MikeK likes this.
  15. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    The owner can toggle #1 and #2 is a bug actually.

    Cys are a weird system.
  16. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 24, 2013
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    If CYs have the most option enabled, then don't the home owners suffer as well? They can only enter via the front door which means that anyone could just sneak in behind them. Since it requires 24 hours to switch between "moat on" and "moat off" homeowners cannot just turn it back on when they are coming back home from a dungeon.

    I think players will still have plenty of opportunity to break in to a lax or lazy persons home.
    newme likes this.
  17. Vishakt

    Vishakt Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 23, 2014
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    I put 60% but let me say I still love the server. I feel like History Perfected is more the main slogan and without the influences of Trammel more for marketing purposes. The instances I'm fine with as they are a reward for open world activites. I wouldn't like to see them become overly common (percentage of play time wise)...but I don't think they are at this time.

    The forums seem a lot more negative lately but for me at least in game and even IRC interactions have been really good so I just try to check these less if I'm not in the mood for it. I feel that many of the negative people care a lot they just aren't trying to convince others more so than vent (or they need to work at it). A lot of the negativity is put in a humorous way though and I always enjoy reading that even though I'm sure it angers others (like the admins).
  18. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 20, 2015
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    I started playing here in March. I have tried many free servers and no other server even compares to this server. The custom content (which I have yet to even experience much except for a few AMIBs with my guild) and the players in general have been amazing(except for PFR here lately). I've been too busy farming gold and building characters to even get into fishing or treasure hunting but I plan on doing both in time. I can see how some things on the server could be seen as trammel but I also consider myself a "powergamer" compared to most. Not all new players have played this game 10+ years and understand things to the level that some of the vets do. You have to soften things up a little for the less experienced or they will never figure it out!

    I do wish all the bitching and moaning would stop. Its gets old after a while.
    Avery, Kishember, MikeK and 1 other person like this.
  19. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    CY Checks

    The CY check might seem like coddling, but in a situation where players might come to the forums and claim that "players are exploiting their way into my courtyard" we had to become involved. Recently a player found, and immediately reported, a bug allowing access into player courtyards. It also happened to be that this player had a rune to another players keep courtyard. It also happens that this players keep was looted a few weeks later. So other players mentioned it might be due to an exploit. So rather than allowing the situation to become a drama explosion I took the time to demonstrate to the player their lapses in courtyard security and that no runes had been marked by nefarious means. I also used the tool to verify that the player who's courtyard was accessed by the bug did not have any runes marked as well.

    The related thread about the tool will help raise awareness for house security for the long term future. We have no plans to make that available again, as it will simply remain a staff tool for finding players with runes to forbidden locations.

    Note: The bug only worked on 2-3 keeps on the entire server, but the way the rumor mill works everyone assumed it affected them personally.


    A variety of players are wondering why courtyards are not considered part of the house. And the reason for this is that you can travel to those locations magically. OSI eventually made them part of the house which disabled recalling and gating into them. If you make the courtyard part of the house there is no way to tell it apart from the rest of the house for travel.


    Moats have long been planned to solve a single issue. We selected to have the T2A mechanic of no item decay in courtyards. So in a situation of making a decision between turning on courtyard item decay, and giving players an option to block their courtyards without increasing the item count this is our planned direction.

    The average large keep can have 30-60 items in its courtyard. The average fortress can have 250-500 items. The average castle can have 750-1500 items. The moat system will reduce these counts to 5-20 per house.

    The feature to disable courtyards is the first part of this feature. Very soon players will have the option of changing their house style via the sign to display one of the various styles of "moats". The only new aspect we are looking to implement is the bridges which will be very expensive platinum upgrades. We are very open to to discussing these items and their functionality with players to make sure they fit the vision of history perfected. While a deviation from historical norms endgame items/goals are important to continue player activity and we feel that these will contribute to that.

    Discussion on these things is always important. This is why we make threads like this Coming Soon to Renaissance. I encourage all our players to share their opinions and desires for the server. Lets just keep it in the appropriate areas and avoid affecting the appearance and appeal of the server to our new players.
    Bestial, Heretic, newme and 1 other person like this.
  20. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Where do these numbers come from? I am a bit confused. My large keep courtyard does not have 60 tiles in it and I know castles do not have 1500 tiles worth of courtyard that need to be "boxed in" to prevent recall/gate access. What am I overlooking?
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