Knight Templar [KT]

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Kizama, May 9, 2017.

  1. Kizama

    Kizama Active Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    Every citizen who believe in 8 vertuent that gods gave to us, is invited to the meeting of the Knight Templars. We are currently recruiting Monks and Squire. If you can't comme at our weekly meeting, please send me a message.

    This where'd when to go tonight:


    East to Covotous

    Tower KT.jpg
  2. Merek Tybalt

    Merek Tybalt Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Merek Tybalt grew up in a cottage outside of Yew to peasant parents and apprenticed to the Occlo tailor shop until recently.

    As a young man he spent hours with his father in the woods cutting lumber, as one does in the forests of Yew, to supply the local craftsmen and make some coin to survive. He has continued that skill and when not selling the lumber has taken up carpentry as a hobby.

    The skills of workin metals of the earth has always intrigued him, however, with some much time dedicated to tailoring and carpentry he is but a novice. If it were safer for him to venture out for ores he would certainly look to grow in black smithing arts.

    Never formally trained in the arts of war, like the noble children, he struck up a friendship with young paladin in Britain who taught him some tactics and maneuvers with his axe which allowed him to survive in the wilds against aggressive beasts and fiends. However, he knows his limits and she's away from fights with powerful creatures and men/women of advanced skill.

    Merek is a man of virtue and compassion, growing up as a commoner he lived in communities where people had to work together to survive. Sitting in his rented workshop in Occlo one night a neighbor came to him with tales of rising order near Cove, the Knights Templar. At first he wrote off the idea, how could he help such a noble order? He was but a mere craftsman, surely unable to be a knight. But perhaps such an order is in need of a man of his budding talents? Perhaps aligning with such an order would provide the training and prestige to advance his career and reach is goals.

    Only one way to find out...Merek packed a travel bag of essentials and began the long journey to the Templar Temple.

    Upon arrival Merek was greeted by Sergeant Pekkus and invited inside the temple to meet with the Master Templar, Emile Lampet. The Master Templar spent several minutes inquiring about Merek's skills and his background, clearly attempting to take a measure of his character, and it was then that Merek could hardly believe his ears. The Master Templar offered him a position as Quartermaster for the Knights Templar; to supply their order with weapons, armor, and equipment to aid in their noble and just causes. Pride swelled deep within Merek, finally the opportunity he had always craved

    The Master Templar then took Merek to the inner chambers of the sacred Temple and performed the rights and anointed Merek into the Knights Templar. Thereafter Merek was shown his new quarters, a large workshop where he would perform his trade. The workshop was barren and in much need of renovation, but Merek relished the challenge....his mind already racing with ideas and possibilities. "I will make this the finest guild workshop in all the land" he thought, "Finally, the chance i've always dreamed of.."
  3. Kizama

    Kizama Active Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    Master Lampet were happy and impatient to see the new workshop of Knights Templar. The big building bought not long ago was in full moving in. The new quater Master was working a lot to be ready to support Knights as best he could. Now the Workshop is ready to start its duty and soon Merek will probably obtain his certification of grand master blacksmith by Lord British.

  4. Kizama

    Kizama Active Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    The council of the Knight Templars decided to create a big alliance to have a chance to take the fort of the Bandits.
    The Brigands being in excess, the Knight Templars cannot attack them alone. The temple of Skara Brae was in the front line to notice the damages.
    It was necessary to act and to find allies. that's why Master Lampet Decided to have a meet with Old Krake of the sanctuary village.


    After a long conversation in the smoking room, Master(Teacher) Lampet and Lord Krake came to an agreement. Knights and a few sanctuary member will fights against Brigands.
  5. Derfel

    Derfel Member

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Derfel is happy to cooperate with honest folks of the Sanctuary. He will include Sanctuary village in Skara-Yew road patrolling schedule.
    Pekka and PaddyOBrien like this.
  6. Kizama

    Kizama Active Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    As any els on Sundays, all Templars were urged to meet in the village of the Knight Templars. But on Sunday was a particular day. Two Templars would become finally knights after a long period of apprenticeship. Sergeant Derfel and sergeant Pekkus Pilatus waited this day for a long time. These become squire friends would become knights of the temple on the same ceremony. Each accepted temple's rules and pronounced the wishes bound to the chivalry.
    Knight Derfel pronounced wishes to manage Sara Brae's temple. One wishes expensively in his heart. It is a question of fighting these brigands who plunder and kill near Skara Brae.



    Only few people were invited in this solemn ceremony. Unfortunately, no yewish was able to answer the invitation launched just like Captain Cero. Only two unknowns were waiting to attend the ceremony of the knights Derfel and Pekkus Pilatus. These two unknowns were not other than two brigands come disturb this ceremony. So, they celebrated the appointment of the knight Pekkus Pilatus by throwing bombs in the temple.



    Blissfully, the festivities started again. Both knights ended with a duel on foot in front of master Templar and the quater Master Merek.


    Derfel, Pekka, Ragar and 4 others like this.
  7. Kizama

    Kizama Active Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    Where to find a Temple to focus and pray virtues:

    Cove: Main Temple on the road, close to the guard post near Covetous. (Large Tower)

    Skara Brae: On road north of Maze (small tower). Temple leader is Knight Derfel

    Vesper: Close to Vesper North entrance on road. (Small tower)
    Pekka likes this.
  8. Merek Tybalt

    Merek Tybalt Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Merek Tybalt enjoyed watching the brother knights put his equipment to good use. Although he lost 10 gold pieces betting on Knight Derfel to best Knight Pekkus, he was nonetheless pleased to watch a thrilling duel. He thinks that had Pekkus not had such a well made axe he would be 10 gold pieces richer.
    Derfel, Pekka, Ragar and 2 others like this.
  9. Ragar

    Ragar Active Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Congratulations to the new Knights!

    I had wished to attend the ceremony but was unable to make it at that particular hour. I look forward to the next one!
    Derfel, Pekka and Kizama like this.
  10. Merek Tybalt

    Merek Tybalt Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Merek Tybalt had been waiting for this day for some time, after weeks of working his bones to exhaustion in the mines of the mountains of Britain and Covetous for iron ore and smelting his haul into ingots to work the metal and create works of armor and weapons. Earning a certification from the trade commission of Lord British is no easy chore, only the top craftsman after years of honing there craft are granted the title of Grandmaster and lawfully granted the right to stamp their marks on their work.

    It was a normal weekly meeting of the Knights at the great temple, the usual business of briefings on Orc and Brigand activities and other threats to the good and just citizens of the realm. At the conclusion of the meeting, Merek rose to address the Master Templar, Emile Lamparet. It was the Master Templar who first took in Merek all those days ago and gave him the opportunity to serve and to train his skills as Quartermaster. Without his trust and support Merek knew he may still we laboring in the woods of Yew or working as an assistant in Occlo's tailor shop.

    Knights Templar.jpg

    "I want to present you Master with the first weapon of my mark" stated Merek proudly.

    Merek then placed the exceptional two handed double axe on the cold stone table. The mighty axe glistens in the warm candle light of the tower, its edge as sharp deamon's claws.

    "Beautiful work" exclaimed Emile Lampart with a hint of pride usually reserved from the stoic knight.

    "May it serve you well", responded Merek, certain that it would.

    Merek GM.jpg

    Merek GM2.jpg

    To commiserate Merek's achievement, Knight Derful invited him to participate in his patrol of Skara Brae's roads with the other brother knights. Merek donned his ringmail and battle axe and gladly accepted the offer, which would be his first official patrol with the knights. Merek was under no illusions his skills on a field of battle would match those of the seasoned knights, but he knew he could swing an axe and he knew few would have as fine of iron as he.

    So they road to Skara Brae and patrolled the roads. A bold headless man was chasing livestock along the road, Merek used this opportunity to try and impress his companions and swiftly cut him down with one swing. Nothing was said but Merek could sense some relief from the knights that perhaps they would not have to coddle Merek as much as they may have thought.

    Onward the rode, to patrol the roads where Brigands and Orcs dwell and scheme to rob and murder the good travelers of the realm. But this day, the Knights were there and the journey made safe.
  11. Kizama

    Kizama Active Member

    Jan 27, 2017
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    Last sunday, Templar meeting was held in the Main Temple. Emile Lampet told to Templar he met a wizard in a tavern. This Wizard ask for help to complete a treasure hunting as soon as possible. A treasure hunting requiring Knights and our quater master to melt special ingot from Golems.
    Then, Merek gave his first certified Weapon to the Master templar. It was an honor and a great news for Emile Lampet.


    The Knight Templars decided to go to patrol on brae Sara's road to celebrate that. The knight Derfel led the patrol in honor of his new functions (Leader of Sara Brae Temple).
    Having ridden for a long time, the Knight Templars visited camps of the Brigands then the camp of Orcs. Everything seemed mysteriously empty. It was very odd to find nobody in the inn of the Brigands. "they are always Drunk" said Emile.





    The Knight Templars turned back up to Sara Brae's port. Finally they ended their patrol in the Sanctuary village.

    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
    Genuss Kaern, Keza, Bloodlust and 3 others like this.
  12. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Last edited: Apr 11, 2018
    Pekka likes this.
  13. Pekka

    Pekka Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Ahh so it was there he was?? Good to know as we then will turn that house into dust when we pass it next time :) But the backside then is most likely that the smell from that house will be spread all over Yew, P'S town and Skara Brahe?
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  14. Muguk

    Muguk Active Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    Lat trezpazz on Bludklan territoree wiffowt payin tribyute den da ownlee smeyll dat komz frum dem wuudz am gunna bi frum stinkin templar korpsez rottin en da sun. *SNARLS*
    PaddyOBrien and Pekka like this.
  15. Merek Tybalt

    Merek Tybalt Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Your orc minions thought they would defend "your turf", even though we came in peace. Their aggression was met with swift death, a lesson you should take to heel.
    Pekka likes this.
  16. Muguk

    Muguk Active Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    HAR HAR HAR *snorts* HAAARRRR HAAARR *cider spews from nose* HAR HAR *gasps for air* Haarr Har Har Haar!!!
    Pekka likes this.
  17. Merek Tybalt

    Merek Tybalt Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 13, 2017
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    Merek was returning home after a long journey to Skara Brae when he discovered the mutilated body of a man who's identification revealed him to be Bender Rochelier, an mandunknown to Merek..

    The manner in which the body was cut up and put on display suggests Orcs were in the area again.

    Merek Tybalt_7-30_17.21.jpg
    Kizama likes this.

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