If this were such an incredible advantage, why aren't LJs chopping down stun mages left and right like trees? The point here is that one would be better suited to get a kill if they went with Macing and Eval for a combo, in lieu of praying to the gods you can actually land a 3rd or 4th hit to finish the job before the opponent's bandages/potions and mini-heal walk let them wander right along. Hell with the swing rate, they can hardly be interrupted from a gheal with a fucking katana. I'm still not convinced that cutting the Int hit in half was appropriate. The class still feels gimped compared to my other templates.
Here's my two cents. As it stands I've fought two LJers on the field and put them down with relative ease. The truth is I don't feel remotely threatened by them like I used to because for one, not worrying about losing half your mana from a conc blow is a big bonus for me as a stun Mage. Two, in light to that, I can rip a dexxer to pieces with 75 mana, stun, and explo pots. Three, I'm also more than likely a much better pvper than he/she (not boastfully, just saying). I will say that even with a suit of gm barbed leather armor and arch protection, which puts me at around 40 AR, the damage I received was pretty nasty. Two shots left me around 20% and a well timed pot may have killed me. However, I have plenty of time to load a Gheal between swings, and with the addition of aids and heal pots, I never felt threatened. Not to mention MB takes 15 mana and does 40 dmg max, so ho do you think will win? My point is, while I agree that the damage from gm LJ is definitely nice, the fact that I don't lose half my mana on their specialty hit will always leave me feeling very confident in winning. My proposal? Make it so that from 0-99.9 lumber jacking a conc blow will only take 25% of the targets mana, but the bonus you receive from acheiving GM lumberjack is to land 50% mana reduction comc blows. I've been pvping for a long fucking time and in all these years the one template I hate the most is a LJ because of how difficult it is to work around 50% mana loss. Although it's not impossible to beat it, it does add a much higher level of difficulty which I believe is fair considering I have the ability to render you immobile for several seconds with stun and load up a devastating attack with explo pots. I say give the LJ class an incentive to reach gm and bring back 50% mana loss on conc blow only when at the GM level because the damage alone isn't going to cut it IMO.
Amen to that brother. Glad you said it because if I did people would just shut it down with commentary about how bad I am at UO and "get good".
Yeah I agree, that was a pretty fair assessment by Clyde - and I doubt he really wants to see stronger LJers. The reason he suggested you have GM LJ for a 50% mana conc blow is so that swords tank mages aren't able to incapacitate you (especially in duels) with their halberds. Getting conc blown to 50% mana pretty much takes you out of the fight if its a 1v1 for like a full minute if you're a pure mage. But that doesn't really solve the problem of making them effective killers. The real problem with lumberjackers, imo, is the slow swing speed as he pointed out. It's just too easy to heal between swings. In someone's hands like Isabel they might be able to time purple pots to interrupt heals, but if that were more effective than the Torin Gorefiend template I'm sure he'd be doing it already.
While the damage aspect of LJ seems to be somewhat contested, the original intention of this thread pertained to adding additional functionality to the actual lumber jacking component of the skill. I brought up the notion of damage as it adds a significant incentive to build it up, I honestly do not think that this is one skill that needs to be made more interesting. I cannot say for certain how accurate/useful LJ is in PvP, however during the old school OSI days I recall it being nothing short of devastating. A good concussion blow back in the day would not only halve your mana pool, but your HP too.
I think the end game for any ambitious carpenter is to start their own spin off religion and become immortal through worship for milennia to come after being killed by their best friend and then resurrected (typical UO behavior).
My carpenter end-game is to create a cult of chair worshippers, around West Brit Bank. I had a group of followers on Great Lakes way back when. ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY CHAIR! ITS FOAM PADDED CORE KNOWS AND SEES ALL!