Letter of marquee and Letter of parley

Discussion in 'Braavosian Sealords [XXX]' started by Dragkhar, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Letter of marquee - “A document given to a sailor (privateer) giving him amnesty from piracy laws as long as the ships plunders are of an enemy nation.“
    For the Braavosian Sealords, [XXX], anyone is a potential target except for the very few who carry the "Letter of marquee" or a
    "Letter of parley".

    Basic information about the Letter of marquee:
    • The "Letter of marquee" is a small red book written by Rackham the Red.
    • It is personal and only grant one character, not a player, the amnesty from being attacked and killed by the Braavosian Sealords.
    • Each and every book will be dated and numbered and loged in our ledgers before given out to named character.
    • The Letter of marquee is a valuable item that should be carried at all time when entering pirate infested areas.
    • Any Braavosian Sealord can at any time demand a player to show the Letter of marquee. Failure to do so might result in death penalty even if said character is registered in our ledgers
    • The Letter of marquee is not easily obtained, it takes a series of good deeds and/or fair trades to be trusted with this rare amnesty.
    • You can never ask for being given a Letter of marquee, it will be granted to you when Rackham the Red feel you deserve it.
    • If a character ask for a Letter of marquee he will most likely never get one.
    • A Letter of marquee can at any time be removed if deemed so by Rackham the Red.
    • The best way to keep the Letter of marquee is to stay loyal, interact and stay useful for the Braavosian Sealords.
    • If you should loose your Letter of marquee a new one can be made for you for the fine price of 5000 gold doubloons or items equally it's worth.

    Letter of parley - "Parley is a discussion or conference, especially one between enemies over terms of a truce or other matters."

    In some cases treasure hunters, adventurers, gatherers and/or fishermen outside of the Braavosian Sealords wish to hunt, gather, fish or seek treasures on our island or in our waters. We all know that the feathers from Bald and Blanche islands are by far the best ones to use when making arrows or bolts and that the treasure chests from these islands contains the most value. We are also aware of the popularity of hunting pirates on ours shores for their fine linnen clothing.
    If this is the case they have to pay the Braavosian Sealords a sum of gold, doubloons, for free passage.
    This sum is based on what they want to do, for how long and with how many people.
    Failing to pay may lead to a death sentence.
    For everyone that pay us demanded amount of doubloons a "Letter of parley" will be written and handed out.

    Basic information about the Letter of parley:
    • The "Letter of parley" is a small blue book written by Rackham the Red or any other member of the Braavosian Sealords [XXX].
    • It is personal and only grant one character, not a player, the amnesty from being attacked and killed by fellow Braavosian for the agreed amount of time said character paid for.
    • If a party of more than two charachters want to hunt in our area one Letter of parley can be written out, stating all charcter names, and handed to the leader of the party.
    • The Letter of parley is only valid on one occation and only during the time agreed upon when payment is made.
    • The Letter of parley is a valuable item and must always be carried during the period for when it is valid.
    • If a character asks for a Letter of parley on beforehand instead of being caught without one the sum of doubloons to pay will be lower.
    • The areas we deem as ours are not marked on any maps but they will be checked regularely by fellow members of the Braavosian Sealords and by bounty hunters working for our cause
    • If you are caught by a bounty hunter without a Letter of parley it will lead to instant death and beheading.

    In this thread I will list every charcater who has been given a Letter of marquee, when it was given and also update that information if said characters amnesty has been taken away from him or her.


    /Rackham the Red
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
    Wise likes this.
  2. Dragkhar

    Dragkhar Renaissance Volunteers
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Letter of marquee have been granted to the following characters:

    • Marik the Mad
    • Tinklebeard the Sailor

    All names on above list are considered to be treated with respect from any pirate in Braavosian Sealords [XXX] and are not by any means to be attacked unless they attack first.
    Any attack on any name on above list will lead to the punishment keelhauling and a fine of 5000 gold doubloons must be paid to the victim along with a public excuse.

    Also notice that any name at any time might get removed form above list, making the books they carry worthless

    /Rackham the Red
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014

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