LF Owner of this tower

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Reginald, Apr 11, 2017.

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  1. Kirby

    Kirby Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 24, 2016
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    If the Justice tower was GM placed, there may be some sort of agreement not to attempt to sell the spot without dropping the tower. That would negate any possible wealth increases. I have no idea if this was done, I'm just spitballing ideas. I have a lot of respect for Telamon and his staff. I know Telamon is very strict about Staff doing anything that affects the shard in an unfair way because I've had conversations with staff members who seemed almost terrified of the idea of doing anything that MIGHT anger Telamon.

    I wanted to put some Easter decoration on my tower, and asked for 2 reverse skullcaps to be made. I proposed that if they were made, I would agree to them being very temporary and locked down by staff so that I could not sell them or give them away. Even that idea was turned down because of what Telamon might say. I didn't approach Telamon with the idea since he stays very busy and I didn't want to burden him any further with something as trivial as temporary deco.

    The tower is suspicious, I agree, and if it was placed unfairly that is a problem, but I MUST give Telamon and the staff the benefit of the doubt, since all of the ideas of negative actions are nothing more than guesses.
    BlackEye and OptimisticSam like this.
  2. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Agree. Well put.
    BlackEye likes this.
  3. Reginald

    Reginald Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
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    i think you guys maybe taking this a wee bit far. This isn't a publicly owned server but you do get to play here for free.

    At the end of the day pm Telamon if you think his staff are corrupt, either way its not corruption if there aren't any rules being broken. There would have to be rules first, which I havent seen.
    Althorn likes this.
  4. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    *grabs popcorn*
    snap dragon and Althorn like this.
  5. SteelyDan

    SteelyDan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 1, 2014
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    You find the owner? If so close the thread.
  6. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    This is Chris' shard. I know he can theoretically decide to do whatever he wants. But there is a promise that he isnt doing things in a arbitrary, biased way. He denies any Staff preferences of players, strictly argues in ways that suggest neutral principles and also mentioned many times that he has no friends when it comes down to his role as GM.

    Actually, I wouldnt even bother to argue with Chris. I just try to get the information why and how that tower is back there. Any player can decide afterwards himself how to react. Some might shrug it off and see no problem at all. Some others might be disappointed slightly. And some others might be considering other steps. It's up to everybody himself how he judges this situation. I just like to know the facts in order to make a decision for myself.

    So, lets simply wait for an official answer...
    One and OptimisticSam like this.
  7. Reginald

    Reginald Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
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    No I didnt, and if I did, the chances are they wouldnt want to sell it anyway. So yea close this thread plz.
  8. One

    One Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Why don't you go to the nearest pasture, grab a cow pie and shove it directly into your mouth.

    Close the thread... This is a legitimate discussion no one should close the damn thread. Congrats, you hit a nerve.
  9. Reginald

    Reginald Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
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    Sorry mate, honestly I wasnt trying too. But I do feel that it was my thread and you hijacked it. Perhaps since its no longer trade related, we could move it to Renaissance discussion?
    One likes this.
  10. One

    One Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 22, 2015
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    We're all still trying to find the owner lol...
  11. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The tower was placed by a player. The tower is in a valid location, however due to changes to the house placement code that we had to rush in patch 46 the logic in which tower wings was handled changed to be more strict. Ergo it being placed by a player long ago, decaying and not being able to be replaced. This is one of two spots that this comes into play. (The other being towers that overhang the Trinsic walls).

    In this specific situation the player involved reported a bug in which he was able to break into a players house. Rather than looting the house, as some would, the player reported the bug to the staff. (a mistake made by an overzealous staff member in training) In situations like this where a player chooses good over evil and works with the staff to protect the integrity of the server we allow the player to request their reward. Tater's Custom BagBall, Rezon's Custom Broken Chair, Russell's (short lived tower blessing), etc. In this case the player requested the ability to place his tower in a valid spot that he owned. This player had also had an open bug report on the issue for over a year and had waited patiently for the staff to resolve the issue. Rather than an item based reward, this was offered as a solution. A custom region was defined, and the player was able to place the house. Given that this provided the player with no more/less value than he already possessed it was deemed a fair request. Additionally the player indicated he would not sell the house, however that is irrelevant as we are fixing this issue anyway in the near future to allow a tower to be placed in this location.

    Attempting to paint this situation as one in which the staff provided something of value to a player is incorrect and simply being used to attack the server. Impartial players can look at some of the comments themselves and notice that its not about the house, or the staff rewarding a player for making the right decision. It is simply an avenue to attack the server and by extension the staff.

    The point that players should take away from this situation is that the staff greatly appreciates our players working with the staff to improve the server, find and fix exploits. The reward is always comparable to the bug/exploit severity. In Russel's case he was able to identify a bug in which he was able to crash the server by trying to flip a single item. In exchange for helping us find and fix this issue and for not abusing it to cause a nightmare he was rewarded with a custom tower blessing that he had previously requested (Road, Lamposts, Bushes, Etc). In another situation Russell was able to place a house "inside" one of the serpents hold guard houses. For his assistance in helping us identify that and for being willing to remove the house he was given an invalid house spot outside of the guard house.

    These situations are rare of course, but it is important that we create a culture in which our players work with us to improve the server rather than simply abusing what can be abused regardless of the consequences to other players.

    All that aside there is something we take equally serious. And that is threats against the server and its players. Comments such as this are not tolerated and will be addressed immediately.

    Even veiled threats are still threats, more so when the situation in question had already been explained to this player, and from what we understood at the time to his satisfaction. This thread simply provided this player, and possibly others, with a platform to attack the server and the staff for personal reasons. If you have a concern about the conduct of the staff or the direction of the server we welcome you to speak to us directly. Trying to ruin the server for other players with fearmongering and conspiracy theories is never acceptable and shows that there is an alternate motive to the postings rather than making the server a better place. As we have said many times in the past, if you simply exist here to tell everyone else how much you dislike the server/staff/direction of the server we will kindly and respectfully request that you move on from a situation that is clearly very distressing for you.

    As the poster of the thread has requested the issue be closed, this thread will be closed. If you have any further questions about this situation you are welcome to contact me here or on IRC (Telamon).

    For players who find a critical bug down the road, please keep this situation in mind. The reward for assisting the staff with finding and fixing a serious bug will almost always be greater than the gains obtained by taking advantage of it. Depending on the situation we are open to allowing the player to request something that they feel is a proper reward for assisting us with fixing the situation. If the item has a monetary value we do generally place some limits on it.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
    Kiryana, Jakob, Canis and 10 others like this.
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