Bump tastic bump!! Get your maps, MIBs, AMIBs, nets, chests, gargoyle pickaxes/shovels, all on the first post!!
Lot N46 is available for pickup @Willy Lot L53 & L54 are available for pickup @Gzus Lot D28 is available for pickup @JasperJade Just give me a shout on irc, or shoot me a message here to arrange a time! Everything else, all on the first post!
Items still available for pickup @Willy & @JasperJade Just shout out on irc! Massive restock of items, level 2-7 maps, tons of MIB/AMIB chests including a full set, nets, gargoyle shovels, pickaxes, 1300 MIB's and 20 AMIB's!! All on the first post!!
Sorry man, prices are firm on those and a little cheaper than some of the last AMIB's that have sold elsewhere
Ever look at this page and think "I want that, but it's 50% too much for my wallet" ? WELL TODAY'S YOUR LUCKY DAY!! That's right folks, FIRESALE!! ALL listings are reduced to half price for the next 24hours, regular starting bids return in 24hrs at 23:00 EST on the 19th June, get it while it's hawt hawt hawt!! EVERYTHING MUST GO, all on the FIRST POST!!
SB on.... Lot A28 Lot N46 Lot N47 Lot N48 Lot N51 Lot N52 More to come probably. EDIT: Lot L56 - 350K
This isn't part of the sale, it's still pending pickup...... @Willy COME GRAB YO AMIB, THERE'S CRACKHEADS FIGHTING OVER IT!!!