Magic Creatures Casting AI

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Storm, May 22, 2013.

  1. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    I'm not sure specifically as I've only reviewed specific sections of the mage_ai code so far, since that is directly where the problem lies. Though I imagine if the same code is being shared across the melee_ai & others as well, if we do end up removing this for spell-casters it would be removed from the AI types across the board.
  2. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Good, I hate chasing down monsters only for them to die tired.
  3. pdodd

    pdodd New Member

    May 10, 2013
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    As someone who keeps trying to make melee work, I would love to see the monster-running thing dealt away with personally. Having to chase down monsters one step at a time just adds to the already long list of reasons not to play melee PvM.
  4. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Hit harder
    (actually that can be a pain)
  5. qbradq

    qbradq Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Don't take this as a personal attack pdodd, it's meant as constructive criticism.

    I have no problem "making melee work". I don't think a mob "running" away at a snail's pace is the issue here. Try to get better at the game.

    First, and I've told you this countless times, use peacemaking. It's a warrior's best friend. And if you want to argue that it's not "pure melee", neither is healing. In case it's not clear to you, when you peace a fleeing mob they stop dead in their tracks until the effect wears off.

    Second, corral your fleeing monster. Don't want it running towards the spawn? Step in between it and the spawn. Mobs always flee in a bee-line away from you. Use that to steer them where you want them to go. Before you start engaging the mob, lure it to someplace that will be easy to box it in once it starts fleeing. Most dungeons have little nooks that are easily used for this.

    Third, please always ask the question "how can I get better" before you ask the question "how could they make this easier". I finally got PK'ed last night for the first time on this shard. Instead of wondering what changes could be made to make it easier for me to escape, I started asking "why couldn't I get away this time, what's different, how do I get better" and soon found the answers I needed to become better.
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You are digging pretty hard on him brad and just using a lot of words to say 'get good'.
    While I disagree with his point about mobs fleeing, and am more on your side of the fence with kiting (or reverse kiting if they are fleeing) them as needed. The hit ratio really doesn't seem as bad to me on mobs (anymore). I mean, I was dexxing down wyverns the other day with my LJ. The poison was a bitch, but it didn't take so long to kill it and I was hitting plenty. A lot of this is just perception, as the tests clearly show proper data when run.

    The only reason to NOT play melee PvM is greed. You cannot make money as fast with a weapon as you can with an instrument. Likewise, you cannot make money as fast with an instrument as you can with dragons. More still, you cannot make money as fast with any of those as you can with a Bard Tamer.

    This is and always has been the hierarchy of profit potential in PvM UO, as far as I've understood it. While it doesn't appease the little boy in my head that wants to rule the world with a sword in his hand, it is the general mechanic of UO and always was.

    Also worth noting: a Pure Warrior requires healing, but as is commonly understood, does not employ Magery.
  7. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    I think there's a misunderstanding.

    I, personally, would not hope to go solo a Champ spawn on my own. (not even sure a Bard/Tamer can, but you get the drift) Nor that I'm expecting to. However I think wyvern is not a good example to give, to be honest. It's a melee mob as far as I'm aware, therefore does not really apply to the thread (thread evolving into Magic Creatures suddenly filling their hp in 1-5 seconds).

    I was giving Lich Lord or phoenixes as an example, but they probably wouldn't be a level that can be expected for a melee to tackle on by solo either. However, to farm a simple magic creature like Lich should not be too difficult for a pure melee who is geared (bring your silverz people) propriately. I tried tackling a Lich with a silver short spear, and it took me 10 seconds to run away to prevent dying, as mr. undead wizard managed to fill its health in under 3 seconds from 8% and then threw a flame strike and hit me 20.

    It might also be that I'm a complete newb, but it's frustrating especially when mobs are running away, I always seem to miss even more than before (hello Murphy).
  8. pdodd

    pdodd New Member

    May 10, 2013
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    No hard feelings, not taken as a personal attack at all :)

    I think I may have been misunderstood -- I definitely don't think mobs fleeing is a make-or-break scenario for melee classes, nor do I watch in bewilderment as the mob walks back to his buddies cursing the heavens that there is nothing I can do to stop him. You are certainly correct in saying that it is easy to corral them, steer them, follow them a step at a time, or go the peacemaking route.

    Definitely no hard feelings, if I got the same read on the situation as you did (i.e. seeing someone who is whining about why monsters won't just be cooperative and fall on his sword for him w/out a struggle or challenge) I believe I would have replied just as harshly.

    I'm not completely faultless though. If I was not being whiny about the other areas of melee short-comings, then I would not have responded to this emotionally.
  9. Rellik

    Rellik New Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I have to agree that PvM for a dexxer is gimped. I have a char GM lj with GM resist and a silver power ax. I get smoked by regular liches about a 1/4 of the time. I don't remember them being this difficult. Their melee hit is way off point doing 20 damage on 36 AR. Combine this with a super fast combo they constantly throw out they insta kill. Make it a bit more balanced so we have a chance at taking down even what I consider mid level mobs.

    Also, their magery seems unusually strong.
  10. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I would like to take the opportunity to suggest my rope-a-dope strategy. It might not suit everyone but I have used it to take down titans, wyvernss, and some day a wisp

    All you need for rope-a-dope is a second account set to follow you. I prefer to keep the alt heavily clad in plate mail. If the Brady runs you have two folks to chase it. If the Brady hits hard just make sure your alt takes hits from the dope so you can heal.

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