A certain pirate crew has been wreaking havoc on the high seas. As Mayor of Cove, this concerns me greatly and I urge any brave citizens to log into UOAM renaissance channel to locate these ne'er do wells and put an end to their reign of tyranny! Here are some sketches of the dastardly pirates and their victims..
While his buddy languished in jail, the fishing gods (of whom Zyler is the patron saint of) smiled on A Giant Fish once again. *note to self stop macros while posting to or checking this log*
Well I give up the heavy fishes now as I been doing this for almost a week now, well I did start last saturday to get the skills up. I just fished up my first chest in over 10 years and now I have only 54 to go this round.
Yeeaaahahaharrr, 'twas the lost hour of the night that may as well not be when my vision began to clear and the wet slapping of a less-than-whopping flopper flipping its fins in me face evidenced that I must've dozed off with the rod 'twixt mine clampers. Sulking over the size of 'em I checked the hold, only to find upon further inspection that I wasn't the only one asleep at the reel! So I stuck me knife in 'em good and painted the boat with 'is guts! ...and made some jerky out of 'em. pm for 'Cpt Johne's midnight jerky'
Throw in a clear target queue and cancel last target at the very beginning on your net attack macro, it works wonders. I should put some in my fishing macro.
Anglers I have to go into work early so no time for an afternoon update Ill update the Leaderboard and Log early tomorrow morning when I get home FISH ON!!!