Minimum magery skill for not fail from Runebooks charges/scrolls.

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Drave, Oct 26, 2018.

  1. Drave

    Drave Active Member

    May 3, 2018
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    Assuming a recall scroll is like a lvl 2 circle spell I've seen on UO stratics that.

    30 Magery you have a 85% with recall scroll.
    36 Magery you have a 100% with recall scroll.
    61 Magery you have a 100% success without scroll.

    Is that information fine? If not, what is the minimum skill for 4th lvl spells 100% success?

    My question comes from this thread

    Because I need to spread last 100 skill points between Magic Resist and Magery and finally I'm going to opt for having magery for travel or fast recall from Pks if needed.

    GM Swordsmanship/Tactics/Anatomy/Healing/Music/Provo
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  2. merlin8666

    merlin8666 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2017
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    35 real magery
  3. Drave

    Drave Active Member

    May 3, 2018
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    35 in Uo stratics says is 97,5% success ( I'm not sure if here they are using the same formula. That 2.5% maybe is not noticeable. But otherwise some if it flizzes in a bad situation can mean the death. I'll go for a 100% success.

    In order to keep 70 magic resist, its a problem drop healing to 94? or its noticeable the change?

    100 Swords
    100 Tactics
    100 Anatomy
    94 Healing
    100 Musicianship
    100 Provocation
    70 Magic Resist
    36 Magery

    Those 6 points in healing will do the difference? or 64 in Magic resistance is enough?
  4. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    i would let tactics or resist in 94 and let healing GM.
  5. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    70.1 to cast 4th

    50.1 to cast 4th from scroll

    Your options are...

    to drop resist due to having provocation. This is in lue of being having sufficient reaction to failed provocations.
    to drop healing by 10
    to reduce resist alone in favor of either 70.1 or 50.1 magery
    to drop resist entirely for GM magery

    If you've fully trained the other skills you've listed, raising magery to GM will be a PITA but doable with passive mana regeneration. Plan 24/7 macroing for about a week.

    You could also drop musicianship and raise meditation now. Musicianship is rather simple to macro overnight.

    Were it me, I'd drop Magery and modify my dexterity/strength if favor of additional intelligence. With a little pre-planning you can also put on a magical wizard's hat for an additional 5 intelligence for (again) pre-planned spell(s). It's rather nice hunting with a summoned daemon, for example. Summon from scroll, take hat off, put helmet on, hunt, hunt, hunt :)

  6. Nusir

    Nusir Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2017
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    I have recently macroed magery on a toon with no meditation. it was indeed a long time.
    I am however at the point in the wizard game where I dont have much else to macro anyways so not so bothered.

    If you would take a little bit of advice from me, I would advise you to either go provo dexxer without resist or provo mage with hiding.

    100 Swords (any melee skill)
    100 Tactics
    100 Anatomy
    100 Healing
    100 Musicianship
    100 Provocation
    100 Magery

    above template used like a peace dexxer, perfect for instances and events.


    100 Magery
    100 Meditation
    100 Hiding
    100 Music
    100 Provocation

    leaving 2 skills, if you wanted a toon for events, tracking would be a thing to consider. however healing/anat, eval/resist, taming/lore, tracking/detect and mining/blacksmith are all great options.

    a couple of notes:
    with magery you can cast magic resist, keep this active and you will have a better change to survive monsters and escape PK's.
    using provo correctly you shouldnt be getting attacked by magic casters and combined with hiding you can pace yourself.
    with magery you have tools like blade spirits and daemons to fight for you and you can gate that loot home.

    I realise you didnt ask for any of the stuff I have given, I cant help myself!

    Good luck.

  7. Drave

    Drave Active Member

    May 3, 2018
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    Thanks Nusir, your advice is welcome.

    In fact, at the moment I have Magery on that char raised to 79. This is my current template:

    100 Swords (any melee skill)
    100 Tactics
    100 Anatomy
    100 Healing
    100 Resisting Spells
    79 Magery
    28 Meditation (dropping)
    33 Provocation
    60 Musicianship

    My question was because once I drop entirely meditation I need to start dopping another skills. Magery is useful (Invis, Magic reflection, critical heals, cure, teleport) but then the stats? go again with 90/90/45 and wear barbed leather armor for better mana reg?

    Finally this char is going to be only for this kind of events or iron mans. I have another for PvM and other for PvP fully developed.
  8. Nusir

    Nusir Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2017
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    I haven't done any Ironman content, but from what I see, the normal templates don't have resist, the resist is normally used when you will PVP or take on monsters 1v1.
    provocation should mean that isn't the case, provo the mobs to attack each other and then you whack at the ones you want dead first.

    resist or no resist you dead if you start to try and PVP on a bard.

    I have 4 toons for the holiday events.

    tracking tamer
    tracking mage
    peace dexxer
    provo tamer mage

    only 1 of these have resist. tracker mage. and these do fantastic at events and I am considering another, a provo dexxer. (no resist)

    each to their on play style, I find that the event stuff that's magic is going to kill you with or without resisting spells if it gets you.

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