Mining is so clunky

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Poogoblin, Dec 7, 2014.

  1. Russell

    Russell Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    it more than likely is just way too long, my guess is it was/should be somewhere around 500-750 ms. their isnt really any downside to lowering this as much as needed to get the classic "feel" back with all the other anti mining stuff still in place.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Agreed. I guess he found some delay on demo or something but I hardly think this much of a delay feels "perfected".
  3. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    El Horno: Your right, My Math was off. 40k would be correct. But I don't use Slayers, Just some Vanq's. Just me Playing driving 3 Char's at once. And they are still not even all fully trained. And the Vanq's BTW are the result of Mining Val Spawns with PickAxes for their sweet loot.

    Cynic: One evening on IRC, Now have over 400 Non-Iron Gargoyle Shovels. The fact that there are currently over 7k Shovels out there tells me there are alot more hiding in peoples houses. In the almost 6 Months we have gone from 66 of them on July 11th to now having over 7400 in circulation. When I see how many a single player has dumped onto the market in the two weeks, and having had chats with a few other BOD'ers and getting an idea as to their stock levels I doubt I will run out of Shovels (Iron or otherwise) anytime soon. It should keep me busy until I can build up a large enough collection to seriously enter the BOD game. (I want the Second Val Hammer and Phoenix Suits here)

    As far as the complaints that no one is selling a lot of colored Ingots, I personally feel that you can blame that on the current values the people place on Ingots. When Players aren't willing to pay a solid value for another persons work then why should that person do the work? Yes you can buy Iron at 8gp Per from NPC's, But you also have to do alot of running around to get those. Reg's and/or time, so when someone tells me that they aren't willing to pay more then 8gp per Ingot when I'm sitting on 100k Iron Ingots. Well guess what, I'll pass. I look at what is listed in the Price Guide and shake my head. Currently I'm only parting with Iron for the most part but I'm starting to build my stockpiles of others and when they hit the market it will be at better prices (in my favor) then what that guide lists. Worse case, I sit on them and use them as I flip Bod's. Gold here is easy enough, I can grab a fist full of Bandages and some reg's and spend an hour or two dropping Various critters making a fortune and improving my Equipment collection at the same time.
  4. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Iron ingots will never sell for much more than 8.5gp each, because it is far easier than you think you buy them from vendors. I had an AFK macro to do it; I'd set it up in the evening and wake up with 56,000 ingots in my bank at an average cost of 8.1gp per ingot when you factor in reagents and such. Other people do it piloted (I think), and it's still quite easy.

    The issue with colored ingot prices is that filling and flipping BODs is still such a huge pain in the ass, and prices on the rewards are only going lower as more and more are introduced to the shard. As someone who isn't planning on doing any more BOD flipping or ingot buying, I still think the quantities of ore from these golems should be increased.
  5. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Increasing the easy of getting Ingots will just continue to depress the market further making people even less willing to buy them. That will just make it even harder for folks that want to be dealing in them to make a living. You may be correct on the Iron ore. On all the other ingots tho, I'll be asking more then the price list suggests. We'll see how I do. ;)
  6. The hound

    The hound Active Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    The fact ppl charge 100k to 200k gold for an agapite weapon screams something is wrong
  7. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Hound, Totally a separate issue. Thats due to the rarity of Hammers. You want the price to go down, Get your smith Flipping Bods hard and fast. Flood the Market with Ag Hammers. (I wish the Item's DataBase listed them by type instead of a group... Hint hint Telamon) Then the Price on Runic Crafted Weapons will go down. I suspect that the hardcore BOD'ers are going to make a Mint. As there are not that many in the game. It's a high burnout field, always has been. But with a smaller player base it's more noticeable. But it also means (Unlike some other servers I've played on....) That Ag Weapons actually MEAN something. I've played on servers where Newb's are getting them to go kill Cow's for Leather.
  8. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    No one charges 200k for an agapite weapon. No one even charges 100k, except for maybe a spear.

    I just flooded the market with Agapite hammers this week. It's not gonna happen again any time soon. If you think it will, you greatly underestimate how hard they are to put together.

    I don't mean to discourage discussion about mechanics, but it's clear Bates that you don't have a firm grasp yet on exactly how ingots and smith BODs work on this shard.

    The point of this thread is that mining isn't fun, far less people have interest in doing it than had interest back in the day on OSI, and people would like to change that. Prices will sort themselves out as needed; we don't need to expound on economic theory to try to predict how exactly that will happen.
  9. The hound

    The hound Active Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    Ok well all the yew benders were selling agapite spears and Halberd for upwards of 200k gold.

    If you are willing to sell cheaper I'll buy but I have yet to see them under 6 figures even for a shitty cutlass
  10. The hound

    The hound Active Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    Is it really that mining isn't fun or that afk mining caused issues..

    I'm not just playing devils advocate but it seems the reason for current state of mining is constantly changing. From following this thread it made it seem that afk miners created too much product too easily and this was an issue..

    This seems to be prior to the implementation of the afk gump.

    Would the afk gump not have fixed the afk mining issue?

    Regarding mining not being fun; I pose these questions because this thread has a handful of people that apparently love the repetitive clicking .. ppl are expressing their love playing true mining characters.. true mining mules with mining bs and other craft skills.

    Apparently there is a demand for it so "fun" is obviously subjective.
  11. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    The AFK gump preceded the mining bots. People would make automated miners that would run literally 8-16 hours a day across 3 accounts. Many people's jobs (or lack thereof) allowed them to "attend" these mining bots enough to be able to respond to the gumps... but they were doing this while watching Netflix or whatever else.

    Telamon's goals as I understand them are to make actual attended mining more worthwhile, as well as to decrease the crazy number of ingots needed to fill and flip smith BODs.

    So there were all sorts of changes made to mining:
    - a shovel/pickaxe delay when recalling around to mine
    - a correction to the item delay to ensure mining is only done once every 1.2 seconds or whatever (prior, you could do it like 6 times a second)
    - mountain/cave trolls that would spawn when you recall-mined
    - blocking recall into various caves
    - enabling the ore golem system with gargoyle shovels

    I know some people are upset that they can't macro-mine any longer, and I'm not too sympathetic about that. But 50k an hour to mine, before taking into account shovel cost, is not a great return in the scheme of things. I'd like to see that hit at least 75k.

    I also suggested a while back that the item count that BODs request could be reduced. It's rather arbitrary (even if it does match era behavior).
  12. The hound

    The hound Active Member

    Dec 4, 2014
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    Any ways to create more incentives for real playing the better. These changes were before my time but I still think it is weird that miners need combat skills. Maybe the golem should spawn at random in place of digging up ore instead of just being a static cave spawn.

    Reason being it works as an afk check and you can't just mine 100% with a combat character
  13. Russell

    Russell Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2013
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    lets not forget the part where people where getting afk alerts on their phones and shit while at work, remote connecting to their pc's at home, it got pretty rediculous hence the situation we find ourselves in.
  14. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Why not fix the delay (leave the ore golems in the caves I like those) and just throw out 3 day to week long bans for anyone caught recall mining.
  15. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Recall Mining still has a Place in our world when it's not being abused. If I need Val Ore I will recall around to the spots that I can get that ore. It was the Massive Scripting of Recall Mining was the issue.
  16. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Recall mining is still alive and well. It's gotten a little tougher to do over time, but it has always been alive and well. I started with a clean slate a couple nights ago and was up and running in about 90 minutes, most of that time spent rune marking. It could have been quicker if I weren't so stupid and forgot to close an IF statement that had me "debugging" for awhile.

    So why did the supply bottom out? In my opinion, two reasons:
    • The patch changes required players to adapt their macros. The changes were not that hard to implement, but your macro wouldn't work right without them. Hell, after the uproar, Telamon even posted what changes to make. Whether players were incapable of doing so or simply too lazy to do so, this resulted in less people recall mining.
    • One of the patch changes was caves being recall-blocked and/or filled with spawn. This prevents players from easily "4x mining", where players would recall right onto a resource "edge" and then mine in 4 different directions to hit 4 different resource nodes. This allowed players to fill their packs with ore, rather than getting just 16 piles of ore. This change cut directly into the bottom line ... my estimate was about a 40% hit to gold per hour. That was probably enough to make some people say "eh, forget it". Result: even less people recall mining.
    I am very convinced someone could still "Red Rover" the market. All they need to do is sit down for 16 hours a day with 3 accounts again.

    Just to clarify, there is no alert. You still have to constantly watch the screen and react to GUMPs.
  17. Bob

    Bob Member

    Dec 28, 2014
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    I actually hold the odd opinion that crafting and resource gathering is way too easy as it is.
  18. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 20, 2014
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    The words of a man who hasnt entered the bod game
  19. Bob

    Bob Member

    Dec 28, 2014
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    The rewards for blacksmithing are a bit better than the tailoring ones, so yeah it's a bit more time consuming to get the resources to turn in deeds for it.
  20. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Kane, I'm a BOD'er and I have no prob's feeding the Ingot Monster. Of course I'm only flipping about 150 a week so far, but I'm building up a stockpile (of Sorts)

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