Ned Flanders breaking the law

Discussion in 'Photography & Videography' started by snap dragon, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Isnt that screenshot from Stargate Atlantis?
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  2. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  3. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    I do, but I am a scifi nut.. the original Stargate Movie had 3 spinoffs. SG1 ran for about 10 seasons, then Atlantis for 7 I think. Stargate Universe started slow, but then was cancelled once I felt it finally got started.

    Rumors of a reboot for the series coming...
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  4. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    Guys, I have a pink horse.
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  5. Player X

    Player X Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2013
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    Wha?? What are you even talking about?? You didn't ask for proof of what?? I'm so confused. Can I smoke some too??
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  6. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  7. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Well - discussions aside - I think snap's story demonstrates the great benefits of cA on any server we're established on!
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  8. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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  9. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Welcome my friends, to the accusatorium! Good citizen snapdragon has unearthed a vast, bullpen conspiracy, a scandal that will, no doubt, shake Britannia to it's core. Suspect Ned Flanders has been accused of being under the influence of an illicit street drug known by the slang word "Steam", or sometimes referred to as a "3rd party prog". Good citizen snapdragon has witnessed Ned Flanders walking around in a dazed, zombified state, all the while following around harts in a seemingly intelligent manner, branding them "Ned is Ned" and so on.

    An agent of the Cove Ministry of Intelligence informed me that nearly 8 1/2 hours later after Mr. Flanders was reprimanded by two brave citizens, he returned to the scene of the crime to leave bulls that were branded "NedLovesJhelomPK". By the time the news of the crime had reached the papers, Loxness was quick to defend the suspect's methods and potential "Steam" and/or other illicit drug use. Furthermore, an agent had discovered suspect Ned Flanders standing around in the Jhelom tinker shop (without proper UO Passport identification) while another tamer was taming bulls. The agent went back to the original scene of the crime to look for further evicence. Once news got out about Ned Flanders return to the mean streets of the deplorable ghetto known by it's street name "The 'Pens" , suspect was gone from the tinker shop. To where? Nobody knows... perhaps for one person...Loxness! :eek:

    So what is the Loxness - Ned Flanders connection, you ask? The first response to the crime scene photos was Loxness himself. In them he defends the perpetrator's methods, then singles out the methods of the upstanding citizen snapdragon by walking the junkie into a gate to solitary confinement. Then, defers to the murderer Jhelom PK to administer justice. Later on he explains that him and his associates are capable of altering Razor, a well known legal substance, and putting additives in it which has not yet been tested by the Britannian Food and Drug administration... potentially putting lives at risk. Due to my expertise on criminal psychology (see: too many episodes of Criminal minds), it would appear that the criminal has returned to the scene of the crime to watch the investigation, to see the work he has done, and then, to deflect accusations towards the Jhelom PK by pointing out said criminal has re-branded the bulls with "NedLovesJhelomPK".

    The Jhelom PK...... that is the connection! The file we have on Loxness is that him and his associates allegedly are, or are involved with, the serial killer known as the Jhelom PK. Like most serial killers, they sometimes want fame.. so they become wrapped up in their own hype. Sometimes they revel in discussion about their murderous aliases. A search of op-eds in the papers have confirmed an unusual interest in the Jhelom PK by Loxness:

    Exhibit A: Loxness protesting he is the infamous Jhelom PK and trying to deflect criticism..

    Exhibit B: A copycat killer. Sometimes they hate when someone tries to steal their thunder, and spell the names wrong!

    Exhibit C: Loxness deflecting more Jhelom PK criticism, but then joking about creating a Jhelom PK persona!

    Exhibit D: More criticism of the Jhelom PK, with a hint of anger at there being a copycat!

    Exhibit E: Loxness seperating himself from the situation as a suspect by hoping the Jhelom PK gets him because of the publicity..

    Could Loxness be the infamous Jhelom PK AND Ned Flanders? Who knows. With carefully pieced together circumstantial evidence, hearsay, and unnamed sources, we could definitely come to that conclusion. There is definitely something amiss here. This is a vast crime syndicate that has been allowed to grow in the backwater slums of Jhelom and elsewhere. Street drugs in The 'Pens, a cover up, and an out of control serial killer called the Jhelom PK. Perhaps a guild who harbors him, known associates whom one of which could be the alter ego of the Jhelom PK and quite possibly Ned Flanders. We must remain vigilant against such threats, lest all of Britannia become as crime infested as the 'Pens.

    Perhaps Ned Flanders can be saved from his drug habit and rehabilitated like some can be, and can be educated on the evils of the illicit drug "Steam", we can only hope.

    **Summons @Henderson! for online wizard jury duty**
    Melochabre, El Horno, Pirul and 4 others like this.
  10. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    This most well-written and formidable article ought to be published and distributed by the Post Office, someone bring back @Jebidiah to ensure this!
    One, PaddyOBrien and snap dragon like this.
  11. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    The evidence here really puts it all into perspective. After careful deliberation, and arduous examination of the evidence Paddy has presented, I've come to the conclusion that Loxness is skunkApe and will betray you.
    Air, Hoominaga, Pirul and 2 others like this.
  12. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    .....then it's even worse than we've ever imagined! That's the missing link.... it all makes sense now. The evidence was right in front of us the whole time!!!!! Take a look now!:eek:

    The amount of betrayal I'm feeling right now is making me sick. I no longer have any faith in mankind...
    Melochabre and Air like this.
  13. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    All joking aside, IRL I work for the USPS (The United States Post Office, for those not familiar with it). I work 6 days a week starting @ 8am EST. If anyone works for them, or knows someone who does, knows how many hours we work. So any accusations about me being online besides AFK macroing between 8am to 5pm EST from Monday through Saturday are extremely falsified (Saturdays I get off a little earlier though, I'll admit).

    The forums are all in fun and kills a ton of time during slow times at work for me.

    With that said, some of these connections are amazing lol. I appreciate your detective skills. But, they are all forum based. Nothing concrete with me in game. So, now adding in the new information (You know, me having to work for a living lol), does this all still apply?
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  14. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    I believe this only makes the case stronger against you! With so few spare hours you've got a great incentive to cheat your way up to GM so you can enjoy the game while free! Aha?! Aha!?
  15. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  16. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    Negative lol. I have 15 fully done, fully function characters.

    **Thanks to the awesome resist parties btw**

    But you don't need to believe me. If I remembered all the names I could give you them. I can tell you, I did contact Mr. Flanders yesterday after work. (8PM or so?) I befriended him, and expressed the forum post on him, and spoke with him about the accusations. He wasn't interested in making a forum name (at this time at least).

    Clearly, he denied any wrong-doing. So, I explained how to do it with the fence and how you can have someone else tame them for you and gain better on 2nd tames. He liked the 2nd tames idea the best. I have a friend who can benefit from 3rd tames, so I went to work and took a bunch for him and stuck them in the house. I went to bed from there.

    My tamers are Jay & Jaclyn, if you must know lol.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
  17. Loxness

    Loxness Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2016
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    A lot of others do not and complain quite a bit. Hahahha. But that is any delivery service, right?
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  18. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  19. Henderson!

    Henderson! Well-Known Member
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    Aug 1, 2012
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    Considering I'm like the only person I know who actually wants to be summoned to IRL jury duty... I'm in.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  20. blasfede

    blasfede Active Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    it's clearly EasyUO

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