Event was fun. I would say that considering the population the event building needs to be bigger, and the final boss perhaps should be in a different place that is bigger as well. My only other suggestion would be that the rewards need to be increased. Considering the cost of of the holiday items posted on the OP screenshot unless there are other ways to make holiday coins (the event which give minimal coins, and the overland spawns which basically give nothing or close to nothing at all) there is a large disparity. FWIW....
The work put into the servers custom content is very much appreciated. The developers could leave things as they were without custom content and the server would likely still thrive. I attended this event and brought my typical PVM play style, that being player support. I had a rough idea how I would spend my time in the event and once I was dropped in and the chaos ensued, I quickly got to work. I decided that I was going to support crafters primarily by searching containers and finding supplies. I figured a crafter wouldn't have much time running around gathering their own supplies to make things for other players. It stands to reason if a crafter wants to hit the scoreboard they need to stay in one place and players need to bring things to them. By the time I got to the crafting sanctuary the chests were empty. I decided to use my mitts and get to punching zombies right in the face. I really want to emphasize this point to everyone attending this event if you can't find anything don't get frustrated group up with a few people and just punch zombies. Movement is life. After finding a pitchfork some plate gloves some ore and a few other things crafters had begun to be supplied enough to give me what I really needed an instrument. I was really happy to see that there was a support category for this year's event. I began provoking, peacing, and discoing the minor mobs. That's when the supplies really started flowing. I spent about two thirds of the event doing this. Go out get supplies come back drop them off to the nearest crafter. After a while I decided to help out in the field and started to protect players from getting swarmed with my barding skills. Not to toot my own horn but I saved quite a few players from having their brains eaten! Overall I definitely think barding skills have s a place in this event but you had better have a way to DPS, or you will not get on the scoreboard. I believe I had the lowest score last night. After the event many players agreed that ranged DPS or crafting was the way to go if you're after holiday coins. However, supporting other players so they can succeed will just have to have its own reward. TLDR I'm making an archer.
Oh man real life has been keeping me from playing..Glad I came on to the forums! Going to log in a give this a go!
If that is the case then they are circumventing the IP rules of this server. When I tried to port my 2nd account over to the event from the event center by clicking on the orange book it specifically said "1 account per IP allowed you cannot port there" Or something to that effect I cant remember the exact wording.
i don't really know how it works but in the second event last night amfekk seemed to have Taylor Swift and norma jean- both signed up. The former just idled in the starting area as far as i could tell i dont know if you received anything for idling a character though. Last year everyone that entered received a bag with a chance at rares in it and received 10 coins in addition to what they earned in the instance. As best i can tell this year you receive coins based on performance- i had the top scores in the first two last night and got 13 and 17 coins upon exiting.
I ran around the entire time trying to lure bosses on people like a drunken idiot and got 0 coins. ;D
Where can I find the list of % drop on holiday coins for the overland spawns? I was told its listed somewhere here? Cant find it. Been trying to farm overland mobs in the hopes of getting any coins but so far no luck. Anyone had any success?
Are you reading the main IRC chan? Many informations are exchanged there between players. Since some days, people realized that the drop rates are pretty low compared to previous halloweens. The mini bosses are assumed to have drop chances of 1/4 for hcoins this year. And it has also been mentioned, that the compendium is not up to date. So, don't bother looking there. Overall, it's pretty tough right now, to farm for hcoins overworld; there is a reason why players have been paying 2 plats per hcoin (effectively ~15k per hcoin).
Yeah I had two clients in there, never got a message though about this 1 client per IP. Only did for 1 event and if I remember correctly I just idled Taylor. Really too much trouble, better off working on 1 character and with a group.