Official Faction Discussion / Planned Changes Thread

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Chris, Apr 26, 2018.

  1. Rextacy

    Rextacy Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 19, 2017
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    It cannot be hard to ensure pvmers are not effected. Players are not effected now, and factioners receive a temp stat loss. That is all it is. No nerf, no buff. Just a temp stat loss on killed pets. This can help factions who are not in towns, have a extra way to defend. It is not like people are literally running around on tamers in factions and it will never be that way most likely.
  2. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2016
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    From what i read it sounded like harsher statloss penalties would be installed and I believe that would be different from the current temp statloss meta that we have.

    If it was just temp statloss fine but, from what it sounds like this would be harsher and permanent. Something like this could have unattended consequences for the population that does not pvp. Why not just stop people from joining who have tamers.
    Right now I have a tamer in factions and it's a cheese build. If you guys are for it I will keep it in factions but, I would be down for just no tamers in factions
  3. Ruck

    Ruck Well-Known Member
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    May 5, 2013
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    Just place pets in a temporary stat loss like the rest of us.
    Celestrael and Rextacy like this.
  4. syncopations

    syncopations Active Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    what is temporary statloss going to accomplish though unless it is for hours since pets rarely get killed. As far as I am concerned there are 3 solutions:

    1) dont allow tamers to join factions
    2) lower a factioners` follower slot to 2-5 ( which is my personal fav since summons gives unneccessary edge to mages over dexxers)
    3) dont change anything
    crazydaze likes this.
  5. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
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    May 9, 2014
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    edited: not feeding the tear fire anymore.
  6. Minax

    Minax Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2017
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    Is there any possible way for you to bless a runic bow since I use archery on my faction character? Any thoughts on making bows blessed like u can when u make weapons? Obv with the same costs Of silver to bless said items. I’m one for equality if u can bless a valorite spear for weeks is there a way for staff and dev to implement a way to bless bows thanks!
    swiftfeet and Rextacy like this.
  7. Ruck

    Ruck Well-Known Member
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    May 5, 2013
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    I don't really want to see tamers in factions either.

    RFC#1: Standard faction hue death shrouds for all members with rank higher than 1. A secondary hue for the Commanding Lord.

    RFC#2: Ethereal faction mounts seem cool, but we already have bonded war horses. Is this really necessary?

    RFC#8: Decrease the amount of points you need to run for election. Fix point decay.

    RFC#11: 100% Let pets and/or summons attack faction guards. Guards cannot be spawned during combat.

    RFC#16: Sigil timers need to be adjusted before anything. This isn't OSI and it will never have the player base it had. We all don't have 7 hours a day to defend, and factions dying for the next 3 days after needs to be addressed as well. We have families, jobs, etc. LOWER timers to a couple/few hours.

    Lastly, when this new faction season starts, wipe ALL silver so each faction is starting from scratch.
    Valrick likes this.
  8. Minax

    Minax Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2017
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    I like the different hue colors but what if there were other mounts added? There’s horses nightmares pink horse lucky charms.

    I vote for polar bear mounts for factions!
    scuba and Air like this.
  9. Crunk Juice

    Crunk Juice Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 19, 2016
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    RFC1 = Faction Shrouds = Commanders get a free special hued shroud. Ranks 4-9 diff hue death shroud 1,000 silver/week

    RFC2= Ethys ranks 8–10 1250 silver per week

    RFC5= Once you leave a faction min of 7 days before you can rejoin any faction.

    RFC6= Once you leave a faction you loose all your points.

    RFC7= Points decay after 7 days of inactivity on your character at 10% per week.

    RFC16= 5 hours for town capture and town control for 3 days.

    Faction Silver rewards for killing faction guards.

    Faction guards cannot cross guard lines or put out during combat or combat cool down.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2018
    crazydaze and wylwrk like this.
  10. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I appreciate the engagement in Factions.

    • No pets - I'd respond with "meh", some people like farming silver and playing full time Factioneers. I'd hate to advocate removal of content (even tamers).
      • If Yes pets
        • Faction pets are bard-able
          • Barding difficulty unchanged
          • Slayers provide bonus
        • Peacemaking - on success 10, 15, 30 (discussion) second duration
        • Discordance - unchanged
        • Provocation - on to players of same faction
    • Faction NPC guards
      • can NOT be summoned in combat
      • can NOT be fired in combat
      • cannot cross guard lines
      • cost additional silver when killed (rewarded to the player from opposing faction coffers)
    • True Britannian base
      • Extend guard line
        • reduce/remove siege NPC guard calling tactics
    • Council of Mages base
      • Extend guard line
        • reduce/remove siege NPC guard calling tactics
    • Faction blessed items
      • Weapons
        • add all craftable weapons (runic bows)
        • extend to two weeks
        • is also a slayer to all faction monsters (wisps, ogre lords, etc)
          • Use Krampus code
          • categorize wisps and the like as "Faction"
            • Increase wisp HP to align with counterparts

    RFC 1 - Faction shroud to commanding lord so they can be easier to target and burn down, yes please.
    RFC 2 - either replace war horses entirely or rank 5+ at cost of silver per week to maintain (aka activity)
    RFC 16 - 3-5 hours for town capture / lasts 3 days
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2018
    Althorn, Isabel, scuba and 2 others like this.
  11. Invoker

    Invoker Active Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
    NerK, Rextacy, Imbol and 2 others like this.
  12. Air

    Air Well-Known Member
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    Jan 15, 2015
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    RFC #1 : New Faction Rank Item - Faction Shrouds
    -----> *Should be available to all factioners for 250 silver (making it 1,000 makes it no where near practical for any new people to enter the pvp action with cool gear).
    -----> * Commanding Lords should be a Brighter or Darker Hue to stand out of the crowd.
    -----> *1 week duration works, but the CL should be until he loses Office. Maybe the CL should get one when he wins election?

    RFC #2 : New Faction Rank Item - Faction Ethereals
    -----> Great idea.
    -----> 500 Silver
    -----> Maybe 2 weeks...

    RFC #3 : Additional Faction Based Rank Items
    -----> Nope

    RFC #4 : Guild Functionality
    -----> Nope

    RFC #5 : Faction Join / Leave Functionality
    -----> If its not broke, don't fix it. I think this is good the way it is.
    -----> This Prevents people from jumping factions in a blink of an idea and stealing sigils from their own team, as it is.
    -----> This also promotes loyalty to factions. No need to change once you select a team.

    RFC #6 : Faction Points - Leave / Join Faction
    -----> Nope, don't change it please. If you leave a faction, you surrender your points.
    -----> You can give them away before you leave by honoring someone else.

    RFC #7 : Faction Point Decay
    -----> For every 7 days you are not active you lose 1 point. (we all have RL stuff to tend to but should be able to play 1 time a week to keep points active)
    -----> If you are inactive for 90 consecutive days, bye bye points.

    RFC #8 : Faction Elections
    -----> Election every 3 days. Gives new CL chance to settle in and prove himself.
    Election Day(Monday)- Player A wins. The next 3 days (Tues, Wed, Thur) he commands his/her army. New candidates have to decide to run on the 3rd day(Thur). The 4th day (Friday), new election. New CL reigns from Sat-Monday, new election Tuesday. Makes sense?

    RFC #9 : Faction Points
    -----> Killing higher ranking people should give more silver not more points. IMO, I have 30 points, so if I die, I lose like 3-4 points or something. That sucks, so I try to stay away from the nuke zone, which is not fun. Just make this an even 1 for 1 point gain/loss regardless of rank, but reward with more silver.
    -----> If you kill the CL, Sheriff, or finance minister, you get a 500 silver, regardless of his/her rank, and just ONE point.

    RFC #11 : Faction Guard

    RFC #16 : Faction Sigil Mechanics
    -----> Town ownership should last 3 days
    -----> Sigil corruption time should be reduced to 3 hours (after a faction steals it) So after guarding for 3 hours, the faction can return it to town and own that town.
    -----> TB should not be allowed to own any towns.
    -----> Just wondering who was reading my suggestions ^^
    Balian, wylwrk, scuba and 2 others like this.
  13. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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  14. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
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  15. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 13, 2012
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    *extends hand* I am united for change. Lets keep this discussion open. Let us discuss faction short comings in a civil manner.
    Althorn, Ruck, Pax Romain and 4 others like this.
  16. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I must assume the few burning issues that need first hand attention are universally accepted and will come first.

    Low hanging fruit aside,

    --- A way to get a timer on a faction sigil
  17. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 8, 2016
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  18. Smash

    Smash Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2017
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    We went from multiple threads with pages of discussion on each to am official thread with real possibility for change and suddenly everyone is quiet??
    Rextacy likes this.
  19. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 13, 2012
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    RFC #1 - This item should be made available to the majority of factioneers. My suggestion is that shrouds become available to a player after advancing past rank #1.

    If a player has put in an effort to maintain a positive point total (its harder than you think) than they should have access to some sort of benefit. Currently the only options available to rank 1 players are faction blessed weapons, armor, and clothing/sandals in the primary/secondary faction colors. WHICH NO ONE WEARS. I would also like to note that players are limited in the number of faction items they are able to equip based on their rank.

    If faction shrouds are limited to, Faction Commanders, it could be very discouraging for our player base that is invested in factions. As a new or veteran player, I would love to wear a faction shroud and be more than a bit jealous/envious of the 4 players on the server allowed to wear them. Is it reasonable that I, as a vet, or any aspiring new player ever attain faction commander status? No... absolutely not. Faction leaders have remained the same for YEARS. I understand that due to lack of point atrophy, that obtaining new commanders is not possible however... If True Brits is used as an example: Multiple players are in a position to run for/be voted into the commander role however, TB has not had a leadership change since @Pax Romain made a commitment to the faction in over ONE YEAR.

    TL;DR - Faction shrouds need to be made available to anyone above Rank #1. It is not fair/reasonable to make an item so exclusive. Assuming point atrophy is corrected, it is still doubtful that faction leadership will see much change past the initial election. WILL SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

    More to follow. We stand united for change. - HYPE TRAIN
    Arawn and Ruck like this.
  20. Anarchy

    Anarchy Active Member
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    Mar 5, 2014
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    I like most ideas.

    But have a general problem with the ranking in a faction. It is so "elitelist" and I dont like that much.

    Faction points / Ranking should come not only from success in fights but also in activity, maybe even from PvE (killing faction monsters - with a chance of 1/100 or so to get a point - or buying points with silver even)

    Nerfing tamers is not a very good idea I think. How else to setup a good defense?

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