One guide to rule them all. One guide to find them.

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Basoosh, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    The parts of this game that use "base" skill (as opposed to displayed) should be few and far between.

    Also, to save you guys some effort... just check your % chance of success in the tailoring menu before you try to craft something for skill gain. If that number is 0%, or 100%, you will not get any gains. It's that simple.
  2. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    You know, It didn't even dawn on me to check that. I've gotten so lazy and used to following these guides pretty much verbatim... Doing this probably could have saved me some time and cloth!
  3. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2013
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  4. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2013
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    I'm just doing some research on how to best gain Tinkering. This seems to be A LOT less complex than Blacksmithy so I won't create my own guide for it.

    My results so far indicate, that "Hammers" are by far the best thing to get started with after you bought your skill to 30 from an NPC.
    And as soon as your SHOWN skill reaches 45.1 you should switch to lockpicks. It doesn't make sense to continue hammers any longer than 45.1 SHOWN skill.
    Even though your success rate for lockpicks is below 1%, you still gain very very well.

    I will update this with more details on how to complete the skill once you don't gain on lockpicks any more.

    It took me almost PRECISELY 1250 Ingots from 30 REAL skill to 50 REAL skill. Awesome gains !!!
    That's on Test Shard though. Needs to be verified on Production ...
    End result on Test Shard : 2500 Ingots from 30 REAL to 65.8 REAL doing Hammers & Lockpicks from 45.1 SHOWN skill
    Another 3000 ingots burned on Test Shard starting at 66.0 REAL skill only doing Lockpicks and I ended up with 86,8 real skill.
    It feels like you could reach GM with another 5k ingots ... let's find out !

    Okay my Test-Shard Char is now GM using 17,5k ingots. That's about 5k ingots less than I thought !
    Once I have the ingots to replay this on production shard I will verify this. The path is simple and as explained here. Craft Hammers until you reach 45.1 SHOWN skill. Make lockpicks until you reach 94 and craft heater stand until GM. More than half the ingots were used from 94 to GM (9k ingots)
    Very frustrating ! Might be able to safe 1-2k ingots when switching between scales, heater stands and spyglasses.

    Here's some experience from my Production Shard Tinker. Started off at 32, I first crafted Tinker Tools for 160 ingots just to have enough.
    32.0 - 33.2 : 160 Ingots Tinker Tools
    33.2 - 42.7 : 500 Ingots Hammer
    42.7 - 66.7 : 2000 Ingots Lockpick

    Awesome, gains on production shard were even better than on test !!! A little more than 2500 ingots brought me from NPC-bought 32 to a whopping 66.7 REAL SKILL
  5. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  6. Hlokk

    Hlokk Active Member

    Sep 26, 2013
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    Was just raising lockpicking and was able to switch to GM lockboxes at 82 shown lockpicking. Figured this may take away from the ?? status of lockpicking currently.
  7. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2013
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    If you want to add a short guide about Herding, I just GMed that last night and it was almost as easy as Meditation.

    - Get a Herding Staff (If you select Herding as a starting skill on a char you will get a newbied Herding Staff)
    - Create a macro : Doubleclick on Staff, click on Animal, Click on the ground, Pause 0.2 seconds
    - Optional: Start off herding a low level animal like a sheep until you have a high success rate. (Skill should be around 45 shown now)
    - Alternative: Buy you herding skill to 30 from a NPC at some stables
    - Go to the Jhelom Bulls, hide and herd. You can herd while hidden and you can GM off bulls. No idea how long it took but it worked over night.
  8. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    *note: this guide was made before smithing failure returned half of the ingots; consequently, players will see a better return and overall ingot use closer to 40,000*

    Here's three GM Blacksmiths I made and their paths:

    55.0      77.5       15,000   katana
    77.5     100.0       41,500   plate gorget
                         56,500 total ingots
    55.0      84.1       20,000   kryss
    84.1      91.8       10,000   katana
    91.8     100.0       22,750   plate gorget
                         52,750 total ingots
    55.0      72.3       10,000   cutlass
    72.3      94.5       20,000   short spear
    94.5     100.0       17,500   plate gorget
                         47,500 total ingots
    The first tried to mimic the suggested route here, the third one was my attempt at just doing the lowest-ingot items until they had 90-95% chance to be successful, and the middle was kind of a hybrid.

    As you can see, following the third path would save you roughly 9,000 ingots versus the current guide. This is largely because the low ingot cost per item, and the high success rate and resmelting, allows you many more attempts at gains per ingot.

    However, I think you can push this a bit further. Looking at my precise skill gain buckets (below), here's what I would suggest:
    55--> 72 kryss
    72--> 90 short spear
    90-->100 plate gorget
    This route should save you about 10,000 ingots versus the Katana & Plate Gorgets method.

    If you're feeling really thrifty, you can further optimize this by:
    (a) starting with 10 Strength as opposed to 100, which would lead to a displayed Blacksmith skill of around 50.5 to 51.0, instead of 55.0.
    (b) possibly substituting a cutlass in for the kryss for 51 to 60 or so. (The cutlass was ever so slightly better thank the kryss from 55 to 60, but within the margin of error, so for ease of macroing and remembering, I just recommend the kryss throughout the early stages).

    Here is my full table:
    End    Ingots/gain    Item
    59.1    42    cutlass
    59.2    60    katana
    59.5    56    kryss
    63.2    61    cutlass
    62.4    78    katana
    64.4    51    kryss
    68.5    47    cutlass
    67.7    47    katana
    69.2    52    kryss
    72.3    66    cutlass
    71.0    76    katana
    71.5    109    kryss
    76.7    57    short spear
    74.9    64    katana
    74.6    81    kryss
    80.7    63    short spear
    77.5    96    katana
    78.4    66    kryss
    84.1    74    short spear
    79.6    119    plate gorget
    81.6    78    kryss
    88.1    63    short spear
    81.8    114    plate gorget
    84.1    100    kryss
    89.8    147    short spear
    84.4    96    plate gorget
    86.8    93    katana
    91.6    139    short spear
    86.2    139    plate gorget
    88.6    139    katana
    93.5    132    short spear
    88.4    114    plate gorget
    90.5    132    katana
    94.5    250    short spear
    90.9    100    plate gorget
    91.8    192    katana
    95.7    208    plate gorget
    92.0    227    plate gorget
    92.8    250    plate gorget
    96.2    500    plate gorget
    93.3    192    plate gorget
    93.9    227    plate gorget
    94.6    192    plate gorget
    95.0    227    plate gorget
    95.7    227    plate gorget
    97.9    147    plate gorget
    98.6    357    plate gorget
    96.3    192    plate gorget
    99.1    500    plate gorget
    97.3    250    plate gorget
    99.4    833    plate gorget
    97.6    833    plate gorget
    100    417    plate gorget
    98.4    312    plate gorget
    99.1    357    plate gorget
    100    306    plate gorget
    96.8    227    plate gorget
    97.7    278    plate gorget
    98.2    500    plate gorget
    99.1    278    plate gorget
    99.3    1250    plate gorget
    99.8    500    plate gorget
    100    750    plate gorget
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2014
  9. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2013
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    Awesome research Dalavar !

    You actually did go through it ... and it looks like that's a major improvement over the katana/gorget method.

    Did you look at the post I made about blacksmithy gains ? Pretty much goes along with cutlass/kryss crafting early on ...
  10. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Yes, I sure did. The parts I'm least certain about are the very beginning (up to 60 or so) and the changeovers. It's definitely worth more testing of kryss versus cutlass, and perhaps maul as well.
  11. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  12. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Katana -> Gorget -> Leggings -> Chest doesn't use ~50k ingots, it probably uses around 57k. The katana -> gorget method uses around 55.5k according to your testing, and 56.5k in mine. I think that one is pretty nailed down.
  13. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2013
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    I'm just working on a scribe and will try to keep track of resources consumed.
    One thing I can confirm is that copying books will bring to to exactly 50.0 SHOWN skill.

    This also means that there is absolutely no reason to ever take Inscription as a starting skill since you can basically reach 50 skill (well technicalls 45.4 real skill) for the price of two books.

    More to follow.
  14. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Mining by the numbers:

    Approximately 1500 ingots used to craft materials with my tinker (85 skill)
    Approximately 375 shovel/pickaxe used
    Approximately 1200 recalls each 200~ stones each. Lots of empty packs early on!
    Approximately 100,000 stones worth of ore
    0 Jail Sentences
    Less than 24 hours, I never noticed gains slowing down like other skills
    Total Ingots: 17,323
    Iron: 14698
    Dull Copper: 822
    Shadow: 648
    Copper: 522
    Bronze: 234
    Golden: 248
    Agapite: 123
    Verite: 27
    Valorite: 1
    Approximately 140,000 gold for all you newer players.

    I ran a character with 0 mining and no glove bonuses through a recall mining script for these numbers. I did not smelt with intentions of minimizing failures on the high end colors.
  15. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Using Dalavar's blacksmithing method I've gotten from 72 to AT LEAST 90's with only 15k ingots.
  16. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Tried the Dalavar method for smithing.

    Took 49190 ingots to go from 50-GM...
  17. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  18. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2012
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    Perhaps it has something to do with the stats. My crafter is 100 str - 42 dex - 82 int (trying to raise int but sometimes a stat goes down before the other one goes up)
  19. Wodan

    Wodan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2013
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    You want more input on Inscription ? This skill SUCKS !!!

    I just decided to make a scribe because 8th circle scroll prices were hillarious.

    Well I copied Books (just need two books and copy them over and over) up tod 45,4
    From then on, I had to scribe real scrolls.

    45,4 - 58 Recall Scrolls (1000 Attempts, 776 Scrolls return)
    58 - 74,2 Mark Scrolls (1500 Attempts, 672 Scrolls return)
    74,2 - 94,8 Gate Scrolls (4000 Attempts, 2172 Scrolls return) <=== This should have been FLAMESTRIKE Scrolls
    94,8 - GM Ressurection (1500 Attempts, 500 Scrolls Return) <=== This should have been all kinds of 8th circle scrolls used to fill Spellbooks

    Don't take this as a guide though ! First, you should realize no one wants your stinking scrolls. You might be able to sell some Recalls and some Mark scrolls but the rest is just trash. Craft Flamestrike Scrolls as the 7th Circle scroll since they cheaper than Gate and Gate scrolls don't sell nearly as good as I thought.
    For best gains you might wanna switch to 8th circle a bit earlier and there's hardly any 8th circle scrolls that sells well. Since you might want to complete some spellbooks later on it's a good idea to craft all 8th circle scrolls and keep them. Alternatively, EQ scrolls sell occasionally but are rather expensive to make.

    You can use the Flamestrike Scrolls you crafted to train Resisting Spells or sell them to PKs. PKs love them Flamestrike scrolls as they never fizzle and mess you up real good.

    Oh yeah and the costs were >100k ... meh² ! I bet you can get it for 80k though if you make Flamestrike instead of Gate and switch to 8th circle earlier.
  20. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
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    May 16, 2013
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    How much would you had made back if you had sold your scrolls to NPC vendors?

    Recall - 18 * 776 = 13,968
    Mark - 26*672 = 17,472
    Gate - 30*2172 = 65,160
    Res - 34*500 = 17,000

    Grand total of: 113,600gps

    Sooooooo...had you sold your scrolls to NPC's, you could say you raised inscription for free. Had you made FS scrolls (and maybe EQ), you probably could have come up ahead.

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