Patch 77 - September 12th, Guard Functionality Hotfix, Ocllo & Vesper Town Regions

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. Spankrox

    Spankrox Active Member

    Apr 7, 2017
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    I don't need to go into the house to access every vendor though.

    The two houses had minimal risk as it was. Now it's 100% safe, combined with all npcs calling for guards fixed.
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  2. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Like I mentioned in the patch notes some additional restrictions will be placed on the owners of the houses.

    Keep in mind however these 2 houses provide a valuable public service for the server. Given that young players are locked into Ocllo and there is limited housing on Ocllo island player vendors are very important.

    I suspect both players who currently own the houses will be very open to allowing a wide range of players the opportunity to place a vendor in these locations.

    Additionally both are small marble workshops with are some of the least safe houses from the Renaissance era. And inside the house there is no guard protection. Normal house rules apply. Also these houses were so close to the bank in the first place anyone stocking vendors, or buying items would have experienced little to no risk in either of those processes unless they made a mistake in planning or got lazy stocking. When I played I had a vendor similar to this on another server, out of guard protection but bank accessible. And I stocked a billion gold worth of items over a year with zero risk. Access to the banker is what provides safety, not the guard zone. And that did not change.

    This is a problem of our own creation that should have been addressed long ago. But when we decided on Ocllo for the new player program we did not anticipate times where the island would have 150 players on it, 75 of them young.

    And to be exceptionally clear, neither of these home owners were aware of the guard zone change before the patch. Nor were they consulted about the change. This was done so that I can stop monitoring towns 24/7 for players creating fake accounts to town kill our new players and so that I can move the staff back to focusing on other more pressing things.

    With limited resources we have to focus our time on the more important tasks. Like I said in IRC if Darkwing was still here, if I had more help, if I did not have a day job I could have put a few weeks into finding a more Nuanced solution for this. But after having to track and ban over 50 accounts, 500 IP's and apologized for 500 new player deaths in the last week we had to have a solution to this problem now. This was just one part of it.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2017
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  3. Hadrian

    Hadrian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2017
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    Way out of left field here, but why can we not pick vegetables and grapes?
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  4. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Good question, not sure. Do Carrots count?

    Also a brief hotfix for a crash error was applied around 3am cst. If anyone had their overnight macro interrupted this is why.
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  5. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  6. Genuss Kaern

    Genuss Kaern Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    I agree that the owners of the houses near Ocllo should not be arbitrarily punished due to the unannounced change to their venues. However, they have been given a pretty big upgrade for nothing, and to be honest, those houses should really never been allowed that close to the bank in the first place, but that is neither here nor there.

    What we have now are two vendor houses that red players cannot access anymore (as opposed to every single other vendor house that they can access). It doesn't matter if these houses provide some sort of community service to the new players of Ocllo as they are 100% player controlled and are for-profit in a massive way. If the houses were not vendor houses and were just private player houses, they would receive the same exact benefit of being in the guard zone regardless as to not providing any for-profit "community service". It will ultimately lead to other people asking "why do these players get houses inside a guard zone and nobody else does?"

    Regarding the lack of pickable vegetables - very few veggies and fruits are actually harvestable it seems. I know you can't pick fruit from most apple or pear trees. Only ever found one tree that produces fruit out in the western Britain farmlands. It would be neat if these actually worked as intended.
  7. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2016
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    Chris this is all fine do what you need to do but, as it stands there is 0risk to shop from these vendors because you can shop from outside

    Once you have everything squared away please consider changing the guard line zones in ocllo so it does not give a select number of players a advantage over others on the shard
    Genuss Kaern likes this.
  8. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2016
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    @Gideon Jura even though the inside of the house has no guard zone you can shop from outside in the full protection of guard zone. No other house on the shard has this.

    I understand where @Chris is coming from and I am not saying it should be changed quickly. All I am asking is when he has figured out how to prevent mass town killing or finished whatever he is working on to change the zone lines so these homes lose there "godly" vendor status
  9. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    When I see a player with 3 accounts and 15 murders I would consider this a concern. However a quick database check shows no one is even near this. Switching to a blue character to shop is not an onerous task and one I suspect that happens anyway with most players who have a red character. I cannot imagine many murderers casually shopping 10 tiles from 30 blue players who would enjoy an easy kill. I also really hope that this conversation doesn't devolve into players being upset they cannot camp and kill the owners of vendors in this location which had been happening more and more lately.

    Secondly you are all focusing on the owners and the perceived value of the houses now. When multiple times I have indicated restrictions would be placed on these players if they attempted to transfer these houses. One of the houses is owned by a player who lets other players run vendors in it. From what I understand the other house is doing much of the same. I suspect they would be willing to allow other players the option of running a vendor should they ask and have goods to sell and are reliable.

    Both of these houses have existed long before the young program. Ocllo was not selected for the young program until our 2nd year. Due to our use of the island the value of these houses has changed over time. All of the limited houses on Ocllo island fill a critical role in helping players get started here as we do not allow young players to leave the island. One of the owners of the bank houses has spent most of his collected wealth to buy as many of these houses as possible, at great expense to himself, and turn them into new player housing. This is not a concern for value but an investment in the server and its new players and helping them get started.

    So don't be mad about the changes, Find the owners and ask if you can run a vendor, and sell some of your more valuable goods, and if you run a shop elsewhere place some 10 gold runes to your vendor shop.

    Note: OSI had houses inside guard limits, they were grandfathered in and many players (myself included) ran vendors from this. There is a great deal of historical precedent for this and it was a common sight on most servers.
    Acct 1 - Britian Small Collage Pic.jpg Acct 1 - Moonglow Small Collage Pic.jpg
    These are two houses I owned on OSI. One of which was inside town limits and I used to sell supplies to miners. The other was illegally placed on a hill and you could walk under it (and I could murder you because you were "in" my house).
  10. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  11. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2016
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    I do not care about the owners perceived value of there homes. These spots have a limited amount of VENDOR area. Only a certain amount of people will be allowed to have vendors in a guard zone. That is a huge advantage to anyone who is in the vendor game why would you shop anywhere else when you have a 0%chance of dying and a slim to none chance of being stolen from?
  12. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    Can't you stand in guardzone around yew bank and access all of the vendors on the north side?

    Or at yew gate access the PS vendors while in the safety of GZ?

    Or brit gate?

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  13. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2016
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    Can reds still access this area? Are guards posted around the building? There is a difference between them
  14. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  15. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  16. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    Come stand on the tiles I am on in these pictures and we will find out.

  17. Genuss Kaern

    Genuss Kaern Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    What restrictions? Are you going to oversee any trade between the owner and a buyer if they ever choose to sell? Are you putting some sort of cap on the potential trade value of the house? Can they only trade to someone who you personally vet?

    So you basically give these two players a free guardzone in the HOPE that they might extend their altruism to others? It doesn't matter if they do or not; hell, they could just pack up the vendors and use their house as a private place and it wouldn't change this situation. (This is not a dig at the owners of the houses, but the whole situation is kind of wacky)

    That is great, and Rezon is a good guy, but none of those houses just magically got a free guard zone around them. Again, the motives of the players owning the houses really should not be a factor because ultimately, houses change hands and motives and intentions can change.

    I had one, too, it was located right inside the south wall of Trinsic, was my first house and I could walk underneath it due to the hilly terrain. They were grandfathered very early on and at no point hence had OSI generated a guard zone around existing houses, so there is no precedent for it (this is coming from over a decade of playtime starting in Beta going all the way to Stygian Abyss)

    @El Horno - The primary differences between the Yew shops and the Ocllo ones are that the Yew ones didn't magically get a guard zone put all the way around them suddenly.
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  18. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2016
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    The houses are surrounded in guard zone you could not kill anyone if you really wanted to. But this is not the point. The Point is the houses are inside guard zone making them a lot better most of the other houses. And keep in mind these houses were already a lot better than most other vendor locations.

    See I can still get near enough to cast on you. And yes you can call guards but there is the difference you called guards not a automated bot that calls guards .0001 after the spell was cast
    Spankrox and Genuss Kaern like this.
  19. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  20. Hadrian

    Hadrian Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2017
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    Of course! unless pickin' carrots constitutes murder and greenhouses are prisons for slaves.
    *cough* sorry.

    For one who lives off the land, I kind of miss harvesting these old crops; feeding my horse when needs be or just enjoying some water-mel-lone.

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