Pirate Tamer Voyage - Summer Ocean Event!!!

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by Keza, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. CrimsonJack

    CrimsonJack New Member

    May 10, 2019
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    It's been a while, but the dread pirate Crimson Jack is back on the seas to terrorize once more!

    I gathred me crew at the Ocllo pirate docks and saw some glazed over zombie of a man harrassin' some of the sailors. I sent a bolt through his head... but never even 'eard his name.


    With my crew assembled, the Revenge took off for the seas once more. After some time, we came across another unfortunate soul by the name of Barbossa.... we caught him snoozing on the ship. We awoken him with a hail of bolts and arrows and sent his ship to the bottom o' the sea...


    The next encounter was purely by chance... we lost a few crewmembers to sea monsters so we grabbed a few more willing sea rats to join us. We sailed due south from Ocllo and came across a lonely ship. We noticed another fisherman asleep at the wheel, so we made sharkbait outta him and thought our encounter with this man was over.....


    We scoured the seas for more victims till we came across the pirate tamers. Their dragons were mighty angry , so we decided to escort the ship to it's destination when suddenly our previous victim came full speed ramming into our boat, full of piss an rage! He conjured up a mighty spirit on our boat so we turned around whilst a crew member dispelled the evil creature. Alas one of our crewmen died, so we turned around for revenge!!! Audibly Edible, the alias of John Shade was finishing off the dragons in hopes of getting it's mighty treasure, till we set his ship alight with fire and poison fields and dropped him once again. I boarded the ship after we finished off the other crazed dragon and took the valuables in the hold to prevent them from falling into the hands of the dastardly thief! We left the spare change and other mundane trinkets for our victim. As I left to signal our other pirate fleet manned by Tobias, I noticed our ship was once again being followed! It was that crazed fisher-thief once more and murder was in his eyes! He kept conjuring beings and spells, we fought valiantly but the dispel fizzled out. No amount of chugging could keep us from that spirit's wrath. Our ship drifted to dagger isle where Tobias laid in wait and massacred the crazed fisher-thief once more.

    When I return to the realm of the living... I shall count the shiny green coins that we looted from his grasp!

    Attached Files:

  2. Tobias the Brigand

    Tobias the Brigand Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 5, 2019
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    Arr! We pirates be havin' enough of these trespassin' fishermen and other scallywags! I have sent message to Davey Jones to release Crimson Jack in exchange for the soul's of every land lubber, angler, and creature that we encounter on the high seas! To fulfill this task, I be assembling a fleet of pirates to send you all to the depths! Jack and I knew this day be comin' so before his peril, we be formin' a plan, to seek out the legendary pirate:

    It is said upon the high seas, that no pirate was ever as mighty as an unnamed pirate who went missing after sending countless souls to the depths many years ago. Some say he perished into the depths, fallen overboard during a mighty battle. Others claim he was slain by his land locked lover, as she robbed him for his booty. I suspect this legendary pirate be countin' his days on dry land, watching over us. Perhaps one day, taking to the sea again to settle the score once and for all! In me youth I be rememberin' a skirmish in which me crew and I feared the eternal depths were upon us. But we be rescued by a merciless fishermen, who slay fifty men as he came to our aid. Without word this angler sailed off into the sunset and I vowed I would never underestimate any man upon the high seas again. Although I only be a seapup at the time, I be rememberin' a face.

    I be meetin' with a wealthy angler in my travels, and decided to return to his dock to conduct some business.

    Fleet Purchase1.jpg

    I be approachin' the dock, and be met by an oddly familiar old angler. Arr, I stated me business!
    The man smirked, and sent a chill down me spine...perhaps me sea legs not be meant for dry land.
    After an awkward pause, he spoke. "How many ships, pirate?"

    Fleet Purchase2.png I paused... This be a trap? I puffed me chest. Fleet Purchase3.jpg

    The man nodded, walked off with a strangle hobble in his step. Arr, I was sure this be a trap. As I begin to return to me ship, he be returnin' with some papers.
    I pay the man, in the finest blood stained coin from me ship. Then I ask him, "I be knowin' you from somewhere matey?" He replied, with a savage look in his eye:

    Fleet Purchase4.jpg

    I turned for a moment, to ensure me crew be ready to receive me, and watch me back... when suddenly the man be gone!

    Fleet Purchase5.jpg

    I not be stickin' around to find out where he had gone... And I be "casually" returnin' to me ship. Not at all afraid of me encounter.
    One, Zyler, Hawkeye and 4 others like this.
  3. lhyroy

    lhyroy Active Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
    Zyler, Hawkeye and Keza like this.
  4. lhyroy

    lhyroy Active Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Lets burn this ship!!!! Arrrrr

    Keza likes this.
  5. k1w1uk

    k1w1uk Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Another Dastardly Pirate crew has been dispatched down to Davy Jones's Locker
    the seas are a little safer now.

    If I am honest these scurvy dogs were not hard to find. I smelt them a mile away.

    P.S. the search for the Pirates Fishing Rod continues
    Miami and Keza like this.
  6. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    The first ship I sent to the depths I sought...

    This one I ran into haphazzardly thus I called upon an associate for assistance...


    Twas a fierce battle but eventually the crew was disposed!

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
    Miami and Keza like this.
  7. Tobias the Brigand

    Tobias the Brigand Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 5, 2019
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    Arr!! An orcish bomb squad has stolen our treasure from the pirate tamers!! Their last known location be noted on this map here! I be headed there now to reclaim our booty! There be holiday coin and platinum in this load! ARR!!! I hear the ancient liches have sent a ship of their nasty undead pirate mages as well! ALL HANDS ON DECK!

    Orcish Bombsquad!.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2019
    Keza likes this.
  8. Gzus

    Gzus Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2016
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    The battle was epic, and the toll was heavy...


    But treasure hoard vast, and worth the cost...


    The undead, orcs, and pirates all a sail and all fighting for the treasure. A bloody was this!
    Keza likes this.
  9. Tobias the Brigand

    Tobias the Brigand Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 5, 2019
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    Arr! The green coin be missin' from this pic. Was it not in the hold? Or did a sneaky rogue take it from under all of our noses?! Scallywag!
  10. Gzus

    Gzus Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2016
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    It was there
    Tobias the Brigand likes this.
  11. Christoph Brock

    Christoph Brock Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Scholastica and I came across a pirate tamer ship last night during the Strawberry Moon tourney. It took several attacks and withdrawals, but we finally prevailed and took the spoils!
    Keza likes this.
  12. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    In my second expedition!!! success!

    Captura de Tela 2019-07-09 às 13.40.33.png
    Keza likes this.
  13. Mino

    Mino Active Member

    Dec 1, 2018
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    Got another one after run with Xavant. Near South of Skara, parked the ship at Skara Ferry Dock :D
    Xavant_BR likes this.
  14. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Hello all, as promised the Pirate Tamer Voyage has been running ALL SUMMER! However, unique event items are down to the final four (im keeping one of each for myself). Given that 1/4 ships is loaded with these rare items there will only be another 16 Pirate Tamer Ships launched!

    Pirate Ships final voyage.jpg

    [​IMG] If you have not yet had a chance to hunt and combat these deadly pirates, now is your last chance. [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I will post statistics about loot and total #of ships when the event ends.

    For you land lovers, be on the lookout for strange new books across the lands.
    [​IMG] No one knows what secrets await in the Ancient Tomb Quest. [​IMG]
    Blacklow and Zyler like this.
  15. Blacklow

    Blacklow Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2017
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    Another win

    Thanks Keza!
    Zyler and Keza like this.
  16. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    [​IMG] The Final Pirate Tamer ship has set sail! [​IMG]
    After 12 weeks the seas will be safe to sail once again.

    [​IMG] Thanks to all who donated. [​IMG]
    Dr. Satan, Cronos, Felix Jaegar, Lhyroy, Zyler, Sky, Karrelan, Blazin Anika, Detilf, Leopold, gitchu, rick
    Special thanks to @Tobias the Brigand & @CrimsonJack for the role play added during this event.

    [​IMG] Event Statistics [​IMG]
    Boats launched: 253
    Raw Gold looted: ~ 760,000
    Holiday Coins looted: 2277
    Unique Pirate loot found: 95
    Dragons killed: 506
    Pirates killed: ~ 1500​
    lhyroy, Ubo and RavenMagi like this.
  17. Blacklow

    Blacklow Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 19, 2017
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    Killer event! I will be on the high seas till you say all of the ships are accounted for.

    a small haul last night before bed

    A better haul while avoiding work around the house.

    You rock @Keza !!

    Attached Files:

    Zyler, Ubo and Keza like this.
  18. Buga

    Buga Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Awesome event, thank you!!!!

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