Project Sanctuary Public Champions are over

Discussion in 'Player Run Events' started by MikeK, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2014
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    UPDATE: Project Sanctuary Champs is over. We may restart these at a later time, hopefully. #PSChamps was great for 3 days. We did 8 champs, got a TON of new and old players involved and it was a lot of fun. We were 2 skulls away from 2 harrowers.

    The reason PS Champs is over is because TT/SL have repeatedly pk'd, griefed, and stolen platinum. They've also threatened to destroy and grief any PS Public spawns. Because I said they are no longer welcome at PS Public Champ spawns, PS members are now on their kill list, and so am I.

    I am not willing to arrange PS champs for new players only to have them get pk'd and griefed.

    Some of the many threats I've received.

    [18:45] <Balla> im not a troll, but you will die on site now.
    [18:45] <Hawkeye> yea thx guys that 5 plat was the most Ive made in weeks :)
    [18:45] <Balla> :)
    [18:45] <Balla> and your newbies.
    [18:46] <Balla> Not a good idea having the most organized pvp guild on the server on your asses.
    [18:46] <Balla> Good day.

    18:44] <Kane> youll be the ones needing the luck
    [18:44] <Punt> bart was
    [18:44] <Drakhath> you just decleared your own deaths
    [18:44] <Drakhath> thank you

    01:31] <Kane> It is with regret i must inform you that i will not subject myself to ridicule and idle threats without retaliation. so long as people like bart, iago, dr sassy and other bitter noobs attend your spawns i and all who will follow me will raid them.

    1[20:15] <[P^S]MikeK> Drak this is good for the server, can you just have this be neutral ground?
    [20:15] <Drakhath> pking will happen
    01[20:15] <[P^S]MikeK> geez
    01[20:15] <[P^S]MikeK> its the same thing as PS
    01[20:15] <[P^S]MikeK> yea you could pk all of us
    [20:15] <Drakhath> I said you were lucky we didn't get all of you

    Everybody has enemies on this server. I was hoping that for the good of the server, we could all establish neutral ground and work together to give new and old players access to a very fun and rewarding part of the game. UOR is not a big server, and it's difficult to get people for champs. Even the big guilds on UOR have difficulty getting enough numbers.

    My post here will definitely result in me being killed and griefed. On the other hand, I'm passionate about UOR and I'm going to communicate what has gone well, what hasn't, and why those occurred. Hopefully people can build from this experience and make more successful events.

    I'm expecting a multitude of responses, including disrespectful comments and personal attacks. I am not getting involved in any of that, and will not be responding further in this thread. This is what I saw, heard, and I stand by everything I've said here. Thank you for your time.
  2. Vella

    Vella Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 9, 2014
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    1 Eb To change the world
    Kane likes this.
  3. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    Here's the full pastebin of Mike's heavily edited IRC quotes.....

    Just because you come to a champ other people started (Xeg and I) doesn't mean you get to dictate the rules of what happens from there on out.
  4. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Hey all,

    I have been gone for a while with travel, but am back now.

    As the Guildmaster of PS, I am sorry to see and hear that we have been making enemies on the server. I am sorry that I have not been around to help mediate this.

    I will make sure that now that I am back, I will be more present.

    I would officially like to invite anyone who has declared war, kill on sight, intentional public griefing of PS events to meet with me, at a neutral place, just to sit and talk.

    Feel free to vent to me about how my guild has been in my absence ( or in my presence, either one), suggest ways that we could better work out our differences, or just tell me your side, anyone's side, of any of these stories.

    Project Sanctuary has been growing, as you may have noticed, which naturally means we are expanding to new places in the world and holding new events for our members, and anyone else who is willing to come and have fun. But the base philosophy is still the same and when I started this guild: we are here to help new players get on their feet and get started on this server; the best server there is.

    If you choose to take up my invitation I will arrange for a meeting place, out of town, and I alone will show up, unarmed, and ready to talk.

    I specifically want to invite members of TT and SL, but of course anyone who has fits the above description is also welcome. And, well, anyone else too who is not currently in PS or has an alt.

    Please let me know either in this thread, via PM or in IRC when you see me.

    I sincerely hope we can meet up and engage in some constructive conflict resolution.

    If there are any thoughts or responses, I am open to hearing them. Thank you.

    ~Krake Vestahl
  5. illillill

    illillill Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    Remember that time the UN was like "hey Iran, stop trying to enrich uranium" and Iran was like "umm okay" and then they kept on? Then nothing happened to stop them, I'm pretty sure that's what is happening here.
  6. Arawn

    Arawn Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 1, 2014
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    This is quite sad to see how short lived a good intention was.....

    Like Balla said:
    [21:07] <Balla> you knew it was going to happen.
    [21:08] <Balla> i warned you in pms last week

    They knew they were gonna do it too...

    And because they did what they knew they were gonna do, now all newbies that look for a supportive guild to start with must pay for it, because they arent trolls! Its kinda too perfect that Hawkeye boasts about how positive of an experience he had in the midst of Balla's threats, shows what could have been shared by many others new to this server *sigh*

    [20:45] <Balla> im not a troll, but you will die on site now.
    [20:45] <Hawkeye> yea thx guys that 5 plat was the most Ive made in weeks :)
    [20:45] <Balla> :)
    [20:45] <Balla> and your newbies.

    I wasn't at the champ that was the final straw but I have been at several of the others the past few days....
  7. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    so, shut it?
  8. Arawn

    Arawn Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 1, 2014
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    What is the point of the hostility Liberation? I'm not sure we have ever interacted before....

    This post is about PSChamps as a whole, most of which I have taken part in. I was not at the one that seems to be the final straw....

    I'd kindly ask you to not tell me to "shut it"
  9. Liberation

    Liberation Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    you're jumping to conclusions with regard to our intentions based upon other folks' attacks on our characters when you haven't even met most of us (as you pointed out). your indoctrination into the "SL IS ALL EVIL AND HORRIBE MONSTERS" is made obvious by your complaining about our etiquette at a champ spawn that you weren't even there to see.

    TT/SL's relationships with each of the individuals involved is much more complicated than you understand and Krake has several misconceptions about what actually occurred tonight. but you don't need to know any of this to hop on the "SL IS ALL EVIL AND HORRIBLE MONSTERS" bandwagon.

    anyway, welcome to the bandwagon. please keep your hands and feet completely inside your mouth.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015
  10. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I speak for SL and TT and I am telling you and the rest of the forum that there is no 'kill on sight' list and there has been no declaration of war.

    As I told you the other night I think it's silly and melodramatic to cancel these champ spawns over factioners playing grabass. The only complaint I have is that (as usual) all the blame was placed on SL when I am telling you that I have both personally experienced and witnessed these situations being instigated by other sides. When I showed up, invited, to a PS spawn, I was attacked by bart(red), a lilililiil(red), and dr sassy(blue). I didn't make a big fuss. These things will happen and you can't completely turn off years of rivalry by calling it neutral ground.

    Spawns were happening and the only people that seemed to be affected were factioners with their own drama.

    I won't plead with you to continue the spawns, as I don't have the time to make them a priority even if I was truly interested in spawning. But I reject the idea that SL is the cause for any of these spawns to be cancelled.

    PS! is a long standing ally guild and friend. Many of us have characters in Paws and we have always as policy considered both guilds to be our sister. Rest assured that we have no problem with MikeK and have not, by his actions or comments, judged Poject Sanctuary thereby.
    Lord Krake, Jupiter and Xegugg like this.
  11. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2014
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    I appreciate the diplomatic answer. The spawns can still happen if you simply do not attack people unless you are attacked. If TT/SL are indeed ok with that and you are going to consider PS friends, there is no issue. The spawns can restart. But until the threat of PS champs turning into ghost fests is resolved, there's no point in holding the events. I know many people hope this may be resolved, as do I.
    Mes likes this.
  12. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Keep the champs on! Although I can only attend like 1/10 or less of the champs, I want to steal some more plats.

    That being said, I stole 5 plats yesterday of some noob that was standing around in death robes... I think he had something like 'mike' in his name. :p

    Some SL members hunted me all over Terra island and obliterated me during the first PS champ spawn several days ago. They clearly are EVIL! :mad:
    Senzek and MikeK like this.
  13. Arawn

    Arawn Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 1, 2014
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    I'm sorry you feel personally attacked by my simple statement of disappointment of watching PSChamps fall apart. I had made no mention of SL or TT, and I have not been brainwashed by some indoctrination. Not sure how you got to where you are from my statement.

    However you are setting the tone right know for what I think of you based off intereaction, of being rude, disrespectful to me, and getting very defensive over my statement of sadness seeing this fall apart and seeing someone say that all newbies are on a KoS list.... :(

    I do not appreciate being spoken to like you have in both of you replies, and will not continue any further conversation with you in this manner. YOU have now set the tone for what I think of YOU (not sure why you are lumping an entire faction and an entire guilds into the behavior of just a few).
  14. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
  15. illillill

    illillill Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    we did attack you, by we i mean myself and raul duke, bart and sassy were not involved. you also dispelled two gate attempts to leave, bart stated in mumble that ps was starting a spawn so we were trying to leave. the second you seen us im sure you called in the calvary because they were there before i could cast a third gate. so lets not play all innocent.

    lets just be real, any of our group may not be "kos" but its definitely "anything to include showing up on screen is a reason for termination" and this always comes with collateral damage as seen at oaks

    the difference between us and you guys is that we can respect a program
    that is improving the server by putting our differences aside for a short while. where you all just want to kill anything you can and there is nothing wrong with this at all, just own it and rock it, stop with all the smoke and mirrors.
  16. RollinTheTweed

    RollinTheTweed Active Member

    Jun 13, 2013
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    I spoke with Krake, I let my mouth get the best of me, but I will not be targeting newbies. I would like to just clear that up. Also, I was not speaking for all of sl, just like sl doesn't speak for me.

  17. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    If you're doing spawns on the weekend where most of us are off I'd like to help.. been a while since I've done any and killing newbs who grief with tamers is extremely fun. those guys seem to have the power to crash things only at newbie-levels.. if you tell a couple buddies to fight back when they come and I bring in buddies too I promise you they won't do anything except give you free loot
    again; if you want to do a spawn this weekend or more than one let me know I promise they wont be able to harrass tamers that are communicating and experienced
    Jupiter likes this.
  18. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Hello again everyone,

    I understand that this is a sensitive topic, and I will personally be continuing communication with offended parties in the hopes that we can reach some middle ground that involves :
    A) The continuation of PS events and spawns in a civilized manner.
    B) Respect for all playstyles of this great game, and the hardened skin that comes with knowing stuff will eventually go down
    C) Keeping personal attacks, personal vendettas, and the general disstain that some players have for others players separate from broad stroke views or statements about an entire guild/faction.

    Is this possible? Maybe.
    Am I naive? Possibly.
    Am I wasting my time? Could be.
    But is this worth trying to pursue?
    For sure.

    Anyway! Glad to be back on the server and I look forward to seeing you all in game!

    Long live UOR

    Ragnarok, ReZon and Jupiter like this.
  19. RollinTheTweed

    RollinTheTweed Active Member

    Jun 13, 2013
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    I know that's not directed as us SL. Because that would show that you don't know your head from a hole in the wall.
  20. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Haha, here we have "bart is a nice guy he didn't do nothing" and let's not play innocent in the same paragraph. Easily the most ironic thing I've seen all week.
    It's also one of the reasons we have so much drama around here. If you guys were more willing to own up to the shit you do it would be a lot easier to have a conversation.

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