Pure Warrior or Med Warrior? Things to consider

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by David Scraggs, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. David Scraggs

    David Scraggs Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    I doubt I would ever PvP this guy but I have been curious about that CTF.. Could be fun! But this character is mainly PvM focused. I have another Character with Anat, Fencing, Tactics, Resiss, magery, Med, Healing. The template you're talking about could be awesome on him…I may drop the healing and pick up eval but that would be a while as he isn't my favorite to run right now.

    I checked the compendium and I didn't see it mention anything about how much Eval Int helps with spells but we all know it does just to what extent.

    Now Im trying to figure out which skills would be best to start with. I know 50 magery and I'm thinking 50 healing. The rest build really quickly or just through playing. I do macro some but I prefer to play my characters to GM when possible. I have macroed my alchemist though and his Item ID skill. This may be the first time ever I macro magery. Dexxers are hard to beat BUT I think a parry macer could do it. Maces are fucking brutal to armor and Stamina. Sure they could drink some Total Refreshes but those will run out…And then he is screwed…

    Lots to think about and we can chat about it all day but until we actually do it we will never know…Guess I need to come with a cool name and get going with it
  2. Petrus

    Petrus Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    Yeah I'm building a character atm with this kind of template in mind, will take a good while yet.

    I'm going for a build that is really good for PvM but ideally suited to my playing style for PvP. My main gripe with a dexxer was always not being able to kill the higher level monsters like mages could. I guess thats why I want eval int on the char so bad, to be able to hunt the harder stuff solo with the right spells at the right times.

    I'm still trying to figure out how to split 100pts between healing skill and meditation skill.

    What healing level do you need to be able to *start* curing poison?
  3. David Scraggs

    David Scraggs Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    eval could be a benefit for a guy who wants a closer 50/50 warrior mage. For me the perks don't out weigh the ability to heal every time with the healing skill and cure. Maybe someone can chime in and let us know how much of a bonus it adds etc.

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