PvM Looting & Turning Criminal

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Cynic, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    The only thing I don't like about the "trammel" looting rights, is that when I am out PvM'ing I have to babysit every corpse I loot so I don't accidentally take something and flag grey. Also, any dexer can just run up and steal my kill, get looting rights, I didn't care for this system much when "looting rights" were "points" and it was the halloween event.

    If it's really a matter of "griefing" then I would just come on a PvP'er and do just enough damage to loot, or just loot in hopes you attack me so I can freely murder you. If you somehow manage to kill the griefer, who is to say they are just going to give up? No they have 15 more characters they can bring to grief you with. Adding the trammel looting rights doesn't really solve anything, it just over complicates things to me.

    If looting a corpse is criminal, then certainly taking an item that someone is dragging is criminal too. Let's say a miner is dragging a bunch of ore over to the forge. Maybe every time he sets it down, it should say "124 iron ore, owned by Miney McIngotboots". Then, if someone else lifts it, they too should flag criminal.
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    In a scenario where someone comes over and does enough damage for looting rights, they're stepping on your toes but not really criminal. If you want to beef over it, throw down. Otherwise move on or share the loot. That's a beautiful result in my eyes. If you clown on them and they come back with PKs, so be it, it's more action and they are taking criminal counts for it.
    Also, that's kind of the fun of it too is that if you think you're tough you can go instigate a fight with someone and dirt them as a result if they suck. Another pretty acceptable result in my eyes. If someone sees you come up and flag on their kill, they can also just opt to leave knowing you've come to start trouble. It's all really gravy as far as I'm seeing it, while also giving that opportunity to appropriately exact justice where it has value.
  3. Ciet

    Ciet Active Member
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    Feb 22, 2013
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    Again apples and oranges. Dragging is not the same as looting a corpse that you have done no work in killing. Dragging is because you were too lazy to get a pack animal or run to smelt your ore and has nothing to do with running up to an azure dragon after someone kills it and looting the gold.
  4. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    No it's exactly the same thing, except in one instance the items are in a container.

    I don't care either way, I will still loot you, go grey, and you won't kill me. But now looting monsters is going to cause accidental criminal flags for people. Which I think is a hassle.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Your ore is in your pack when you mine it, unless you're using a third party app (Razor) to force it to drop to the ground. In which case, if your ore is on the ground, that is the level of security and control you wish to have on it. If someone wanted to take it from your person or your pack horse, they would have to flag to do so. As such the same can be applied to corpses just like that and treasure map chests.

    You don't need to turn the discussion into 'I'll just kill you because I'm good and you're bad, get good nerd' convo to try and win favor. The entire premise is that if you want to take loot without earning it, flag. If you're so damn good, you have nothing at all to fear here so just let it go, right?

    No one's going to 'accidentally' flag any more than they already do with player corpses popping from Razor auto-open corpse and 'accidentally' moving something in the corpse. Want to touch things or take them, do work or get flagged. Nice and simple like.

    Not sure why everyone wants to make such a big deal over flagging criminal actions as criminal.
  6. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    I didn't mean it like that. I meant that you are still going to get looted as described in the initial posting here, and it won't do much good to have looting rights. I've played on servers with both systems well enough to know that I prefer the trammel looting rights myself. It's just a pretty drastic thing to change that would cause a lot of confusion when looting in this nature is not particularly problematic right now. To clarify, I am for this, sure, please add it. But knee-jerk changes like this are what annoy people, especially when they cause a larger inconvenience than the problem they propose to solve.
  7. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    But in this case I can legally attack you and not risk a count. There is a risk I can get wtfpwned in doing so but if I succeed I don't receive the penalty of a murder count.

    I can understand that a change like this can cause some confusion, probably more so with newer players. But Blaise is correct, it's nothing different than when you loot a blue's corpse when Razor automagically pops up the corpse.

    There really shouldn't be much confusion here, if the corpse name is blue then you shall not loo-t.
  8. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    I was on the side of the proposed change originally, but you hit a nerve with me on this post and have convinced me. We basically had this system in place at the outdoor Halloween events, In regards to trophies & holiday coins - and I had a bitch of a time at those. I would break up a pack of undead, tank them with my dragons, land some discos/provos, and a swarm of dexxers would come out of the woodwork with their silver weapons and gank all the coins.

    Between this and the flagging issues that would likely happen at events, I feel like this change would introduce just as many griefing issues as it would fix.

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