i have been PVM as long as i can remember i am currently making a PVP char was going with the standerd temp.. as under forum for PVPers however threw my journeys i have talk with PVPers and told me a mace/mage would be good template.and maybe if possible some help with that stat thinking 75 across what do u think..any info helps, also what skills would i sub?would i need tactics?
stun mages with healing for 1v1 anatomy healing resist mage med evalint wrestling with balanced stats. I like 90/45/90 but I also run 90/35/100 on my field mages carry all pots with you and stay buffed and always have a bandage ticking.. once you can get the timer down and have the situational awareness the bandage heals become essential
I do not think macer tank mages are as strong as fencing mages because para blow is very strong and the stamina penalty with most fencing macing weps doesn't really affect people who can chug refresh pots all day every day. Furthermore, there are only a couple weps macers actually use and only one weapon which has the macing special attack (crushing blow - 10% dmg bonus). A typical macer tank mage is: GM Macing Tactics Anatomy Magery Meditation Evaluating Intelligence Resist Spells Stats: For dueling: 90/45/90 For field: 86/44/95 For Fencing: GM Fencing Tactics Anatomy Magery Meditation Evaluating Intelligence Resist Spells You can do a lot of different stat builds depending on how your playstyle is. If you're planning on doing more of your damage with weapons, then you would want more dex and less int. I would keep your str around 90 though. So alternative stat builds would be something like 90/65/75. Once you have used the build for a while, you will get a feel for what stat build is best for you.
Scribe is super popular here too, both for melee and mage builds. I prefer it to healing mage myself just because most fights are outnumbered here and it lets you take a dump from 3 people and live. 1v1 if the person doesn't have mana wands it takes almost half their mana to burn off your reflect. It's really good on dexxers as well because most people just start dumping and if you reflect explo/ebolt back on them they're at half life, they're forced to defense trying to heal, and you can whack them with melee and start throwing explo pots to finish them off/disrupt them. If you do go melee as your main damage you want tactics. I play stun scribe + explo pots and just made a tamer scribe lol. Both are very fun.
Templates are variable as all get out but this could be helpful in other ways: http://uorforum.com/threads/the-newbie-refresher-guide-to-pvp.2666/